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3 Indian Navy ships arrive at Ctg port

No, no; nothing as simple as that. Its a much more complicated assignment.... to gather 'Intel' on the future designs of the Lungies that will be made in BD.

p.s. BTW, the INS Tir is the Flag-ship of the IN's 1st Trg. Sqn., the INS Kesari is a LST while the ICGS Bheruna is a patrol Vessel; all on a Training Cruise for Cadets and Midshipmen. :D
I doubt everyone there are just cadet and midshipmen.How can you rule out some sneaky agent not there?
I doubt everyone there are just cadet and midshipmen.How can you rule out some sneaky agent not there?
What sensitive locations will these vessels gain acsess to that India's intel agencies couldn't ordinarily?
I doubt everyone there are just cadet and midshipmen.How can you rule out some sneaky agent not there?

Oh you got a point there.... all of them are not Cadets and Midshipmen. There are other very very specialised guys among them, great specialists.

Like Cooks, Stewards, Pantrymen, Barbers, Laundrymen, Topasses........ keep a sharp watch on those guys! :lol:
I doubt everyone there are just cadet and midshipmen.How can you rule out some sneaky agent not there?
Why RAW take such a long road? Why not HUMINT through land?

Bro one thing you missing, common sense.
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These vessels will sit in the port.But those 285 officials and 560 crewman should be scrutinized
Right, because India would have trouble getting such a number of intel assets into BD ordinarily? o_O
Right, because India would have trouble getting such a number of intel assets into BD ordinarily? o_O
Your ordinary agent might find it hard to infiltrate defence establishment.So such so called goodwill visit may actually serves multiple purposes.
Damn it! We should have sent two destroyers; launched a full salvo of AShMs in land attack mode; just to remind them of their place in the scheme of things.
Damn it! We should have sent two destroyers; launched a full salvo of AShMs in land attack mode; just to remind them of their place in the scheme of things.
i a so scared...............
Bangladesh intelligence should monitor their activities. there might be some subversive agenda.

Actually they should not be allowed outside !! As the Indians proudly say you can't take the India out of an Indian.

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