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5,000 Chinese factory workers strike over Indian takeover of American firm

Not to start an argument, but I'm a little confused by your choice of links in rebutting the idea that the English still run the compan. From the article in the first link:

This is what I have written in post No 11 & I maintain it

its the Indian money & direction that has turned it around.

It would have been wrong business sense to remove those at the helm.
Indians are not good at business. Just look at what a failure their country is turning out to be. The Indian rupee is in total collapse. Unfortunately this firm will be destroyed by the Indians with their poor management and outrageous jingoism.


Never trust Indians, I've done business with them and they never do anything on time and are the biggest liars you will ever come across. I'd much rather do business with whites and other Asians. We think corruption in China is bad, but in India it's 100 times worse and they don't even care. They just accept corruption as part of Indian culture.
Never trust Indians, I've done business with them and they never do anything on time and are the biggest liars you will ever come across. I'd much rather do business with whites and other Asians. We think corruption in China is bad, but in India it's 100 times worse and they don't even care. They just accept corruption as part of Indian culture.

What a coincidence !

This is exactly how Indians feel of Chinese too !
Apollo tyres is a good managed company.

They have two factories in Trade Union polluted Communist strong hold Kerala-India and doing fine there.

That is not the main concern. Because this is in China, totally different business bureaucracy, market strategy and welfare level. It's about the worker's claim.

I rarely heard India‘s business strategy in China, so did the workers. They doubt if the India ownership will give up this factory because Indian company are not familiar with China's business environment.
Never trust Indians, I've done business with them and they never do anything on time and are the biggest liars you will ever come across. I'd much rather do business with whites and other Asians. We think corruption in China is bad, but in India it's 100 times worse and they don't even care. They just accept corruption as part of Indian culture.

I have some experience of working with the chinese too.Believe me,they were not too good either.
That is not the main concern. Because this is in China, totally different business bureaucracy, market strategy and welfare level. It's about the worker's claim.

I rarely heard India‘s business strategy in China, so did the workers. They doubt if the India ownership will give up this factory because Indian company are not familiar with China's business environment.

Indian companies who buy out foreign firms/ factories do not try to run it in Indian way e.g Land rover etc.

I do not understand that the current company is selling it coz they are getting good money or can't sustain, so how come workers think that they give this factory?

In fact, all Indian companies knew Chinese business style very well, in fact in worldwide level.
Indian companies who buy out foreign firms/ factories do not try to run it in Indian way e.g Land rover etc.

I do not understand that the current company is selling it coz they are getting good money or can't sustain, so how come workers think that they give this factory?

In fact, all Indian companies knew Chinese business style very well, in fact in worldwide level.

As for Land Rover, yes, you cannot run it by Indian way, because from the vehicle design, engine, components manufacturing to maintainance, it is all done by British side, why? Really no offense, but it is technology level that decide that you cannot run it by your way, not corporate governance. You must know that Volvo was bought by Geely Automobile, China. Since the M&A, Volvo still insisted its own style to develop cars rather by Chinese designations, and this is part of acquisition agreement and Geely's compromise. Both we face the same problem.

Well, as far as I know, China has less economic connections with India than with western or ASEAN, though I heard some India business men settled down in Southwest China. But the trade balance between China and India is very low, even much less than Taiwan with such a small population.
Indians know ho to handle the workers!! we have strikes in India almost everyday!! the union leader is paid off big tym and the strike is over!!
It was a sarcasm.
I know more than you think been many time china and have many Chinese colleagues .
I admire china and Chinese people but never forget that we have democracy (may be flawed one) and everyone has voice unlike yours.

shows how little guys like you know about China。

they are certainly more trustworthy than brownies like you。:azn:
Isn't this age old news? The reason for the strike is severance package if they are fired. Don't know what the heck you guys are arguing about.
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