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Inna lillahi was Inna ilayhi rajioon. May Allah swt bless both Iranian and Pakistani soldiers.

Iran and Pakistan should not fight each other on this matter Balochi sepratists groups harm both of us I dont like what the Iranian statements coming from Tehran but cordial than attacking is better than pushing them away further to India which we dont want
why are we not Lunching a massive Operation in Baluchistan .. ? @Horus any plans about any future Operation ?
You've muddled a great deal of things here. I'm sure states work against Iran and that the funding of such groups is happening, but linking that to Pakistan's relations to various countries is wrong, as every other Muslim country has relations with the two countries and their officials don't turn into bombers or support them.
The same applies to Pakistan, or are you telling me now that Pakistani elements are supporting a group which is attacking its own troops which is the most nonsensical thing ever!

Pakistan is taking steps against them brother, but it has been a fault with Pakistan that the region has been allowed to slip into lawlessness and you have the emergence of such groups.
Joint operations and flooding the areas with troops is needed.
General Bagheri said recently that after Iranian requests from Pakistani side, they deployed couple of more battalions and a few more border stations on this troubled area, but he said as it seems it was not enough.

He said we asked Pakistani side to let us finish them as they escape deep into Pakistan and get away with it but Pakistan rejected it. We asked for mutual maneuvers and operations against them or at least intelligence sharing.

He said we recently gave them precise information on the location and hide out of these terrorists and they took some action. That,s a good news. He said, Pakistan wants to cooperate but since they have less control over these regions it is hard for them to do sufficiently.

Btw, just to know the extremity and scale of terrorist plannings and financial, military and intelligence support that Saudis and Emirates and Americans provide, you should know that just in last 2 month there were 60 terrorist operations and plots from which 55 are busted and 5 were slipped through fingers. Iran has solid proof that Saudis, Emirates and Americans are providing everything for these terrorists...

and the funny jungle rule thing is that US walks around the world preaching against terrorists and their sponsors!!
Well then you are deluded. Have you even looked at ISPR statistics?

BTW I in no way take pleasure in dead pakistani soldiers, but some pakistanis are so deluded that they think their army will always remain unscathed. The loc is like a pendulum, what happens on one side affects the other.
Well then you are deluded. Have you even looked at ISPR statistics?

BTW I in no way take pleasure in dead pakistani soldiers, but some pakistanis are so deluded that they think their army will always remain unscathed. The loc is like a pendulum, what happens on one side affects the other.

I am not deluded or in denial. You however are delusional like any other bharati.
Yes they recruited from a few but how many Pakistanis joined them? Very few, in actual fact they didn't even come up into the top 15....As for your assertion that those countries which are more open to Wahabism have more fighters is also wrong on the most part. I've already gave the example of Pakistan but let's look at which countries most ISIS fighters come from;


Tunisia; strongly secular and even allows the marriage of Muslim women to non-Muslim men.
Russia; hates terrorism of any so called Islamic variety, as it's Muslim regions such as Chechnya have ruthlessly destroyed takfiri groups.
Jordan; strongly anti-ISIS and a firm US ally. The nation itself is descended from the Banu Hashim so at default oppose current Saudi religious doctrine.

You should also look at this;



A research paper which states a correlation between a country with higher HDI and ISIS fighters. Look at Pakistan!

You should also look at this excellent link on where most ISIS fighters come from, Bosnia and Albania have more per capita......Pakistan has the lowest, again!


Some more;




Like I told you, a lawless area combined with foreign funding is what we have.
First of all, these statistics aren't much accurate, in one turkey is among top five, in another it's not even among 15. yet, it doesn't change the fact that not long ago, ISIS members were openly selling their brand t-shirts in Secular turkish malls!

When I said open to wahhabism, I meant to let wahhabis practice their religion over there, otherwise, secular countries are worst in it, as they intentionally allow this version of Islam.
I was watching a documentary about Shiah in France, their government didn't even let them to build a mosque in their town, so they were forced to buy a stable in the middle of jungle and turn it into a mosque, yet in the same town, wahhabis can easily get permission to have a mosque (of course along it's Saudi trained preacher).

Pakistan's problem isn't just having lawless areas, I guess you know better about all (anti-shiah) bomb attacks in your country, the question is how did they become lawless, and why, why a man rises just to point it's gun against innocent people; money can create rebels, but it can't create suicide bombers.
I am not deluded or in denial. You however are delusional like any other bharati.
I am recognizing that there have been record casualties on the Indian side of the LOC. You are the one denying PA casualties
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