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3 more Rafales Arrive New Delhi (4th Batch) 7 more in April

Underestimating Rafale would be dangerous for any nation including China, but IAF will need at least 2-3 years before they full integrate this fighting in its fleet with strategies and duties assigned.

36 Rafales is No Match for PLAAF.
No dear indians are famous for their body odor worldwide.

I'm.indian bro and I never had any problem.hugging my beautiful English east european or asian work colleagues,at work.
in fact they love the the smell.of lynx vanilla deodorant and Christian Dior aftershave .
and I am.100 % percent pure punjabi jat indian boy from punjab jalandher ancestor

so you got that wrong buddy. if abytning its the pakistani taxi drivers and Bangladesh restaurants walas that could do with grooming techniques
I'm.indian bro and I never had any problem.hugging my beautiful English east european or asian work colleagues,at work.
in fact they love the the smell.of lynx vanilla deodorant and Christian Dior aftershave .
and I am.100 % percent pure punjabi jat indian boy from punjab jalandher ancestor

so you got that wrong buddy. if abytning its the pakistani taxi drivers and Bangladesh restaurants walas that could do with grooming techniques
You are a Punjabi I see . That part of India is just like pakistan punjab region. In terms of diet,living styles etc. I am talking about the cow belt UP,gujrat and southern states. Their diet and hygiene is a deadly combination. Hire them in your army dude , without firing a bullet they can just raise the armpit and take out the whole battalion. And no that title is and will always be reserved by indians and bangladeshis maybe. Pakistani were never part of any such conversation. The world know indians for their body odor,small penises and call center scams.
I'm.indian bro and I never had any problem.hugging my beautiful English east european or asian work colleagues,at work.
in fact they love the the smell.of lynx vanilla deodorant and Christian Dior aftershave .
and I am.100 % percent pure punjabi jat indian boy from punjab jalandher ancestor

Great copypasta material
You are a Punjabi I see . That part of India is just like pakistan punjab region. In terms of diet,living styles etc. I am talking about the cow belt UP,gujrat and southern states. Their diet and hygiene is a deadly combination. Hire them in your army dude , without firing a bullet they can just raise the armpit and take out the whole battalion. And no that title is and will always be reserved by indians and bangladeshis maybe. Pakistani were never part of any such conversation. The world know indians for their body odor,small penises and call center scams.

Are you serious?

A bharati call center troll claims on the internet he is a punjabi jutt who is hugging white people and ozzing off lavender smell and you believe him???

He is probably reeking off curry right now.

No wonder Indian call center scams are in bussiness.
Are you serious?

A bharati call center troll claims on the internet he is a punjabi jutt who is hugging white people and ozzing off lavender smell and you believe him???

He is probably reeking off curry right now.

No wonder Indian call center scams are in bussiness.

THAT IS HILLIRIOUS coming from a pakistani
according to Pakistanis the s400 is rubbish missle defense does not work

ask zarvan he said it's waste of money

It is useless in the hands of the Indians.

It is the man not the machine.

Dumb Indians are notorious for shooting their own birds. History will keep repeating for the Indians.
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