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37pc Baloch favour independence: UK survey !

Why dont pakistan make surverys for Scottish Independence , Welsh independence movement ?
Coz nobody gives a damn about it and these survey agencies have to do things which people will buy.....just like media....whatever sells is an important issue.

If you want to be a famous reporter, don't go to most dangerous part of Irag or Africa....just go to Pakistan and write anything, people will jump on it....
Out of curiosity, I had read that a part of Balochistan is controlled by Iran. Does that play a factor in the Baluchi relationship with the central government of Pakistan? I think of India and the presence of Sri Lankan Tamils plays a factor in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and thus in India at large.

just like Kurdistan is divided among so many countries.

the Iranian Baloch more are less are like us and also there are some in the UAE as well. that Sultan Kabous family has some Balouch roots some say but I dont know much. and by the way Baloch trace their roots back to Syria so there you have it.

yet another Place our God fearing righteous flag bearing front running Americans want to liberate.

the Mehsuds and Waziris on the Pashton side for example are spread between Pakistan and Afghanistan. so that also builds ties and relationships and that all in a positive way by the way.
That's because many tribes are nomadic in nature and no more than a hundred individuals live per each locality.

Anywhere people choose to group up and settle down, there is plenty of development. Dera Bugti, Zhob, Noshki, Sibi, Gwadar, Makran, Ziarat other than Quetta are quite well developed Urban centres. Not like Islamabad and Lahore but then you have to compare them based on their populations. More people live in District Lahore than the entire Balochistan I believe.

Lets hope we're right about this because I genuinely fear that whereas we might be justified in saying that things are being exaggerated and blown out of proportion we mustn't go complacent and make light of the situation either ! I, personally, find it very hard to believe that common Baloch (whatever their numbers...a few thousand is still a lot) would go to the mountains and be at the receiving end of Pakistan's security apparatus without any significant rhyme or reason and at that, if the reports are to be believed, Baloch intellectuals and people from the middle-class instead of peasants or serfs who can't think for themselves.
Foreign agents and people working to break up Pakistan National Integrity .

same people in west and other regions who support BLA are ones who would support PKK also....they hide behind "human rights" but then forget these terrorist organizations are the true model of human rights abusers

those who disagree with them are killed without question -- their families threatened
just like Kurdistan is divided among so many countries.

the Iranian Baloch more are less are like us and also there are some in the UAE as well. that Sultan Kabous family has some Balouch roots some say but I dont know much. and by the way Baloch trace their roots back to Syria so there you have it.

yet another Place our God fearing righteous flag bearing front running Americans want to liberate.

the Mehsuds and Waziris on the Pashton side for example are spread between Pakistan and Afghanistan. so that also builds ties and relationships and that all in a positive way by the way.

What the hell are you talking about , there is no Kurdistan and will never be , some kurds and baloch are going on the same path , trying to harras Turkish and Pakistan National Integrity.
Coz nobody gives a damn about it and these survey agencies have to do things which people will buy.....just like media....whatever sells is an important issue.

If you want to be a famous reporter, don't go to most dangerous part of Irag or Africa....just go to Pakistan and write anything, people will jump on it....

hehe dont make it sound too easy

people livelihood depends on it

my cousin has made some money from that. he is very flexible shall we say when it comes to reporting the right thing.. and hje is not complaining. being a graduate in political science I cant blame him..
What the hell are you talking about , there is no Kurdistan and will never be , some kurds and baloch are going on the same path , trying to harras Turkish and Pakistan National Integrity.

Calm down. He is saying that ethnic Kurds are citizens of different countries - like Baloch are or Tamil are.
same people in west and other regions who support BLA are ones who would support PKK also....they hide behind "human rights" but then forget these terrorist organizations are the true model of human rights abusers

those who disagree with them are killed without question -- their families threatened

Yes . Pkk is known for killing civilians , burning trucks that are helping to make airports , killing engineers who are working on projects in south east turkey so they can give jobs to Kurds and make them richer , killing innocent people , threatening people . Killing teachers so the kurds remain uneducated and work in farms or join pkk.

Just ask why are they burning trucks ? Answer is easy , so the Kurdish population stays poor and no jobs therefore join pkk.
Why they killing teachers? So they dont get educated and get brainwashed quicker and dont go university and join pkk.
Why kill engineers ? So they cant work on airports and big projects to make the kurdish areas richer like all the other parts of turkey.
What the hell are you talking about , there is no Kurdistan and will never be , some kurds and baloch are going on the same path , trying to harras Turkish and Pakistan National Integrity.

relax friend
I dont really give a toss about whatever you got on going with Kurds or whatever. it was just an example. Kurds are an ethnic group. whether or not they existed as a single entity I dont know and I dont really give a toss.

I am just peed off with some Western b@stards who are screwing up with our region out of their rivalry with Iran and want to drag our province into it as well.
hehe dont make it sound too easy

people livelihood depends on it

my cousin has made some money from that. he is very flexible shall we say when it comes to reporting the right thing.. and hje is not complaining. being a graduate in political science I cant blame him..
I was just giving an example to show the biasedness. :enjoy:

One of my friend is reporter too....they sometimes find topic from these surveys and try to investigate similar things in their local region.
What the hell are you talking about , there is no Kurdistan and will never be , some kurds and baloch are going on the same path , trying to harras Turkish and Pakistan National Integrity.

He was referring to ethnic Kurds being divided between different countries and how Kurd Nationalists refer to how these Kurdish majority lands are occupied by XYZ countries and they need to be liberated to form an Independent, sovereign State of Kurdistan ! He wasn't advocating separatism if that is what you inferred from his post.

P.S Does anyone know around what time the Fajar prayer is in Lahore ? Its 3:26 a.m now...how much do I have till I can continue eating ? :D
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