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5 old pictures of Palestine that Hillary Clinton needs to see

We Pakistani MUSLIMS never kept international ties with Israel because of our Palestinian brothers, but apparently Arab 'brothers' like the Egyptians and Saudis are closer to Palestinians like falcon. The type of brothers that would bury Palestinian people in tunnels, and have relations with Israel.

Truly, it is the racism and bigotry that ruins the Ummah. Good luck with your Arab 'brothers' falcon. May they be humble and treat you with respect like the Jordanians did. Ethnic and tribal superiority is like a cancer.

This thread made me fucking sick.

I'm 99.9% sure you're trolling. :D

You know what I was implying, that no longer can we divide the region along religious lines, as it is causing serious internal strife in the Arab world, it's better to create bonds by exploiting what they have in common to bring them together. Otherwise there will remain the large Shia-Sunni strife, but also the Sunni Islamist-Sunni secular strife. And frankly religion is causing more problems than solutions at this point, we can no longer deny it, I used to deny it the most.

Not religious my ***. . They are bound together because of religious reasons that is the only important thing and a Hillary Clinton will never give a shit on palestine it's like george Bush becoming a muslim it's not gonna happen..

Well Europe must be different, as I don't get that impression here in the states at all. Maybe I'm younger than you, I don't know, but my generation doesn't value religion in any sense nor have any religious belonging. Europe must be different due to the past Christian-Muslim wars, and they might still feel their identity is at threat. Does not make them religious, they just have strong attachment to their identity/culture which some may attribute with Christianity, as long as Muslims remain somewhat religious. If Muslims became secular, I don't believe this world will continue to have fear of 'other' or any paranoia/suspicion on this scale.
5 old pictures of Palestine that Hillary Clinton needs to see
MAY 11TH, 2016 9:44AM


United States presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has made no secret of her love for Israel, jumping on every opportunity to pledge her support in all circumstances.

But the Democratic front-runner has now trotted out a tired old trope: “The Jewish state is a modern day miracle—a vibrant bloom in the middle of a desert—and we must nurture and protect it.”

Clinton said that line in a letter to David and Susie Stern, according to Mondoweiss. The letter was yet another pledge from Clinton to oppose the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) Movement – or any other effort to hold Israel accountable for its decades long occupation of Palestinian lands.

While Clinton might be under the impression that the Zionists arrived in a deserted Palestine and “made it bloom,” that is the result of decades of Israeli propaganda designed to minimize Palestinian claims to the land.

Here’s 5 images from the United States Library of Congress, so that Clinton can see that Palestine was no desert wilderness before the formation of the state of Israel:


Source: LOC

Native of Palestine working with an ox and an ***, Holy Land, circa 1890-1900.


Source: LOC

Nebi-Samuel, circa 1890.


Source: LOC

Panoramic view, Tiberias, circa 1890-1900.


Source: LOC

General view of the well of David, Bethlehem, 1890-1900.


Source: LOC

Hebron, 1890-1900.

Unfortunately, this is how it’s become:

Source: Flickr

Separation barrier in West Bank, near Khirbet el-Maqatir.

...Return to sender's... It should be addressed to Salman!​
Also I doubt that life expectancy was merely 25 years in Palestine 130 years ago but even if we assume that (highly doubtful)
It was 23 actually:


its also completely natural for life expectancies in the past 130 years to have risen rapidly. You can see this development all across the world.
Under Israeli rule Palestinian life expectancy grew much much faster. See the link.
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