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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

I tell you more funny thing, a farsi mullah terrorist scum making fun of Pakistani military power and questioning capabilities of Pakistan.

Funny how with your huge Nuclear arsenal you were not able to deter U.S raid on OBL when he was living right next to Pakistani Military Base as a guest of ISI!

Come up with something better.
Well we don't have any Master,other then the lord himself.

By lord you of course are referring to MBS right?
Funny how with your huge Nuclear arsenal you were not able to deter U.S raid on OBL when he was living right next to Pakistani Military Base as a guest of ISI!

again let me tell you more funnier thing, you dont nuke every provocateur. thats why your Mullah are sanctioned and Pakistan is considered responsible state with nukes despite being involved in dirty works like proxy wars and nuclear proliferation to terrorist regime in our region.

maybe our way of showing weakness is reason behind Pakistan being only state in the world who took US money to wage proxy war against US interests in the region without chanting death to this and death to that.. lol
again let me tell you more funnier thing, you dont nuke every provocateur. thats why your Mullah are sanctioned and Pakistan is considered responsible state with nukes despite being involved in dirty works like proxy wars and nuclear proliferation to terrorist regime in our region.

maybe our way of showing weakness is reason behind Pakistan being only state in the world who took US money to wage proxy war against US interests in the region without chanting death to this and death to that.. lol
So you are proud of being a two faced scoundrel? How nice!
So you are proud of being a two faced scoundrel? How nice!

World is cruel place, and statecraft got nothing to do with morality, its all about interests.

If you ask about myself, i despise the fact that we proliferate nuclear tech to your regime, indulged in 2 Afghan wars instead of being neutral and closing our borders.
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Funny how with your huge Nuclear arsenal you were not able to deter U.S raid on OBL when he was living right next to Pakistani Military Base as a guest of ISI!
That was a game.
By lord you of course are referring to MBS right
He he would have been my Lord,we would have taken good care of you in Yemen.
For every Muslim it's only All Mighty.
US doesn't need a massive army to destroy a country in a war - special forces and marines will deliver from the ground under the cover of USAF and USN. And keep in mind that there are always elements in any country which are willing to appease a foreign entity for political gains.

In case of Iran, Israel and GCC would not mind lending a helping hand on top.

Calling American expedition and accomplishments in Iraq a debacle, is plain stupid.
If it was tht much easy then USA would hve attacked IRAN 100 times at least whole 80s till now are those special forces and marines are thy sleepin?
No, Americans attack only those countries in which thy can create thier own civilian support Thts the frist and most required point of thier game, thy did tht in Iraq cause ppls been made divided with a decade of sanctions on them and tht thought USA may bring them financial and other independence from SADDAM but in the end what thy found out was same evil SADDAM was much much better then these so called freedom forces, in IRAN Americans r trying since decades to get a support group bt the support for revolution is far far strong then thy think and after all IRAN has the basics of democracy and its ppls like it mostly?
In any case of attack, Americans must be ready to see hizbuallha surrounding Israel in its own back yard supported by turkey, Russia, sirya and Russia and diplomatically China and Pakistan somehow Thts a no win situation no matter evn if USN put all its resources over Iran

That was a game.

He he would have been my Lord,we would have taken good care of you in Yemen.
For every Muslim it's only All Mighty.
One should ask the so called world's only remaining super power, why thy were in a hurry to send OBL body to occens?
Or else Jst a plastic surgery, and nice beaches in South American country and hve a sip of cool cocktail???
And all tht happens with the knowledge of ISI aka Gen. Kiyani who made billions out of it???
and if he did that then the as oky don't u think???? Lolzzzz
Let's hope Iran doesn't experience what it inflicted in Syria and Yemen.
Let's hope Iran doesn't experience what it inflicted in Syria and Yemen.
It inflicted in Syria or Yemen? Wasn't it the US that created ISIS, with the backing of Saudi Arabia and Israel? Has ISIS ever attacked Israel? If you reckon the arming of those fighting against tyranny and foreign backed intervention is the infliction of pain and misery, I suggest you seek therapy seeking to regain your moral reasoning, which you may have lacked in during your early developmental stages.
unlike what you guys think, my opinion is we should start the war and make the bomb and after we did our damage test one of them in desert. we should start with PGCC oil fields and refineries and if the situation escalated so be it. we should burn every aggressor in lebanon,gaza, yemen, syria, iraq, afghanistan and pakistan. the US movements shows weakness not otherwise, for the first time we are in good position and we should take the advantage of it.
how ever we should not show a crazy face of ourself to the world so they justify escalation, arabs probably gonna attack us in next month that's the opportunity, we should reply them swiftly and accurately and make it clear for the west that if they intervene we gonna shower israel and EU (if they attack) with active uranium.

dude Iran is only a 2 days game, not a second more
dude Iran is only a 2 days game, not a second more
By the same thinking, perhaps you thought Iraq was a 12-hour game? How did that turn out for you. If you perceive war and slaughter of millions of people as a 'game', then I am sorry for you and have nothing else to say.
It inflicted in Syria or Yemen? Wasn't it the US that created ISIS, with the backing of Saudi Arabia and Israel? Has ISIS ever attacked Israel? If you reckon the arming of those fighting against tyranny and foreign backed intervention is the infliction of pain and misery, I suggest you seek therapy seeking to regain your moral reasoning, which you may have lacked in during your early developmental stages.

Iran has never attacked Israel either but is always fighting wars against sunni Muslims. What are we to make of that?
Recall USSR's disastrous military expedition in Finland during the course of WW-II? It gave the impression that Soviets are a paper tiger and cannot fight...

Push Israel too far and see what happens. I have reiterated time-and-again that Iran should not have kept its distance in Syria. This will blow up on Iran's face one day and millions more will die.

FEAR of loosing everything, is a powerful motivating force. Go ahead and push Israel to the brink...

if a strong thief/murderer commits a crime then you will let him get away with it? What a cowardly statement.
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