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42nd Victory Day observed

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Flowers in hand, they call for justice

Flowers in hand, they call for justice | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Sun, Dec 16th, 2012 9:08 pm BdST


Savar, Dec 16 (bdnews24.com)—Freedom fighters descended in their thousands on the National Memorial to pay homage to the 1971 Liberation War martyrs on the Victory Day on Sunday and said they wanted the war crimes trial finished before the Independence Day on Mar 26.

They think BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia should toss out Jamaat-e-Islami, which had opposed the independence from Pakistan, from the opposition alliance for the sake of Bangladesh.

Harunur Rashid is a war veteran who fought the Pakistanis in Sector-6. He told bdnews24.com at the Memorial: "The nation had long been waiting for the war crimes trial. Even though it is already late, the government has taken measures to this end. I hope the trial will end before the Independence Day."

"Otherwise," he added, "The soul of the martyrs will remain in pain."

The 65-year-old freedom fighter also expressed concern over possible obstacles to the trial being completed in case of changes in power.

Sector-2 freedom fighter Abdur Rashid was disappointed with the two International Crimes Tribunals failing to deliver any verdict.

"We want the killers to be tried before the Independence Day on the 26th of March."

Any sort of uncertainty in the war crimes trial may invite a horrible consequence for the people, along with the freedom fighters, he feared.

"I was a soldier. I think BNP, the party formed by Ziaur Rahman, should forsake Jamaat," he said.

Sector-9 freedom fighter Mohammad Shah Alam agreed with Harunur Rashid and Abdur Rashid.

Around three million Bangladeshis had been killed by the Pakistani forces in the nine-month war for freedom. Their local collaborators were not far behind them in the killings, torturing, raping and looting.

The International Crimes Tribunals, formed after the Awami League had taken charge, are trying nine top Jamaat leaders and two of the BNP for their alleged involvement in crimes against humanity. Some cases are at the finishing stages.



Indian army corps celebrates Bangla V-Day


Sun, Dec 16th, 2012 6:32 pm BdST

Calcutta, Dec 15 (bdnews24.com)–India's Fourth Army Corps based in Assam's Tezpur cantonment on Sunday observed the Victory Day to recall its operations that led to the defeat of the Pakistan army and the creation of Bangladesh.

A solemn ceremony was organised in the headquarters of the 4th Corps, popularly known as Gajraj Corps, to pay homage to the soldiers who fought for the liberation of Bangladesh from Pakistani occupation.

"Like each year, we remember this day as a red-letter day in the history of our formation. Because it was the thrust provided by units under the Gajraj Corps that led to the capitulation of the Pakistani forces and the liberation of Bangladesh. We not only recall the memories of our fallen soldiers but also the thousands of Bangladeshi freedom fighters who fought shoulder to shoulder with our forces," said Major General D K Purohit, chief of staff of the Gajraj Corps in a press release.

Maj-Gen Purohit and other senior officials laid wreaths at the War Memorial in the Tezpur cantonment.

For the 4th Corps, December 1971 was its finest war. This is the formation that guards India's eastern borders with China , at whose hands it had suffered a humiliating defeat in 1962. 1971 changed that and the 4th Corps could redeem its lost glory through a determined thrust across eastern Bangladesh that carried its formation to the vicinity of Dhaka at great speed.

Congratulations to Bangladesh on anniversary of hard won freedom..................

All the Best to Bangladeshi people.............
I am from Sylhet and I confirmed that no one in my family(tribe) were effected by 71. No one. Not even loss of limb.

So, I have been hearing genocide took placed and thousands of women were raped. So those who believe in the claim, feel strong about it, can you come forward and share with us that how many of your family members killed/raped during 71 conflicts because if the death and rape figure is true(as per Awami maloon and it's dog squad) then some one must have been killed and raped from your family members(tribe). Be honest and come forward otherwise shut the F up.
Congratulations to Bangladeshi brethren on the eve of bijoy diwas


Going by what india does today against Bangladesh and Bangladeshis, it looks like indians are celebrating rape and killing during 1971 than Bangladesh independence itself. And we have indian dalals who are still acting on indian behalf.
I am from Sylhet and I confirmed that no one in my family(tribe) were effected by 71. No one. Not even loss of limb.

So, I have been hearing genocide took placed and thousands of women were raped. So those who believe in the claim, feel strong about it, can you come forward and share with us that how many of your family members killed/raped during 71 conflicts because if the death and rape figure is true(as per Awami maloon and it's dog squad) then some one must have been killed and raped from your family members(tribe). Be honest and come forward otherwise shut the F up.
My grandfather's elder brother was killed by the razakars ( his only son was a mukti joddha,after liberation he took his revenge nd shot dead from point blank those two SOB s ).He was from piljung in khulna district.... maybe your family or tribe was not touched in sylhet that doesn't mean the entire sylhet was a peaceful area
My grandfather's elder brother was killed by the razakars ( his only son was a mukti joddha,after liberation he took his revenge nd shot dead from point blank those two SOB s ).He was from piljung in khulna district.... maybe your family or tribe was not touched in sylhet that doesn't mean the entire sylhet was a peaceful area

Whomever worked against independence that time was managed and operated by Pakistani govt and military. And in 1972 india signed Simla accord with Pakistan to exonerated people who were running and operating against independence. So you need to go back to indian govt with your grivence NOT here and NOT now when your india settelled the issue.
Whomever worked against independence that time was managed and operated by Pakistani govt and military. And in 1972 india signed Simla accord with Pakistan to exonerated people who were running and operating against independence. So you need to go back to indian govt with your grivence NOT here and NOT now when your india settelled the issue.

I'm not addressing my grievance here,nor i want answer about anything..as AL-Zakir said has any body's any family member was lost in the war..i was replying you the fact.... the fact cannot be hidden no matter how much u spread propaganda against it.So, according to you the rape and muders were in not so high numbers as the "RAWAMY" tells us..kindly tell us the exact figure with concrete proof.If you caanot,then you have got no right to open your big mouth
Sad day for razakars, dhobi ka kut_ta na ghar ka na ghaat ka :D
So, according to you the rape and muders were in not so high numbers as the "RAWAMY" tells us..kindly tell us the exact figure with concrete proof.

Exact answer is unknown number of rape happened and so did unknown number had been killed and sacrificed their life. Unlike you indians and Awami thugs, people are not in dispicable business of using number of death and rape victim.
My grandfather's elder brother was killed by the razakars ( his only son was a mukti joddha,after liberation he took his revenge nd shot dead from point blank those two SOB s ).He was from piljung in khulna district.... maybe your family or tribe was not touched in sylhet that doesn't mean the entire sylhet was a peaceful area

Hindu killed in point blank. :lol: Nice story but fact of the matter is Hindu fled to Bharat to save their skin from the wrath of Pak army and Islamist. :disagree:
The day muslims turned on each other and turned a leaf :lol: .. yindoo baniyas must also celebrate this eventful day !! :woot:
Exact answer is unknown number of rape happened and so did unknown number had been killed and sacrificed their life. Unlike you indians and Awami thugs, people are not in dispicable business of using number of death and rape victim.
So, according to you, how many people do you think may have been killed? Offcourse, no way to be certain, but if you had to estimate, how many would you think have been killed?
So, according to you, how many people do you think may have been killed? Offcourse, no way to be certain, but if you had to estimate, how many would you think have been killed?

You must have problem comprehending, read my posts.
Answer is unknown number of rape happened and so did unknown number had been killed and sacrificed their life.As I said, like indians and Awami thugs, I am not in dispicable business of using ficticious number of death and rape victim.
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