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4 Minerva Class corvettes to join Bangladesh Coast Guard

Yup thats why they came to India to blow Rajiv Gandhi's head off to follow up on India's peacekeeping mission.

There wasn't any peace to begin with. The operation turned into a full blown fight against LTTE. which
India lost. the IPKF was far more brutal to the Lankan Tamils than the Sri Lankan military ever was.

After all that, LTTE to add insult to India's injury blew Rajive's head off in India.

The same LTTE that defeated India was crushed by Sri Lanka.

Assuming that you failed to understand what I wrote earlier, I repeat; Indian mission in Sri Lanka was a peace keeping mission, not a war against LTTE that they were supposed to fight and win. The mission was withdrawn when our forces and LTTE got involved into fighting, as that was not the objective of the peace keeping mission. Let me know if you still fail to understand this, I will be happy to help you.

Btw, Rajiv Gandhi's assasination was a terrorist attack, not that LTTE invaded India by defeating its military, it was not a proof of LTTE's superior military capabilities.

again , who is talking about Navy getting it ? :mad:

Congratulations to Bangladesh Navy!! :D
Why not, it was just a matter of time. West Pakistan was not USA.

There were 80000 Indian Military personnel in Jaffna and the surrounding area at its peak point.

LTTE kicked out the mighty Indian Army out of Srilanka.
Lol,it seems that History isn't your strong point afterall:azn:.THE IPKF's first and foremost priority was to displace the LTTE from it's strongpoint which was Jaffna.Hence despite taking heavy casualties our forces managed to kick their a$$es and reclaimed the entire Jaffna peninsula from them and in the process killed more than 8,000 LTTE militants.Our obective was never to occupy the northern portion of Lanka.We were only there to oversee the systematic disarming of the Tamil insurgent groups in accordance with the Peace Treaty but somehow we were dragged into this ugly conflict against our wishes.Still our soldiers did a commendable job by nearly breaking the backbone of the LTTE organization and capturing many frontline leaders.Heck,even the LTTE supremo Prabhakaran was nearly apprehended by our forces.If only we were there for 2 more years the LTTE would have been history and this conflict could have ended decades earlier but the situation in Delhi changed suddenly as Mr.Rajeev Gandhi lost the election of 1989 and the new Coalition Govt. headed by that worthless V.P.Singh decided to evacuate our forces from Lanka against the wishes of the Defense establishment.
Just to clear the fact that our Forces killed more than 8,000 hardcore LTTE militants while loosing only 1100 of our own despite fighting in a hostile territory hundreds of Kilometers from our country's border:coffee:!!
Why RSS recruits only upper caste Hindus?
RSS is against casteism of all forms! They want it gone!

Seeing RSS activities, everyday my respect for Jamaat e islami increases :pakistan:
Good for you.
Trying to equate RSS with a terrorist organization that has participated in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis and fuels global terrorism.

And you admire JeI. Good for you Jamaati :tup:

Well I had great regards for IITs but after learning that they have started to enroll primitive nutjobs who believe on nuclear bombs, planes being invented in ancient India, I need to reassess my views on IITs.
By all means, do reassess your views on IIT or IIM or any other institution. You should have done this long back.

It still wont stop the engineers graduating from IIT's from building a better India and contributing to the world in scientific output.

I don't think India had any idea the type of opponent the LTTE were and cant recall the indian army having experience dealing with guerrilla warfare of that scale prior to IPKF dispatch. The indian army was totally unprepared, and initially the rules of engagement meant they were sitting ducks (not allowed to attack the LTTE, only fire if fired on first).
It was a disaster all around. IA had no experience with guerrilla warfare of that scale. Heck they did not have correct maps of the areas they were operating in. They were stopped from engaging anybody initially. Extremely bad intelligence setup which was more often than not compromised.

GoI thought just the presence of IA will stop everyone from attacking IPKF. They were wrong.

That said, we learnt the lessons and have come a very long way since then.
Why RSS recruits only upper caste Hindus?
And i suppose you have heard this "vital" information from some little birdie;)!Come on mate,at least first try to learn about an organization as big and as complex as the RSS before making some absurd comments in an international forum.RSS was perhaps the first Dharmic organization which followed the principle of equality among the common Dharmic followers from the day of it's formation in 1925.RSS has always spread awareness among the general populace about the evils of casteism.All members are considered equal in that organization and you can only rise through it's ranks by sheer hard work and dedication.
RSS runs thousands of schools,colleges,primary health clinics,maternity centres all over this country and the funniest thing is that it has never forced anyone to contribute money or material against his/her wishes!!It is truly a patriotic and nationalistic organization with an official membership of over 5 millions:coffee:.

If I say more, it will certainly stress that RSS brain of yours !!!

The worst part is these LTTE men were trained by the Indians. They knew the methods of these guys. Yet they still got their collective rears handed to them

Yup thats why they came to India to blow Rajiv Gandhi's head off to follow up on India's peacekeeping mission.

There wasn't any peace to begin with. The operation turned into a full blown fight against LTTE. which
India lost. the IPKF was far more brutal to the Lankan Tamils than the Sri Lankan military ever was.

After all that, LTTE to add insult to India's injury blew Rajive's head off in India.

The same LTTE that defeated India was crushed by Sri Lanka.
I told you before that History isn't your strongest point.Mate i simply don't want to insult you,so i am giving you a free advice-please don't make a fool out of yourself in an international forum.Perhaps you should take the help of GOOGLE to do some research before making such foolish and ignorant comment.Capisce!!
And i suppose you have heard this "vital" information from some little birdie;)!Come on mate,at least first try to learn about an organization as big and as complex as the RSS before making some absurd comments in an international forum.RSS was perhaps the first Dharmic organization which followed the principle of equality among the common Dharmic followers from the day of it's formation in 1925.RSS has always spread awareness among the general populace about the evils of casteism.All members are considered equal in that organization and you can only rise through it's ranks by sheer hard work and dedication.
RSS runs thousands of schools,colleges,primary health clinics,maternity centres all over this country and the funniest thing is that it has never forced anyone to contribute money or material against his/her wishes!!It is truly a patriotic and nationalistic organization with an official membership of over 5 millions:coffee:.

I told you before that History isn't your strongest point.Mate i simply don't want to insult you,so i am giving you a free advice-please don't make a fool out of yourself in an international forum.Perhaps you should take the help of GOOGLE to do some research before making such foolish and ignorant comment.Capisce!!
Mike - you are wasting your time and energy on teaching them on RSS history and social activities, there are some Pakistani member who compare RSS to LET, Taliban, al queda and TTK. These are the most ignorant bunch of people who will neither listen to any proof provided by you or any other people. They have been so much mentally corrupted by their own country mullah and politician that they have lost all the sense of reasoning.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Mike - you are wasting your time and energy on teaching them on RSS history and social activities, there are some Pakistani member who compare RSS to LET, Taliban, al queda and TTK. These are the most ignorant bunch of people who will neither listen to any proof provided by you or any other people. They have been so much mentally corrupted by their own country mullah and politician that they have lost all the sense of reasoning.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Mate don't worry about me,i am well aware of their nature and way of thinking(being a Bengali myself;)).But the truth is that we can't blame them for this ignorance as it is the Indian political parties like Congress,CPI(M) etc who are responsible for demonizing an organization like the R.S.S. for some petty vote bank politics:tsk:.
nd i suppose you have heard this "vital" information from some little birdie;)!Come on mate,at least first try to learn about an organization as big and as complex as the RSS before making some absurd comments in an international forum.RSS was perhaps the first Dharmic organization which followed the principle of equality among the common Dharmic followers from the day of it's formation in 1925.RSS has always spread awareness among the general populace about the evils of casteism.All members are considered equal in that organization and you can only rise through it's ranks by sheer hard work and dedication.
RSS runs thousands of schools,colleges,primary health clinics,maternity centres all over this country and the funniest thing is that it has never forced anyone to contribute money or material against his/her wishes!!It is truly a patriotic and nationalistic organization with an official membership of over 5 millions:coffee:.

LOL :laugh: I was referring this article
Strength: The RSS is only open to male, primarily upper caste, membership.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

RSS is against casteism of all forms! They want it gone!
Idiot burmese thought that they could win a arms race with Bangladesh.

:D Myanmar , a country self-sufficient in military, just built own stealth ships.. not for arm race with BD.. why so serious..? LOL if u BD are so scare of MM navy and buy these 4., nothing impact on MM.. we are just going on.. :D
:D Myanmar , a country self-sufficient in military, just built own stealth ships.. not for arm race with BD.. why so serious..? LOL if u BD are so scare of MM navy and buy these 4., nothing impact on MM.. we are just going on.. :D
i agree, no point of arms race :D
no one afraid of anyone :enjoy:
:D Myanmar , a country self-sufficient in military, just built own stealth ships.. not for arm race with BD.. why so serious..? LOL if u BD are so scare of MM navy and buy these 4., nothing impact on MM.. we are just going on.. :D

Ya good luck on that.
is there are no moderatore or admin ???? in this thread we suppose to discuss about our coastguard but here every one talking about rss,mullah, jamat & some offtopic shitload.
And i suppose you have heard this "vital" information from some little birdie;)!Come on mate,at least first try to learn about an organization as big and as complex as the RSS before making some absurd comments in an international forum.RSS was perhaps the first Dharmic organization which followed the principle of equality among the common Dharmic followers from the day of it's formation in 1925.RSS has always spread awareness among the general populace about the evils of casteism.All members are considered equal in that organization and you can only rise through it's ranks by sheer hard work and dedication.
RSS runs thousands of schools,colleges,primary health clinics,maternity centres all over this country and the funniest thing is that it has never forced anyone to contribute money or material against his/her wishes!!It is truly a patriotic and nationalistic organization with an official membership of over 5 millions:coffee:.

I told you before that History isn't your strongest point.Mate i simply don't want to insult you,so i am giving you a free advice-please don't make a fool out of yourself in an international forum.Perhaps you should take the help of GOOGLE to do some research before making such foolish and ignorant comment.Capisce!!

If you are referring to the ancient ancestors of Modi who performed interplanetary flights, reconstructive surgeries, and used nano technology, then yes I have no knowledge it.
Bunch of ragtag LTTE kicks the mighty Indian behind, amazingly now the Mao's are kicking the same behind the LTTE was going after.
You got a giant bullseye on your behind. Every Tom, Dick, and Hari is kicking it.
If you are referring to the ancient ancestors of Modi who performed interplanetary flights, reconstructive surgeries, and used nano technology, then yes I have no knowledge it.
Bunch of ragtag LTTE kicks the mighty Indian behind, amazingly now the Mao's are kicking the same behind the LTTE was going after.
You got a giant bullseye on your behind. Every Tom, Dick, and Hari is kicking it.
Like i said previously your knowledge in History is rather pathetic.Now i am beginning to wonder about your education as well perhaps it's the effect of studying in a Jamaati madrasa but then again i suppose you didn't have a choice given the present sad state of education in Bangladesh:lol:!Btw i would suggest you not to mess with the Burmese military or else they will paint a giant bullseye on the a$$ of every Jamaat foot soldier and then riddle it with a volley of bullets:azn:.
If you are referring to the ancient ancestors of Modi who performed interplanetary flights, reconstructive surgeries, and used nano technology, then yes I have no knowledge it.
Bunch of ragtag LTTE kicks the mighty Indian behind, amazingly now the Mao's are kicking the same behind the LTTE was going after.
You got a giant bullseye on your behind. Every Tom, Dick, and Hari is kicking it.

Like i said previously your knowledge in History is rather pathetic.Now i am beginning to wonder about your education as well perhaps it's the effect of studying in a Jamaati madrasa but then again i suppose you didn't have a choice given the present sad state of education in Bangladesh:lol:!Btw i would suggest you not to mess with the Burmese military or else they will paint a giant bullseye on the a$$ of every Jamaat foot soldier and then riddle it with a volley of bullets:azn:.

If BD had not worked as a buffer zone, WB would had been under Burmese feet by now... Now sleep well.

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