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Becoz everybody know these baluch or Takfiri groups are stationed in Pakistan and not in Iran!?
and from where did indian terrorist caught red handed? its Iran who sells Chabahar port to Indians for terrorists activities in Pakistan its again Irans, who the whole world considers threat for world peace its Iran, who is spreading terrorism in ME its Iran Shame on u!!!!.........If you want to fight lets fight its the loose of Iran not Pakistan as you are totally isolated not us.
I guess its time Pakistan should openly support Saudis at least they dont spread terrorism in Pakistan like Iran
This attack is suspected of being carried out by the same terrorists that attack Iran. You need to grow up a little. Our relationship with Saudi Arabia has no correlation to Iran, which we already have close ties with.

Also, please don't use Yankie logic, where they say Pakistani Intelligence services support the same groups beheading Pakistani soldiers. This attack and others are supported by third party nations and their backers who want to destabilize Pakistani-Iranian relationship.
Based on the information which our officials called definite, these terrorists are being funded and directed by Saudi Arabia and UAE, today's news was that Iran has provided the location of these terrorists to Pakistan army and they have launched an operation against them.

But the sheer fact is that these terrorists are acting based on their faith, whether their name be Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Tahrir Alsham, Daesh, Jundollah, Jangvei, or whatever else, that's how they create suicide bombers, so don't fool yourself. you can't say you have warm relations with wahhabis, but your officials or security forces are immune to their teachings and only regular people turn into takfiri bombers!

So according to the Iranian members who accused Pakistan directly and asked for action, Pakistan must have also told this suicide bomber "hey mate now the heat is on us can you your lot to attack our troops as well".

Pathetic and what many sensible members said that outsiders are financing and encouraging this group to cause chaos for both countries and attack its troops.
RIP to the brothers who passed on, your murderers will be slaughtered like cattle on a Friday market.
same answer for you.
and from where did indian terrorist caught red handed? its Iran who sells Chabahar port to Indians for terrorists activities in Pakistan its again Irans, who the whole world considers threat for world peace its Iran, who is spreading terrorism in ME its Iran Shame on u!!!!.........If you want to fight lets fight its the loose of Iran not Pakistan as you are totally isolated not us.
I guess its time Pakistan should openly support Saudis at least they dont spread terrorism in Pakistan like Iran
Look at facts and imagine you are not an emotional Pakistani here... and then think when Takfiri Baluchi terrorists that the whole world knows are supported by which parties are attacking people in Iran and escape to deep Pakistan.. not once..but tens of times..and they make videos on day light that they are stationed in Pakistan.. and when Iran asks Pakistan if you cant handle these terrorists then let Iran wipe them off in Pakistan, and they naturally reject...what would you think as a non Pakistani observer?

Why Pakistan with all its potential does nt take a firm and independent stance on at least its own national security issues? These all happens while Iran still considers Pakistan is the best nation and country to befriend and start an strategic alliance.. Actually, even people in Iran has a kind of positive inclination toward this idea... Pakistan with its huge population and some great potentials plus Iran could be a major force in every aspect (economical, military, tech and science, religion, culture, etc) in the whole world... but what Iran can do if other party does not respond?

Why Muslims are one of the the less fair people God created on this earth?
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Wikipedia is not a reliable source.
Seems like an Indian created that topic. Gujjars are not found in Afghanistan, and exclusively Punjabi in Pakistan.

What should I say... UP, Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra have BIG Gujjar population...
Based on the information which our officials called definite, these terrorists are being funded and directed by Saudi Arabia and UAE, today's news was that Iran has provided the location of these terrorists to Pakistan army and they have launched an operation against them.

But the sheer fact is that these terrorists are acting based on their faith, whether their name be Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Tahrir Alsham, Daesh, Jundollah, Jangvei, or whatever else, that's how they create suicide bombers, so don't fool yourself. you can't say you have warm relations with wahhabis, but your officials or security forces are immune to their teachings and only regular people turn into takfiri bombers!

same answer for you.

You've muddled a great deal of things here. I'm sure states work against Iran and that the funding of such groups is happening, but linking that to Pakistan's relations to various countries is wrong, as every other Muslim country has relations with the two countries and their officials don't turn into bombers or support them.
The same applies to Pakistan, or are you telling me now that Pakistani elements are supporting a group which is attacking its own troops which is the most nonsensical thing ever!

Look at facts and imagine you are not an emotional Pakistani here... and then think when Takfiri Baluchi terrorists that the whole world knows are supported by which parties are attacking people in Iran and escape to deep Pakistan.. not once..but tens of times..and they make videos on day light that they are stationed in Pakistan.. and when Iran asks Pakistan if you cant handle these terrorists then let Iran wipe them off in Pakistan, and the naturally reject...what would you think as a non Pakistani observer?

Why Pakistan with all its potential does nt take a firm and independent stance on at least its own national security issues? These all happens while Iran still considers Pakistan is the best nation and country to befriend and start an strategic alliance.. Actually, even people in Iran has a kind of positive inclination toward this idea... Pakistan with its huge population and some great potentials plus Iran could be a major force in every aspect (economical, military, tech and science, religion, culture, etc) in the whole world... but what Iran can do if other party does not respond?

Why Muslims are one of the the less fair people God created on this earth?

Pakistan is taking steps against them brother, but it has been a fault with Pakistan that the region has been allowed to slip into lawlessness and you have the emergence of such groups.
Joint operations and flooding the areas with troops is needed.
Look at facts and imagine you are not an emotional Pakistani here... and then think when Takfiri Baluchi terrorists that the whole world knows are supported by which parties are attacking people in Iran and escape to deep Pakistan.. not once..but tens of times..and they make videos on day light that they are stationed in Pakistan.. and when Iran asks Pakistan if you cant handle these terrorists then let Iran wipe them off in Pakistan, and they naturally reject...what would you think as a non Pakistani observer?

Why Pakistan with all its potential does nt take a firm and independent stance on at least its own national security issues? These all happens while Iran still considers Pakistan is the best nation and country to befriend and start an strategic alliance.. Actually, even people in Iran has a kind of positive inclination toward this idea... Pakistan with its huge population and some great potentials plus Iran could be a major force in every aspect (economical, military, tech and science, religion, culture, etc) in the whole world... but what Iran can do if other party does not respond?

Why Muslims are one of the the less fair people God created on this earth?

keep thinking whatever fairy tales you have we just know one thing that tafriki Balochs whoevery now n then killes Pakistanis and foreigners in Pakistani Baluchistan are hiding in Iran and Afghanistan with support of India and even get treatments in dehli hospitals.......the whole world know this as well.

lol and for that bold part Iran doesn't have any other option as Pakistan is the only country who is still friend of iran and BTW how you are doing it? by selling your useless ports to Indians so that they can easily send Kulboshan type terrorists to kill Pakistanis?

now go and celebrate chabahar day with indians and dont come to cry here and remember one thing no matter how much kulbposhan you send to Pakistan with your friend India Pakistan is ready to give befitting response to both.
Pakistan is taking steps against them brother, but it has been a fault with Pakistan that the region has been allowed to slip into lawlessness and you have the emergence of such groups.
Joint operations and flooding the areas with troops is needed.
Sir large forces & ops don't seem to be possible specially when terrorist has backing from democracy, NGO & Media etc.
What is required is full coordination b/w both sides on intelligence, border surveillance/patrolling/drones(UAV only) and wiring+land mining whole border except legal entry points.
Once its done both should deal with terrorist in their respective countries the way they want.
You've muddled a great deal of things here. I'm sure states work against Iran and that the funding of such groups is happening, but linking that to Pakistan's relations to various countries is wrong, as every other Muslim country has relations with the two countries and their officials don't turn into bombers or support them.
The same applies to Pakistan, or are you telling me now that Pakistani elements are supporting a group which is attacking its own troops which is the most nonsensical thing ever!
How many countries, Daesh recruited from? you think university graduates could join the ISIS, but officials are immune?! countries which were more open to Wahhabism had the most members.

I'm not saying that everybody will turn into a bomber, I'm saying you can't open your arms to wahhabis, but claim immunity, cause simply there is no logic behind such a claim. cause otherwise you can't explain dozens of attacks against our border guards from your soil.
HaHaHa whole world knows who is confused it's seems like darama queen's fuses are going to blow up...

Because of what exactly ??? FYI, we never lost 80K plus civilians and military due to terrorism like someone else to be too confused about where it came from. :lol::lol::lol:
Because of what exactly ??? FYI, we never lost 80K plus civilians and military due to terrorism like someone else to be too confused about where it came from. [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38]
We were at the forefront off combating terrorism and beat the shit out off them not even the Northerners have achieved this feat look now they are wanting a peace deal and that too with the Taliban we are not like you gutter dweller's pray to God that your having it easy for now wait a couple off years the movement for freedom will eat India from the inside out
How many countries, Daesh recruited from? you think university graduates could join the ISIS, but officials are immune?! countries which were more open to Wahhabism had the most members.

I'm not saying that everybody will turn into a bomber, I'm saying you can't open your arms to wahhabis, but claim immunity, cause simply there is no logic behind such a claim. cause otherwise you can't explain dozens of attacks against our border guards from your soil.

Yes they recruited from a few but how many Pakistanis joined them? Very few, in actual fact they didn't even come up into the top 15....As for your assertion that those countries which are more open to Wahabism have more fighters is also wrong on the most part. I've already gave the example of Pakistan but let's look at which countries most ISIS fighters come from;


Tunisia; strongly secular and even allows the marriage of Muslim women to non-Muslim men.
Russia; hates terrorism of any so called Islamic variety, as it's Muslim regions such as Chechnya have ruthlessly destroyed takfiri groups.
Jordan; strongly anti-ISIS and a firm US ally. The nation itself is descended from the Banu Hashim so at default oppose current Saudi religious doctrine.

You should also look at this;



A research paper which states a correlation between a country with higher HDI and ISIS fighters. Look at Pakistan!

You should also look at this excellent link on where most ISIS fighters come from, Bosnia and Albania have more per capita......Pakistan has the lowest, again!


Some more;




Like I told you, a lawless area combined with foreign funding is what we have.
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