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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

Tall claim.

Tall claim yet again.

So you have taken out a CSG in your mind already - very convincing.

Do you think that American military bases are vulnerable?

Your ignorance is of staggering proportions. So much bullshit in your claims that I do not know from where to start. Here is my advice; go watch Baby Shark Do Do Do.

You are trying to educate Americans about the costs of war? Joke of the century.

Let's check the your dam reality then about hezbollha?????

DECEMBER 16, 2010 / 7:42 PM / 8 YEARS AGO
Israel can't defeat Hezbollah: Israeli expert

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah in a direct engagement and the Lebanese guerrilla group would inflict heavy damage on the Israeli home front if war broke out, a former Israeli national security adviser said Thursday.

Though outnumbered and outgunned, Hezbollah held off Israel’s advanced armed forces in a 2006 war and fired more than 4,000 rockets into Israeli territory. The group has a domestic political base and has since bolstered an arsenal that Israel describes as a strategic threat.

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah’s Iranian and Syrian backers have stoked expectations of renewed violence in Lebanon.

“Israel does not know how to beat Hezbollah,” said Giora Eiland, an army ex-general who served as national security adviser to former prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert.

“Therefore a war waged only as Israel-versus-Hezbollah might yield better damage on Hezbollah, but Hezbollah would inflict far worse damage on the Israeli homefront than it did 4-1/2 years ago,” he told Israel Radio.

Echoing serving Israeli officials, Eiland said:


“Our only way of preventing the next war, and of winning if it happens anyway, is for it to be clear to everyone ... that another war between us and Hezbollah will be a war between Israel and the state of Lebanon and will wreak destruction on the state of Lebanon.

“And as no one — including Hezbollah, the Syrians or the Iranians — is interested in this, this is the best way of creating effective deterrence.”

Except for a deadly August skirmish between Israeli forces and the regular Lebanese army, the border has been mostly quiet.

But Israelis have been watching for signs that Hezbollah, should it be named in an impending U.N. indictment over the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, will push back by consolidating power in Beirut.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has argued that Hezbollah’s role in governing Lebanon would make the country fair game in any future war involving the Shiite militia.

Eiland said such a scenario would have “the entire world crying out for a ceasefire within two days,” which would be more in the Israeli interest “than having to deal directly with every one of (Hezbollah’s estimated) 40,000 rockets.”

Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Michael Roddy

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Let's check the your dam reality then about hezbollha?????

DECEMBER 16, 2010 / 7:42 PM / 8 YEARS AGO
Israel can't defeat Hezbollah: Israeli expert

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah in a direct engagement and the Lebanese guerrilla group would inflict heavy damage on the Israeli home front if war broke out, a former Israeli national security adviser said Thursday.

Though outnumbered and outgunned, Hezbollah held off Israel’s advanced armed forces in a 2006 war and fired more than 4,000 rockets into Israeli territory. The group has a domestic political base and has since bolstered an arsenal that Israel describes as a strategic threat.

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah’s Iranian and Syrian backers have stoked expectations of renewed violence in Lebanon.

“Israel does not know how to beat Hezbollah,” said Giora Eiland, an army ex-general who served as national security adviser to former prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert.

“Therefore a war waged only as Israel-versus-Hezbollah might yield better damage on Hezbollah, but Hezbollah would inflict far worse damage on the Israeli homefront than it did 4-1/2 years ago,” he told Israel Radio.

Echoing serving Israeli officials, Eiland said:


“Our only way of preventing the next war, and of winning if it happens anyway, is for it to be clear to everyone ... that another war between us and Hezbollah will be a war between Israel and the state of Lebanon and will wreak destruction on the state of Lebanon.

“And as no one — including Hezbollah, the Syrians or the Iranians — is interested in this, this is the best way of creating effective deterrence.”

Except for a deadly August skirmish between Israeli forces and the regular Lebanese army, the border has been mostly quiet.

But Israelis have been watching for signs that Hezbollah, should it be named in an impending U.N. indictment over the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, will push back by consolidating power in Beirut.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has argued that Hezbollah’s role in governing Lebanon would make the country fair game in any future war involving the Shiite militia.

Eiland said such a scenario would have “the entire world crying out for a ceasefire within two days,” which would be more in the Israeli interest “than having to deal directly with every one of (Hezbollah’s estimated) 40,000 rockets.”

Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Michael Roddy

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Subscribe to our daily curated newsletter to receive the latest exclusive Reuters coverage delivered to your inbox.

All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays.

© 2019 Reuters. All Rights Reserved.


You buy this nonsense?

ANALOGY: Russia failed to take on Chechnya in the first expedition (First Chechen War) but succeeded in the next (Second Chechen War).

Israel is in a much better position to fight and defeat Hezbollah at present even though Hezbollah have also improved its game.

In 2006, Israel's strategic blunder was to dispatch its army to Hezbollah-dominated areas VERY LATE. By then, Hezbollah had dug itself in and offered substantial resistance. Israeli troops were also busy taking selfies while at it. But Israel have taken notes.

American strategy to take over Iraq was MUCH DIFFERENT and BRILLIANT in terms of execution - HYBRID of blitzkrieg + Precision Strikes from South followed by US-backed militias + Precision Strikes from North, to prevent Iraqi armed forces and potential volunteers to dig themselves in and pull off protracted engagements even in cities.
When you are unable to understand a point and its context then why even bother to quote it?

The original claim (from another member) was that Turkey, Russia and Syria might join hands to take down Israel in case US strike at Iran. Is this likely? NO. But should this be the case then Israel have no choice but to threaten to eliminate the trio with its nuclear arsenal - SAMSON OPTION. In this situation, doesn't matter what become of Israel afterwards.


Again you show your lack of intellect.

Israel threatening nuke strikes against the leader of a nuclear weapons? And two other countries?

It doesn’t work that way. Israel would be guilty of war crimes and every politician/soldier/commander associated with that chain of command would be brought to tribunal and hanged.

People think that as soon as the going gets tough a country will retaliate with nukes. History has shown us that in the case of the other side thinking nuclear weapons being fired between Soviet Union and US...commanders DID NOT give order for retaliation. Luckily they were false alarms based on faulty machine/data/etc.

So this thinking that a high ranking commander would listen to a president to send nuclear strikes against 3 countries causing immense casualties is quite frankly a joke.

Logic would dictate that even if Israel falls in conventional war, Israelis would still survive. But the use of nuclear weapons would guarantee the elimination of many/most Israelis. So logic would dictate that nuclear weapons would ultimately not get chosen and the country would agree to surrender agreements.

This thinking that one country says oh well if I am going to lose I am going to try to kill a few million people and then disappear off the face of the earth belongs in the realm of science fiction.
Again you show your lack of intellect.

Israel threatening nuke strikes against the leader of a nuclear weapons? And two other countries?

It doesn’t work that way. Israel would be guilty of war crimes and every politician/soldier/commander associated with that chain of command would be brought to tribunal and hanged.

People think that as soon as the going gets tough a country will retaliate with nukes. History has shown us that in the case of the other side thinking nuclear weapons being fired between Soviet Union and US...commanders DID NOT give order for retaliation. Luckily they were false alarms based on faulty machine/data/etc.

So this thinking that a high ranking commander would listen to a president to send nuclear strikes against 3 countries causing immense casualties is quite frankly a joke.

Logic would dictate that even if Israel falls in conventional war, Israelis would still survive. But the use of nuclear weapons would guarantee the elimination of many/most Israelis. So logic would dictate that nuclear weapons would ultimately not get chosen and the country would agree to surrender agreements.

This thinking that one country says oh well if I am going to lose I am going to try to kill a few million people and then disappear off the face of the earth belongs in the realm of science fiction.

Your FANTASIES are duly noted.

Pointers for the wise.

[1] https://www.foreignaffairs.com/revi...s-nuclear-arsenal-and-american-foreign-policy

[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/03/world/middleeast/1967-arab-israeli-war-nuclear-warning.html

[3] https://archive.org/stream/Sampson_Option/Sampson_Option_djvu.txt


Did it ever occur to you why Russia could not stop Israeli strikes in Syria? Keep in mind that Israel is not only striking at Iranian-backed elements including Hezbollah in Syria but never shy away from hurting the defenses of Syrian regime when they stood in its way - allies of Russia in short.

Russia even tolerated this loss: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018...es-radar-syria-14-aboard-180918045210361.html

Russian response was to gift an S-300 PMU battery to Syria, but this battery didn't make much difference either.


Understand that 'nuclear powers' have RED LINES which are not to be crossed. Israel's issue is that many countries do not recognize its existence, and therefore, it is more likely to act upon its SAMSON OPTION when push comes to shove.

Of-course, Israel will do its best to win a war through conventional means FIRST. But if this fails and diplomacy doesn't work then all bets are off. And any country (one of the aggressors) which fails to BACK OFF at this stage, will be taken down - no ifs and buts.

NEVERTHELESS, Russia; Turkey and Syria are not joining hands to take on Israel for the sake of Iran or any other country - none of these have a death wish! Full stop.
Welcome to the new world disorder....Courtesy of Trump administration. US foreign policy make no sense to me anymore.
Recall USSR's disastrous military expedition in Finland during the course of WW-II? It gave the impression that Soviets are a paper tiger and cannot fight...

Push Israel too far and see what happens. I have reiterated time-and-again that Iran should have kept its distance from Syrian Civil War. This will blow up on Iran's face one day and millions more will die.

FEAR of loosing everything, is a powerful motivating force. Go ahead and push Israel to the brink...
Oh yes what are they going to do,go nuclear?.Somehow I doubt that even the zionists would be quite that stupid....or deranged.Israels problem is that in 2006 its strategy of fighting its wars on other peoples soil reached the end of the line,in addition it thought that it would still be able to keep both its nuclear monopoly and its conventional advantage,sadly for israel tho that may not be the case as far as the nuclear monopoly is concerned for much longer,the wonderful irony there of course is that its israels own western allies actions who may well be responsible for bringing that about[lol!]
If I was the israelis I think I`d probably want to strongly consider the [claimed]words of a certain german general,one gerd von rundstedt who,during operation overlord,supposedly said to his counterpart one general keitel "Make peace,you fools!",sadly tho israel isnt interested in any peace unless its one that it gets to dictate the terms of.
As for the power of fear as a motivating factor,well I suspect that applies to everyone,tho some more than others of course after all iran only needs to look at what happened to iraq,afghanistan,libya and what almost happened to syria,I mean if these things arent reason enough for iran to rethink its anti nuke policy then I dont know what is.I`m also sure that the iranians couldnt help but notice that despite their best efforts to be reasonable and negotiate a win-win deal with the west all that they got in return was broken promises and getting sh!t on.Yet by comparison the dprk went nuclear,tested nukes,went thermonuclear and tested it,built irbms and icbms and tested those,talked about above ground tests and chic4/frigate bird style live nuclear missile tests near guam,oh and of course the infamous "map of death" with us nuclear targets....and in return kim got a summit with chump....er trump.Ironically the dprk took this route because they like the iranians had also tried to be reasonable and negotiate a win-win deal,the agreed framework[remember that?],only for them to wind up with broken promises and getting sh!t on. You know I think that theres a lesson for iran in there somewhere...,dont you?
As for the winter war,weeell considering that stalin had purged the sh!t out of the red army and its officer corps frankly I`m not surprised they performed so abysmally,but considering how massively outnumbered the fins were and that the ussr was right next door,well they were always going to lose,it was just a question of by how much.
1. War is NOT easy for any country - it can get really messy.

2. No, US will not attack any country out of the blue.

US was preoccupied with Iraq since 1991 and had no choice but to reshape its political landscape at a later stage (De-Ba'athification policy; 2003 - 2011). Of-course, American De-Ba'athification policy for Iraq wasn't an easy task by any measure and many people paid with their lives in the process.

FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De-Ba'athification

3. Israel can take care of Hezbollah on its own. No, Turkey, Russia and Syria will not threaten Israel or even close; they have no stomach for opening this type of front because Israel is a nuclear power with SLBMs that can reach as far as Moscow in a short span.

4. I do not think that US is looking forward to execute 'regime change' in Iran at present; objective would be to damage/weaken Iranian regime to such an extent that it will collapse on its own weight. This is doable.

They threw his body into the ocean as to prevent potential terrorists/loyalists/followers to gravitate around his grave and use it as a basis to spread terrorism and/or recruit more people to their cause. Make sense on a second thought.
Dude, you and Israel should get a room...seriously, maybe invite the U.S. for a threesome...
Iran has a strategic location bordering 6 countries in an oil rich region. Its coastline covers the oil traffic from oil producing Arab nations: approx. 30% of the world’s oil supply and 20% of USA oil. A war in the region will increase oil prices globally, crude output will drop and cost of crude could double/triple/quadruple at the gas stations in the US and countries reliant on middle eastern oil imports. Stock markets and dollar will crash, and gold price will rise as money is transferred from stock markets and the dollar to gold. Iran’s military will attempt to close the straits of Hormuz, shipping insurance will skyrocket, causing many local shipping companies to go bust causing inflation in imported goods.

Iran’s strategic military assets will be attacked relentlessly, and Iran will retaliate against regional Arab states. There will be an outflow of money from the Arab states to safe havens, New York, London, Paris, Geneva, Islamabad etc. Rich Arabs will go on extended holidays abroad. Arab states will increase defense spending and foreigners will jostle for contracts.

Iran is a very mountainous country and will be relatively immune to attacks on well hidden assets/ammunition factories and their complex logistics weapons networks. The US attacks will be designed to cause maximum psychological damage on the Iranian public with the initial hope of initiating regime change as in the beginning of the Iraq war. If that does not work, then they will attempt all out destruction and colonization and in parallel increase the occupation/control of the host states in the region. This war will be a practice run for the next larger country ,Iran is by far the largest country population wise to be directly threatened by the US and NATO.

Within a week US will dominate the Gulf of Hormuz and will neutralize the Iranian air force. Attempts will be made to neutralize Iranian nuclear complex though it will be unsuccessful because of Iranian preparedness. The other regional superpowers will ensure that Iran is supplied and able to continue a war; the size of Iran and the many hostile anti-US neighbor states will help to ensure a supply line of adequate weapons to ensure the US expedition is costly. Anti-US countries will supply just enough weapons to ensure continuity so that both sides bleed and are economically weakened so that they can have the dominance they seek.

The worst case for Pakistan is for hundreds of thousands if not a million refugees entering Baluchistan and a hotbed of pro-Iranian groups establishing themselves to engage in operations across the border. Pakistan has also the possibility of another hostile neighbor government even worse than the Mullahs of today who may actively incite and instigate disorder across the border and who may create an anti-Pakistan stance. What happens in Iran is of vital strategic importance to Pakistan and will directly affect the future of Pakistan, as not only the game could well be applied to Pakistan but because of the instability it could bring across the border.
You didn't understand what I just said. If war starts, there will be some very nasty surprises.
You buy this nonsense?

ANALOGY: Russia failed to take on Chechnya in the first expedition (First Chechen War) but succeeded in the next (Second Chechen War).

Israel is in a much better position to fight and defeat Hezbollah at present even though Hezbollah have also improved its game.

In 2006, Israel's strategic blunder was to dispatch its army to Hezbollah-dominated areas VERY LATE. By then, Hezbollah had dug itself in and offered substantial resistance. Israeli troops were also busy taking selfies while at it. But Israel have taken notes.

American strategy to take over Iraq was MUCH DIFFERENT and BRILLIANT in terms of execution - HYBRID of blitzkrieg + Precision Strikes from South followed by US-backed militias + Precision Strikes from North, to prevent Iraqi armed forces and potential volunteers to dig themselves in and pull off protracted engagements even in cities.

I used to think Pakistanis were smart people, then I came to this website and learned otherwise!
A lot of hindjews on this forum don't be fooled.
Dude, you and Israel should get a room...seriously, maybe invite the U.S. for a threesome...

there is an old saying that you should never jerk off with another mans wank..

it's one thing to have a slave beta mentality that the uber white man rules. the uber white man with magic weapons cannot be defeated etc/.etc.. for your own country..

its a completely different story when you start bringing that beta nonsense as some sort of wisdomly advice for other .

there is a saying the americans love to use to in response to their revolution against the british that goes like:

"any man who trades liberty for temporary security is prepared for a master, and deserves one"
Name some of those wars please.

Dude just open your eyes dont believe what Mullahs tell you
Iran helped US start Shia Sunni war in Iraq because without it US was loosing Iraq, you Helped US kill Sunnis in Iraq. Iran helped US in Afghanistan and it is no secret. You even Helped US start Shia Sunni war in Pakistan thru Baluchistan. Iran has business presence in Balochistan thru stupidity of Pakistani govt because they believe is Ummah and they can easily be bought, Iran has quite few construction companies working in Baluchistan i know it because i have seen it and they only hire Shias (why only in Baluchistan?? there isn't much construction there). In the past our political govt have been spineless greedy MFers with regards to Iran, India and Afghanistan but this time around its a bit different and if Iran continues this in Pakistan then US doesn't need to come. Honestly Iranian Mullah must know that Imran is no push around and if they dont believe me ask your best friend Modi what happened to him.
I used to think Pakistanis were smart people, then I came to this website and learned otherwise!
Colonial, subservient mentality....the middle east is full of these types. Like a giant elephant that has been shackled since birth that no longer tries to break away. Also when people put they're entire faith in weapons and military but ignore all the other vestiges that makes a nation great and powerful....you only need to look at S.A. and all the other Gulf states....then take a look at Indonesia and Singapore. Shame really.
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