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5 militants, Indian army officer killed in Kashmir clash

Just build a God-damn 20 foot wall over your border to stop this terrorist infiltration, India.

Hey Mr. "God damn", Pakistan will bomb the sh.t out of that wall, you understand? You will only be wasting bricks and concrete. This isn't Israel and West Bank. Those militants who died are freedom fighters not "terrorist" the terrorist are the illegal occupiers whom the Kashmiri people are collectively fighting against.

You clearly have little knowledge about this issue, so I suggest you first educate yourself about the imbroglio then step into the debate.
Freedom fighters trained to get freedom just got freedom... FreeDumB ...dumB.. dump...
RIP Five brave freedom fighters

No Wonder about the current situation with this kind of mentality...Btw...

R.I.P to brave 15 year old boy who blew him self in mosque yesterday in pakistan and all other brave freedom fighters there.:agree:
Hey Mr. "God damn", Pakistan will bomb the sh.t out of that wall, you understand? You will only be wasting bricks and concrete. This isn't Israel and West Bank. Those militants who died are freedom fighters not "terrorist" the terrorist are the illegal occupiers whom the Kashmiri people are collectively fighting against.

You clearly have little knowledge about this issue, so I suggest you first educate yourself about the imbroglio then step into the debate.

no need to make wall,terrorist shud be eliminated..let them come
I hope Bangladesh comes in full support of this and provide same training/equipment as they provide to BDR.:confused:

If we could may be . but our moral support to all freedom hungry people from Kashmir to Palestine as our self got independent by a bloody war of independents .
Hey Mr. "God damn", Pakistan will bomb the sh.t out of that wall, you understand? You will only be wasting bricks and concrete. This isn't Israel and West Bank. Those militants who died are freedom fighters not "terrorist" the terrorist are the illegal occupiers whom the Kashmiri people are collectively fighting against.

You clearly have little knowledge about this issue, so I suggest you first educate yourself about the imbroglio then step into the debate.

Pakistan cant do jack **** about anything...American's came into your territory , near prestigious PMA and send bind laden packing to meet the 72 femme fatales whiles Pakistani's were day dreaming..Keep this rhetoric to boost your self inflated ego to yourself..you guys are only capable of educating people with a mullah mindset...thats it..Hope it gets better for guys...

Meanwhile wall or no wall IA will be waiting ....you guys can send as many wasted souls as you want...I just pray innocent Kashmiri's shouldnt fall into your trap....
Hey Mr. "God damn", Pakistan will bomb the sh.t out of that wall, you understand? You will only be wasting bricks and concrete. This isn't Israel and West Bank. Those militants who died are freedom fighters not "terrorist" the terrorist are the illegal occupiers whom the Kashmiri people are collectively fighting against.

You clearly have little knowledge about this issue, so I suggest you first educate yourself about the imbroglio then step into the debate.
ahh another terrorist sympathiser ....
its a shame that you live in US .....

ps.somebody should report this guy to FBI .....
If we could may be . but our moral support to all freedom hungry people from Kashmir to Palestine as our self got independent by a bloody war of independents .

I just dont understand this ...you all are so big hypocirtes...just because these people are muslims you guys support....else there are many more conflicts which are worse than this that you guys should be thinking about...wiping of christians by Muslim Janjaweed, rings a bell ?? Freemdom fighters bullshit.....every country has their own Agenda and interests...it might be in better interest for Bangladesh to keep its interests in mind and work for the betterment of the country instead of poking noses in everyones business...Pakistan is suffering due to this attitude, learn form mistakes !
If we could may be . but our moral support to all freedom hungry people from Kashmir to Palestine as our self got independent by a bloody war of independents .

I really feel sorry from my heart that you can't:confused:

@Second bolded part..!

I hope your Gov. have the same guts to say the same lines.





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Pakistan cant do jack **** about anything...American's came into your territory , near prestigious PMA and send bind laden packing to meet the 72 femme fatales whiles Pakistani's were day dreaming..Keep this rhetoric to boost your self inflated ego to yourself..you guys are only capable of educating people with a mullah mindset...thats it..Hope it gets better for guys...

Meanwhile wall or no wall IA will be waiting ....you guys can send as many wasted souls as you want...I just pray innocent Kashmiri's shouldnt fall into your trap....

Ignorant Hind read this

"It's a no-fly zone," said a Pakistani intelligence official, referring to the area around bin Laden's mansion and the nearby military compound. "It is impossible for US helicopters to fly over there without our knowledge and permission."

Pakistan army knew of bin Laden operation | News.com.au

Don't worry same accommodations will not be made for you.

Pakistan Army was aware of operation and sealed the place down.
(Reuters) - Indian soldiers shot dead Saturday 12 separatist militants trying to cross from Pakistan into the disputed region of Kashmir, where popular protests against Indian rule have mounted.

Allahu Akbar
ahh another terrorist sympathiser ....
its a shame that you live in US .....

ps.somebody should report this guy to FBI .....

You can be charged for defamation and sentenced to jail. You want that?

Hind Army is a terrorist element in Kashmir.

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