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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters


It doesn't work like that. There are multiple issues with such a proposal.

As part of Union of India, Pakistan does not possess the strength to even take 10 square kms of Kashmir. Why then would India need to give the duties of external defense to any third party? As a far stronger country and military, by giving away defense of Kashmir to a third party, India is losing its advantage.

Secondly, once the election commission refreshes the legislative seats in J&K, India will be hold elections for the people of J&K to run their state like every other state of India does. Why then do we need people of Pakistan to be involved in decisions for J&K.

Lastly and most importantly, any treaties with Pakistan are not worth the paper they are written on. Pakistan does not honour any treaties and will no longer be trusted.

I am glad that India has started coming out of the old ways of thinking where leaders thought Pakistan could be trusted. Pakistan must be treated the way it acts, not how we want it to act.

You can't declare J&K a truly autonomous region without India and Pakistan reducing their forces to a bare minimum or completely, which brings us back to the same issue that prevented a plebiscite per the UNSC Resolutions - an agreement between India & Pakistan on demilitarization. India wants Pakistan to unilaterally withdraw all her forces while India retains all her forces - that is a completely ludicrous demand and will never work. And if both countries do agree on a bilateral withdrawal, why not just proceed with implementing the UNSC Resolutions at that point and allow the UN to hold a plebiscite?

Granted there is a trust deficit, let's work under the likely scenario that 75% of the population in both India and Pakistan are complete gullible fucktards. The remaining 25% highly educated freethinkers need to fight to lay the groundwork for reconciliation. Fight to ban voting for people without a college education. Mandate IQ and more importantly EQ tests for entering politics. Keep an honest open line of communication rather than rely on obfuscation for tactical/political gain.

Otherwise at some point, you are going to go from Siamese twins to Siamese fighting fish and annihilate each other.

And trust me, I do not want to lose the best sources of chapli kebab or chettinad chicken that the world has to politico-religious terrorists. Sometimes the best step is the most incredulous one.

Despite some of the other posters mocking my earlier opinion on phased reconciliation and solution to the Kashmiri problem despite the fact that what happens between the two of you doesn't affect me, my partner or my kids in the least except for inherited property in Kerala, I believe that South Asia doesnt just have the potential, it has the onus upon it to become a economic/military/diplomatic powerhouse (India although has to aggressively get its population under control and stop producing like the natives here in the West (then again I am probably not the best one to speak on population control considering I have 2 kids and in the process of adopting a third))
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