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4 FC men embraced Shadaat in Panjgur

First of all, these statistics aren't much accurate, in one turkey is among top five, in another it's not even among 15. yet, it doesn't change the fact that not long ago, ISIS members were openly selling their brand t-shirts in turkish malls!

When I said open to wahhabism, I meant to let wahhabis practice their religion over there, otherwise, secular countries are worst in it, as they intentionally allow this version of Islam.
I was watching a documentary about Shiah in France, their government didn't even let them to build a mosque in their town, so they were forced to buy a stable in the middle of jungle and turn it into a mosque, yet in the same town, wahhabis can easily get permission to have a mosque (of course along it's Saudi trained preacher).

Pakistan's problem isn't just having lawless areas, I guess you know better about all (anti-shiah) bomb attacks in your country, the question is how did they become lawless, and why, why a man rises just to point it's gun against innocent people; money can create rebels, but it can't create suicide bombers.

I'm sorry these statistics are very accurate as the governments of these nations have pinpointed the very passport holders that went. You simply can't dismiss such massive evidence....
Turkey had some that went, the ones in the malls were foreign fighters.
As for other countries that's their business, not any of Pakistan's, although I will agree allowing certain versions of the faith to practice has led to trouble.
The area you talk of has been neglected without economic development, any sort of criminal can come from conditions like that be them a separatist to a bomber.

General Bagheri said recently that after Iranian requests from Pakistani side, they deployed couple of more battalions and a few more border stations on this troubled area, but he said as it seems it was not enough.

He said we asked Pakistani side to let us finish them as they escape deep into Pakistan and get away with it but Pakistan rejected it. We asked for mutual maneuvers and operations against them or at least intelligence sharing.

He said we recently gave them precise information on the location and hide out of these terrorists and they took some action. That,s a good news. He said, Pakistan wants to cooperate but since they have less control over these regions it is hard for them to do sufficiently.

Btw, just to know the extremity and scale of terrorist plannings and financial, military and intelligence support that Saudis and Emirates and Americans provide, you should know that just in last 2 month there were 60 terrorist operations and plots from which 55 are busted and 5 were slipped through fingers. Iran has solid proof that Saudis, Emirates and Americans are providing everything for these terrorists...

and the funny jungle rule thing is that US walks around the world preaching against terrorists and their sponsors!!

That's good i.e. that Pakistan has deployed more men, and it shows both countries are working together. As you said action has been taken, and of course something most of us agree on is that the area is vast and needs settlement and proper control to eradicate the problem. Pakistan needs time for this.
But I can assure you Pakistan does not have any ill intent whatsoever to a neighbour it shares much with.
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Because of what exactly ??? FYI, we never lost 80K plus civilians and military due to terrorism like someone else to be too confused about where it came from. :lol::lol::lol:
Let's see wht happens in future and then get a count who lost how many
It's just one attack 44 is the body count???
Let's see, how many hundred attacks about to get unfold after tht? Will see how india will stand then ???
@mohsen and @scythian500

Ask yourself what Pakistan gains from such an attack? It is absolutely counterproductive to our national interest.

It took us 18 years to clear Indian terrorists from Afghanistan, yet Iran gave Chahbahar to India without consulting Pakistan.

It is Iran which is hurting Pakistan and whose Indian guests are carrying out attacks against Pakistan in Balochistan. One major proof was Kulbushan Yadav who came on Iranian visa to Pakistan.

We are allies and friends of Iran, and always will be. We went against the whole of the Muslim world to support Iran’s defense against Saddam providing food and medicine to Iranians and we immediately supported your Islamic revolution when the whole world turned against you. We will continue to support you against your enemies.

What did Pakistan gain for its friendship to Iran but these types of allegations. When Mumbai attacks hit and India fired shots at LoC and we faced daily shelling from Afghan puppet army, Iran fired mortars into Pakistan to add pressure to Pakistan. You have not behaved as the best of friends or allies.

We don’t question your trade with any country, not even India , but you seem to believe it’s your right to question us about our ties to KSA, UAE, and Turkey.

Arab “wahabbis, takfiri” groups whom you claim come from Pakistan are in your own Iran, MeK is active with full US/Israeli support in Iran.

We have an interest in peace in Balochistan and have no territorial ambitions on your part of Balochistan.

We ask only that you behave like friends and allies and stop this mudslinging.

As generally a Pro-Iranian Pakistan, I would like to see our ties get stronger. It requires respect on both sides.
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We did it better in 71

We did it even better than that for 1000 years.

we cut half now its your turn!!

Did you forget that Pakistan was literally carved out of your beloved Akhand Bharat?

I thought Gujjars were only Pakistani and Punjabi.

No, you get Gujjars in Afghanistan and India too. Even in Pakistan, Gujjars are also found in significant numbers in KPK and Azad Kashmir, with a few also living in Gilgit Baltistan.

Afghan Gujjars are even mentioned in Milli Surood:

"This land is Afghanistan - It is the pride of every Afghan
The land of peace, the land of the sword - Its sons are all brave
This is the country of every tribe - Land of Baluch, and Uzbeks
Pashtoons, and Hazaras - Turkman and Tajiks with them,
Arabs and Gojars, Pamirian, Nooristanis
Barahawi, and Qizilbash - Also Aimaq, and Pashaye
This Land will shine for ever - Like the sun in the blue sky
In the chest of Asia - It will remain as the heart for ever
We will follow the one God - We all say, God is great, we all say, God is great"

You are wrong , there are more gujjars in India then pak and afghanistan combined.

But most Gujjars are still Muslim:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=dyPsvseSdiQC&pg=PA14&dq=Gujjars+are+mostly+Muslim&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixmO2zjMbgAhUAQhUIHUbyChYQ6AEILTAB#v=onepage&q=Gujjars are mostly Muslim&f=false

And almost all of history's most notable Gujjars have been Muslim:

Sikander Budshikan, ruler of the Kashmir region who is responsible for making most of Kashmir Muslim
https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=A_6pCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA256&dq=Shah+Mir+Gujjar&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTj4D3jsbgAhVPRhUIHVEuBdAQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=Shah Mir Gujjar&f=false

Ruhullah Khan, defeated Ranjit Singh three times in battle (see page 33)

Mian Muhammad Bakhsh, known as the Rumi of the sub-continent for his poetry

Walidad Khan, fought in the 1857 rebellion and held Bulandshahr district for multiple months

Rehmat Ali, one of Pakistan's founding fathers who coined the word "Pakistan"

Tufail Muhammad, Nishan e Haider recipient
Thats done by Iranis!
if for a moment we accept your ludicrous opinion then we are totally surrounded by hostile enemies from all directions except China in North and sea in the south.

its the same Jandullah and its other variants that are anti Iran and Anti Pakistan and are operating on behalf of Americans to create a greater Balochistan. in Pakistan they use ethnic card and in Iran they use the Sunni card.
Iran has no reason to antagonize Pakistan. any hostility between Pakistan and Iran will help the American design to create chaos

well then you may want to check ISPR numbers again
you might need to check your back burn and change the bandage brother,
and take a break in the meantime
BLA/ BLF / BNG has claimed responsibility for Attack on forces in Turbat but they are quiet on Panjgur attack.....ttp, hua , all are silent with this one
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

because Iran accused Pakistan based on it's intelligence information, but even without that, Pakistan is a close ally to wahhabis, guess you already know which faith these terrorists practice.

Emotions over logic.

These attacks have everything to do with CPEC which is opposed by India and, now, US. These attacks escalated only AFTER Pakistan signed onto Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Unlike India and US, Iran does not view BRI as a threat. The same elements, paid by US and India, attacked Iran and Pakistan.

How many countries, Daesh recruited from? you think university graduates could join the ISIS, but officials are immune?! countries which were more open to Wahhabism had the most members.

I'm not saying that everybody will turn into a bomber, I'm saying you can't open your arms to wahhabis, but claim immunity, cause simply there is no logic behind such a claim. cause otherwise you can't explain dozens of attacks against our border guards from your soil.

Again, emotions over logic.

You do know that Daesh regularly carries out attacks on Pakistani civilians and armed forces? or that Daesh operates out of Afghanistan (Khurasan), a country under US control and heavy Indian influence?
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