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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

What? F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat are two completely different planes. The F-15 is a generation ahead of the F-4.

Although, the one F-14 pilot with the highest kill streak was an Iranian during the Iraq-Iran wars.
i dont know why the jamaran destroyer helped saudi tanker against the Pirates.if i were in jamaran.i would lounch 3 noor missile to that tanker.these arabs are so Ungrateful
What? F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat are two completely different planes. The F-15 is a generation ahead of the F-4.

Although, the one F-14 pilot with the highest kill streak was an Iranian during the Iraq-Iran wars.
and now these arabs are talking about the skills.we have destroy 150 iraqi fighters by tomcats.qnd just 5 tomcats had been destroyed by iraqies.also we did the advanced mission in the world(attacking h-3).we also destroyed 4 fighter by 1 tomcat and just one fonix missile
i dont know why the jamaran destroyer helped saudi tanker against the Pirates.if i were in jamaran.i would lounch 3 noor missile to that tanker.these arabs are so Ungrateful

Stop whining bro.
lmao you acting as if Saudi Arabia is the Switzerland of Europe, an innocent by stander in a "tough neighbourhood". ohh plzzz.

99% of the regions terrorists graduate from the world renowned jihadist factories in your country. most the turmoil in this region is funded by SA citizens, numerous independent reports have shown this.

And do you want me to inform you how does the "majority sect" in Iran spread it's form of islam to other countries. (hint: the soft gender)
i cant bro
see life of these arabs people:http://www.tabnak.ir/files/fa/news/1390/10/11/130115_400.jpg
this saudi family are paying bilions $ against the iran while there are somepeople dieing there.

What is that supposed to prove in respect to the topic?

Arabs? I'd suppose you are also including the Qataris as well? They have some of the highest per capita income in the world.
GDP - per capita (PPP) - Country Comparison

If they can afford expensive toys, then so be it :lol:
I lie?? The only liar here is Iranian media that sadfuly you eat up like pancakes. Here if you don't believe me ask someone else. Zabanya is on this thread lets see what he thinks. Yo Zabanya what do you think of Iranian Media??

I never watched Iranian news media. So, no comment. I usually watch BBC.

But I love their women and damn feisty, I like that :smitten:
To Iranies and Saudies brother plz stop fighting sicne a 3rd person who has never been friend for muslims is using that. Just think who can touch Saudi Arab, Iran , Iraq etc if noting fighting as we are doing now ? WAKE UP....
No what exactly do you want me to prove?? I don't understand your question its not clear.
how can you prove that those pics are fake.or they arent in arabistan.?
how can you prove that iranian medias are lieing?
how can you prove that those pics are fake.or they arent in arabistan.?
how can you prove that iranian medias are lieing?

Okay first picture: The brands of the garbage are for products not sold here not a single one of those brands are here. Second picture this "May" be a picture in Saudi Arabia and if it was it is of African Pilgrims who stay here after Hajj or Umrah illegally most take up begging as a source of income because they can not work legally anywhere because they are here illegally that is "IF" it was here that is why we call them "Hajjah". Third picture same as first picture the boy does not seem Saudi at all "How do I know??" Because I am Saudi myself.
And do you want me to inform you how does the "majority sect" in Iran spread it's form of islam to other countries. (hint: the soft gender)
when stupid people like you will consider our religion as a sect, it shows how retarded you are

edit: Mosa we have always poor in Iran. I know some people cannot buy meat only once per year.
Any society of the world having problem of poverty, more or less, big middle class or not so big... whatever we should not use to insult a country with such sad point
Okay first picture: The brands of the garbage are for products not sold here not a single one of those brands are here. Second picture this "May" be a picture in Saudi Arabia and if it was it is of African Pilgrims who stay here after Hajj or Umrah illegally most take up begging as a source of income because they can not work legally anywhere because they are here illegally that is "IF" it was here that is why we call them "Hajjah". Third picture same as first picture the boy does not seem Saudi at all "How do I know??" Because I am Saudi myself.
maybe they are emigrants.
saudi arabia is getting downgraded version of f15 with no joint stand off capability due to israel lobbying . i amushed by ksa who buys these downgraded version at price of f35?

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