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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

Rockets and ballistic missiles significantly vary in terms of accuracy, range, speed and reliability - take a good look at the ballistic missile inventory of Iran and you will get the memo: https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/iran/


1000+ in TOTAL

"Iran has the largest ballistic missile force in the Middle East. It is estimated to have deployed to military units upward of some 100 road-mobile launchers for SRBMs, perhaps half as many road-mobile launchers for MRBMs, and hundreds of associated missiles (perhaps over 1000)." - BROOKINGS


The aforementioned images, and information, give the impression that Iran can set much of Middle East to fire but reality is much different and complex. The numbers game - how many missiles Iran have in its inventory for each type, and how many launchers for each type - these are important considerations. Some estimates provided below.



Increasingly sophisticated ballistic missile types are likely to be very low in count because their increasingly sophisticated TEL will be expensive to build/import/maintain accordingly. Therefore, Iran has to choose its targets carefully and wisely [a].

[a] Primary challenge is to score hits on a large number of high-value targets inside a target state in order to disable its communications network, military bases and more, but easier said than done in the light of the fact that the target state is unlikely to be static and toothless; it will have defenses of its own and will strike at Iranian forces in order to weaken them and/or defeat them - just one target state in question here.

Take a look at the airfields spread across the Middle East for instance.


Too many to disable, and a large salvo is needed to disable each.


Now factor-in military facilities, deeply buried assets, centers of power, communications infrastructure, radar installations, and numerous set-of-defenses*, spread across the region. Now you realize the calculus? Imagine the challenges, and sheer amount of firepower needed to take on the entire GCC bloc in a war (6 countries in total) and deliver crippling blows to it - not feasible for Iran; not even close. And this is outside US and Israel in terms of calculus.

*Increasingly complex set-of-defenses are making inroads in the Middle East. Performance of Saudi defenses at a glance (Made-In-USA of-course).


Heavily guarded military facilities are likely to blunt incoming Iranian salvo on their own. This complexity is on top of a large salvo needed to disable a single heavily guarded military facility.

Iran cannot afford to fight US and win, let alone US + Israel + GCC and win. This war is much different from the wars YOU have fought until now. Iran couldn't handle ISIS on its own, let alone others.

Consider US now. They have a rich understanding of Iranian military capabilities, and where Iranian radar installations, military facilities, deeply buried assets, and centers of powers are located, and also about Iranian communications infrastructure and more. Seriously, ONE can find ample information in public domain, let alone the amount of information in the hands of American intelligence networks at present which is not in public domain of-course. Your missiles will draw much attention while in motion and when deployed**.

**American surveillance apparatus is vast in scale, scope, and capability at present. I do not feel the need to expand on this matter again and again - go through my posting history.

Conclusively speaking, I do not think that 'hundreds of missiles gonna fly every day' from Iran, and even if Iran is able to unleash a volley of 50 missiles per day on potential targets (BIG IF), it will deplete its stockpiles very fast - in a span of several days - and this is assuming that those on the receiving end will not subject Iranian missile forces to counter-fire and/or disrupt them.

Sorry friend, time to open your eyes and see through the hubris of propaganda and PSYOPS.

LMAO - can you provide a LIST of these proxies? Pulling numbers out of your rear now? Be realistic.

One might wish a war could be black-and-white to this extent in terms of execution...

Syrian rebels amassed and utilized thousands of ATGMs during the course of clashes with opposing forces, and where are they now? You need to understand that there are going to a large number of MISSES in the process due to numerous factors and complexities of the battle-space on the surface.

As if USN have no idea...

Please take a look at the defenses of Arleigh Burke class destroyers AT PRESENT - these are the most capable and formidable warships in existence, and each is jam-packed with multi-layered defensive arrangements to neutralize a wide range of potential threats.

FYI: https://whitefleet.net/2017/07/31/the-arleigh-burke-class-destroyer-ddg-51-an-in-depth-guide/


ASW assets of USN at a glance:-




Iran might be able to burn a number of oil fields across the Middle East - I give you this. However, US and GCC will intervene in force and destroy Iranian military capability in the process.

FYI: https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielc...blockading-the-strait-of-hormuz/#276a58b89694

In the meantime:-


Link: https://www.iiss.org/blogs/analysis/2018/12/powerlines-us-oil-imports


Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapie...ks-47-year-old-monthly-oil-production-record/

Thank you Legend, we believe you....no seriously we do...we will lay down our arms and surrender now...no need for further posts...thank you
U can giblbriesh as u want, but thts proven fact once Israel gets attacked from 3 to 4 sides specially ground war will attract a lot more ppls willing to fight it out then America has to come to rescue it and has to abendon its stupid economic hijackings all around the world, Israel has a weak army but a strong airforce which can't let it win on the grounds thy can pound grounds but can't hold positions on the grounds, I. Hve posted a proven fact which was indeed accepted by high defence advisor of then Israeli govt?
And you r Jst continuing with ur own biased views which has no value?

I think u r getting emotional, evn if IRAN Jst stand for a month and just defend itself that it self bring a huge dent to US stupid attack policy, Iran Jst need to defend itself and keep up its head up and thts enogh to kill the stupid American attitude while it will get a massive moral and evn military suport from Russia, China, turkey and Pakistan but Iran should understand that if it will take sides with the enemy of its friends like India it will bring it in open to be attacked from the closest allies of India yes the Americans???

Maybe they are too stupid to understand.-"Iran should understand that if it will take sides with the enemy of its friends like India it will bring it in open to be attacked from the closest allies of India yes the Americans???"
not significant enough for a 650kg warhead
It’s a massive fortified thick concrete structure that their hq thought to be “safe”, hence why they were so relaxing having their get together there. What more did you expect?
Bombs from ucavs would bounce of like firecrackers on that thing!
It’s a massive fortified thick concrete structure that their hq thought to be “safe”, hence why they were so relaxing having their get together there. What more did you expect?

thick concrete? Lol, why don't you go ask a structural engineer how "thick" concrete will fare against a 3 ton ballistic missile with 650kg warhead traveling at extreme speed.
It’s a massive fortified thick concrete structure that their hq thought to be “safe”, hence why they were so relaxing having their get together there. What more did you expect?
Bombs from ucavs would bounce of like firecrackers on that thing!
Fuel air warheads are good for open fields like training fields but their use against fortified building is like using incendiary ammunition against ships built from steel
Persian Empire used to be very powerful and was subjecting European kingdoms to invasions and such. One day a guy named Alexander the Great decided to take his chances with the Persian Empire by invading it instead...
SO FUKN WHAT? This historical example is irrelevant to what we're currently discussing.

Let me tell you something - US is not Iraq, and Iran stand to lose much in this war, if it materialize.
Funny thing is- you dont realize US has a lot to lose also. Remember, US is also currently in an identity crises because its role and respect as the sole global superpower is now at risk. Space has to made in that club for China. I think Iran on the other hand still feels fine about itself internally. I dont even believe the US can do military action in Venezuela or/and Iran or/and North Korea(at least 2 of them) at the same time. Those days are gone. US is already moving MORe troops to the Pacific ,so where are teh actual troops to dominate the Persian gulf/Iran? Some of you really need to start putting things together. Finally, US doesnt have money for a real war, so Iran knows the US at best will do a short intense strike, and hope there's no need for more longer term military action.

Diplomats shaking hands =/= alliance. :enjoy:
False equivalence. I never said or stated this.

Remember, pictures of US diplomats shaking hands with dictators have been posited in that way?
What does this have to do with what I said or argued? Nothing. thank u next..

Let's hope Iran doesn't experience what it inflicted in Syria and Yemen.
That wont happen,because Iran has prepared. Its not called due diligence for nothing.
that's exactly what I thought, why do not they want to enter the Persian Gulf?
Lets to see what will happen,
I think now is good time for one of Iranian commanders say, something like
"they don't have dare to bring their aircraft career inside Persian gulf."
If they don't bring it, they would humiliated.
If they bring it, they are under our teeth.
I have firm belief US Iran not coming but if ...if it happens US will face fair fight after WW2 .
All nations in previous few decades invaded by US were first destablize ecnomically , anarchy in socitey , people turned against own militaries and gov , supporting rebel groups and after all this years of mess , US used to do air strikes to soften up ground targets for months and thn in the end boots on ground .
But Iran is different story.
1 : Iranian gov , people and military on same page.
2 : decades of sanctions turned them experts in self reliance .
3 : US / israel media and psy_ops within iranian people effects are almost Zero progress .
4 : recent proxy wars have turned them battle hardened .
5 : Iran got thousands of missile and rockets of various kinds ranging from land air and sea .
6 : US regional assets are in direct threat and its impossible to intercept all missiles .
7 : If US military do land invasion their losses would be too high to sustain a war .they will forget vietnam and even WW 2 losses .
8 : outcome would be US will loose the game terribly . Yes Iran would be destroyed and might be pushed decades back .

But as always i said this is not going to happen . US wld never ever invade Iran .
pakistan should seal the border.finally irani mullah will fight with american kaffirs.a dream of irani mllahs will come true soon,with iran probably turn into dust.don't open border for anyone.seal it.pakistan isn't house of refugees.stay away from pakistan and learn to fight your own war in your own home. first american navy enter in persian gulf and provoke iran.iran fire in rreturn and war will start.this is the end of iran or so called persian empire.quickly seal the border.
pakistan should seal the border.
That wil economically and culturally isolate Pakistan also. I bet gasoline or fuel price near Iran's border also goes up. THe world is getting more integrated not more isolated. Pls stop being hermitic.

finally irani mullah will fight with american kaffirs.
You wish, but prolly not gonna happen. Funny you call them american kaffirs- your Islamic republic has been in bed with this kaffir and thats probably ok by you right? but When its time for Iran to have conflict with America they are "kaffir " all of a sudden. Being kaffir dont mean crap for all realistic current intents and purposes btw.

a dream of irani mllahs will come true soon,with iran probably turn into dust.
Lmao. Face it- Irani mullahs are more tactical than other mullahs in the ME. Iran will never turn to dust and in reality Iran's hegemony over the ME will probably happen within the next 20 years. US has methodically tried to prevent this from happening, but it'll pprobably happen, ESPECIALLY if US doesnt try a military attack on Iran. I think Iran knows time is on its side- like they told Americans- "you will come and go, and we will stay".

don't open border for anyone.seal it.pakistan isn't house of refugees.stay away from pakistan and learn to fight your own war in your own home.
Isnt this what Afghanistan told your country?

first american navy enter in persian gulf and provoke iran.iran fire in rreturn and war will start.this is the end of iran or so called persian empire.quickly seal the border.
You sound like you understand ME military dynamics but you dont. If only life was like a simple gameboy video game.

Har...Your China and the Soviets did nothing for Iraq prior to Desert Storm. You will not risk your Chinese lives for Iran, no matter how much 'love' you spews for Iran on PDF. You ain't fooling no one, and if any Iranian on this forum took your claim to 'love Persia', more fool they.
I really want to know what China would be "risking" that US wont be risking also. I dont believe US can do crap to China if China helps Iran. Some of you Americans get this country into trouble by consistently 1) underestimating adversaries and 2) thinking things will always go good for you.
thick concrete? Lol, why don't you go ask a structural engineer how "thick" concrete will fare against a 3 ton ballistic missile with 650kg warhead traveling at extreme speed.

Stop wasting thread space you clueless ape. The only part of the missile that hit the target was the warhead, not the whole missile, the zulfiqar's warheads detaches from body. As for the warhead, nobody knows exactly what size/type warhead that missile uses. 650kg is the figure used for the other Fateh-110/KF missiles.
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