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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

dude Iran is only a 2 days game, not a second more
hundreds of missiles gonna fly every day, thousands of our proxies gonna attack them all across the region and europe and even US, thousands of ATGM gonna hit their targets, tens of mines gonna lay in strait of hormuz and block it for weeks while tens of our subs waiting for US and P gulfies to come and open it, then they gonna fire a valfajr torpedo and US/golfies ships gonna turn into this:



then we gonna burn every single oil well in south and that's gonna cripple most of US allies oil supply and economy so they gonna increase the pressure over US to make peace.:-):-)
You buy this nonsense?

ANALOGY: Russia failed to take on Chechnya in the first expedition (First Chechen War) but succeeded in the next (Second Chechen War).

Israel is in a much better position to fight and defeat Hezbollah at present even though Hezbollah have also improved its game.

In 2006, Israel's strategic blunder was to dispatch its army to Hezbollah-dominated areas VERY LATE. By then, Hezbollah had dug itself in and offered substantial resistance. Israeli troops were also busy taking selfies while at it. But Israel have taken notes.

American strategy to take over Iraq was MUCH DIFFERENT and BRILLIANT in terms of execution - HYBRID of blitzkrieg + Precision Strikes from South followed by US-backed militias + Precision Strikes from North, to prevent Iraqi armed forces and potential volunteers to dig themselves in and pull off protracted engagements even in cities.
U can giblbriesh as u want, but thts proven fact once Israel gets attacked from 3 to 4 sides specially ground war will attract a lot more ppls willing to fight it out then America has to come to rescue it and has to abendon its stupid economic hijackings all around the world, Israel has a weak army but a strong airforce which can't let it win on the grounds thy can pound grounds but can't hold positions on the grounds, I. Hve posted a proven fact which was indeed accepted by high defence advisor of then Israeli govt?
And you r Jst continuing with ur own biased views which has no value?

hundreds of missiles gonna fly every day, thousands of our proxies gonna attack them all across the region and europe and even US, thousands of ATGM gonna hit their targets, tens of mines gonna lay in strait of hormuz and block it for weeks while tens of our subs waiting for US and P gulfies to come and open it, then they gonna fire a valfajr torpedo and US/golfies ships gonna turn into this:
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then we gonna burn every single oil well in south and that's gonna cripple most of US allies oil supply and economy so they gonna increase the pressure over US to make peace.:-):-)
I think u r getting emotional, evn if IRAN Jst stand for a month and just defend itself that it self bring a huge dent to US stupid attack policy, Iran Jst need to defend itself and keep up its head up and thts enogh to kill the stupid American attitude while it will get a massive moral and evn military suport from Russia, China, turkey and Pakistan but Iran should understand that if it will take sides with the enemy of its friends like India it will bring it in open to be attacked from the closest allies of India yes the Americans???
U can giblbriesh as u want, but thts proven fact once Israel gets attacked from 3 to 4 sides specially ground war will attract a lot more ppls willing to fight it out then America has to come to rescue it and has to abendon its stupid economic hijackings all around the world, Israel has a weak army but a strong airforce which can't let it win on the grounds thy can pound grounds but can't hold positions on the grounds, I. Hve posted a proven fact which was indeed accepted by high defence advisor of then Israeli govt?
And you r Jst continuing with ur own biased views which has no value?

I think u r getting emotional, evn if IRAN Jst stand for a month and just defend itself that it self bring a huge dent to US stupid attack policy, Iran Jst need to defend itself and keep up its head up and thts enogh to kill the stupid American attitude while it will get a massive moral and evn military suport from Russia, China, turkey and Pakistan but Iran should understand that if it will take sides with the enemy of its friends like India it will bring it in open to be attacked from the closest allies of India yes the Americans???
i knew people gonna say im getting emotional but i just said the truth, the yemen, syria and iraq showed that we can arm our friends with thousands of ATGMs, and unlike our friends we have a sizable trained army. now imagine what would happen for some one who starts a ground invasion on us.
about BM that our officials several times said that they gonna target enemy bases with them so i just quotes.
about proxies i assume you know for yourself so i pass to explain.
about the torpedo also it's a fact, north koreans broke a south korean advanced ship into two pieces, so it's a historical fact not exaggerated.
i don't mean that US is nothing, i very well know that US is biggest military in history and the most advanced and equipped one. but if we move swiftly and utilize our allies to enemy land, in less than 6 hours we can win. we should make two state to follow us or at least don't move against us, saudi arabia and uae can easily fall, but how that gonna help us?? the answer is new elements in ME political balance, we should not hold those lands as ours, qatar, oman and iraq should take those lands, the point is US will not fight iran+iraq+oman+qatar+turkey, after some times they will accept new owners. what benefits us is our south side gonna be safe. but it should happen in less than 6 hours.
U.S CENTCOM Cheif General Kenneth McKenzie: "It sends a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime, that any attack on US interests will be met with unrelenting force... If a fight is to be had, we'll be fully prepared to respond, and defend our interests. And it won't be a fair fight."

U.S CENTCOM Cheif General Kenneth McKenzie: "It sends a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime, that any attack on US interests will be met with unrelenting force... If a fight is to be had, we'll be fully prepared to respond, and defend our interests. And it won't be a fair fight."

General McKenzie, I hope you have been running your wartime simulations with new parameters that allow you to fight this so-called "unfair fight." Because the last time your country simulated a potential confrontation, you got destroyed.
i knew people gonna say im getting emotional but i just said the truth, the yemen, syria and iraq showed that we can arm our friends with thousands of ATGMs, and unlike our friends we have a sizable trained army. now imagine what would happen for some one who starts a ground invasion on us.
about BM that our officials several times said that they gonna target enemy bases with them so i just quotes.
about proxies i assume you know for yourself so i pass to explain.
about the torpedo also it's a fact, north koreans broke a south korean advanced ship into two pieces, so it's a historical fact not exaggerated.
i don't mean that US is nothing, i very well know that US is biggest military in history and the most advanced and equipped one. but if we move swiftly and utilize our allies to enemy land, in less than 6 hours we can win. we should make two state to follow us or at least don't move against us, saudi arabia and uae can easily fall, but how that gonna help us?? the answer is new elements in ME political balance, we should not hold those lands as ours, qatar, oman and iraq should take those lands, the point is US will not fight iran+iraq+oman+qatar+turkey, after some times they will accept new owners. what benefits us is our south side gonna be safe. but it should happen in less than 6 hours.
truth isn't what u think , it will explore itself with the moment ?
while if u think any of your so called friends will send thier troops and fight usa with siding you , sorry it's not on the cards , whstever may happen you have to take the heat by urself and once Iran gets engaged by US war machines you may not find many safe land routes to send or recive any of your posted arms to other IranIan supportive nations so your best bet is to face USA in the war and try to attack it where you can , even one or 2 of ur attacks gone with good hits it will hve a embarrassing effects on US war machine itself ?which will be enough to let Russians and China play thier game and let US bow down as thy did in SIrya and in Venezuela ?
Then it all will be table talk , remember US has similar plans as what thy did with SADAM in Iraq which is to attack and destroy all the main infrastructures in Iran in frist wave of strike then impose harder sanctions on Iran then , after some time or after some years hit again with full force and bring a leadership change in Iran ?
for that ur leadership u should not be seen as a terrorist state starting or arming others to hit friends of USA ?
u should keep it in carpet or else let hezbollha attack Israel before US huts Iran it's all chess game if ur leadership can play with cool mind victory will be yours ?
The stupids cheering for US attack: you are too dumb to understand that if Iran burns then so will the entire region. Iran maybe did not invent assymetrical warfare and kamakaze but she perfected it. Together with endless supply (underground production, from material to product) of rockets and missives Iran will keep the region on fire. Do you think for a second the IRGC is afraid of war? They live for this. War for them is a blessing so that they hopefully can be martyred. US might be the one to light the match but Irgc will keep it burning until they win, they all die or the whole region is destroyed. So be careful for what you wish for...
Iran has a strategic location bordering 6 countries in an oil rich region. Its coastline covers the oil traffic from oil producing Arab nations: approx. 30% of the world’s oil supply and 20% of USA oil. A war in the region will increase oil prices globally, crude output will drop and cost of crude could double/triple/quadruple at the gas stations in the US and countries reliant on middle eastern oil imports. Stock markets and dollar will crash, and gold price will rise as money is transferred from stock markets and the dollar to gold. Iran’s military will attempt to close the straits of Hormuz, shipping insurance will skyrocket, causing many local shipping companies to go bust causing inflation in imported goods.

Iran’s strategic military assets will be attacked relentlessly, and Iran will retaliate against regional Arab states. There will be an outflow of money from the Arab states to safe havens, New York, London, Paris, Geneva, Islamabad etc. Rich Arabs will go on extended holidays abroad. Arab states will increase defense spending and foreigners will jostle for contracts.

Iran is a very mountainous country and will be relatively immune to attacks on well hidden assets/ammunition factories and their complex logistics weapons networks. The US attacks will be designed to cause maximum psychological damage on the Iranian public with the initial hope of initiating regime change as in the beginning of the Iraq war. If that does not work, then they will attempt all out destruction and colonization and in parallel increase the occupation/control of the host states in the region. This war will be a practice run for the next larger country ,Iran is by far the largest country population wise to be directly threatened by the US and NATO.

Within a week US will dominate the Gulf of Hormuz and will neutralize the Iranian air force. Attempts will be made to neutralize Iranian nuclear complex though it will be unsuccessful because of Iranian preparedness. The other regional superpowers will ensure that Iran is supplied and able to continue a war; the size of Iran and the many hostile anti-US neighbor states will help to ensure a supply line of adequate weapons to ensure the US expedition is costly. Anti-US countries will supply just enough weapons to ensure continuity so that both sides bleed and are economically weakened so that they can have the dominance they seek.

The worst case for Pakistan is for hundreds of thousands if not a million refugees entering Baluchistan and a hotbed of pro-Iranian groups establishing themselves to engage in operations across the border. Pakistan has also the possibility of another hostile neighbor government even worse than the Mullahs of today who may actively incite and instigate disorder across the border and who may create an anti-Pakistan stance. What happens in Iran is of vital strategic importance to Pakistan and will directly affect the future of Pakistan, as not only the game could well be applied to Pakistan but because of the instability it could bring across the border.
Much respect for your analysis! Very reasonable and practical.

Soon the USS Abraham Lincoln strike group will be there, And John Bolton will dismantle the ayatollah's country.
What US couldnt do in 34 years Bolton will do in 4. sounds accurate..
U.S CENTCOM Cheif General Kenneth McKenzie: "It sends a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime, that any attack on US interests will be met with unrelenting force... If a fight is to be had, we'll be fully prepared to respond, and defend our interests. And it won't be a fair fight."

Fair fight!:lol: No it won't be a fair fight. Nothing has been fair since 3 centuries ago for Iran. I think we are used to it by now.
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growing distances between USA and UK and Germany and France
Good news for IRAN tht more and more countries r getting out of American shackles
hundreds of missiles gonna fly every day,
Rockets and ballistic missiles significantly vary in terms of accuracy, range, speed and reliability - take a good look at the ballistic missile inventory of Iran and you will get the memo: https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/iran/


1000+ in TOTAL

"Iran has the largest ballistic missile force in the Middle East. It is estimated to have deployed to military units upward of some 100 road-mobile launchers for SRBMs, perhaps half as many road-mobile launchers for MRBMs, and hundreds of associated missiles (perhaps over 1000)." - BROOKINGS


The aforementioned images, and information, give the impression that Iran can set much of Middle East to fire but reality is much different and complex. The numbers game - how many missiles Iran have in its inventory for each type, and how many launchers for each type - these are important considerations. Some estimates provided below.



Increasingly sophisticated ballistic missile types are likely to be very low in count because their increasingly sophisticated TEL will be expensive to build/import/maintain accordingly. Therefore, Iran has to choose its targets carefully and wisely [a].

[a] Primary challenge is to score hits on a large number of high-value targets inside a target state in order to disable its communications network, military bases and more, but easier said than done in the light of the fact that the target state is unlikely to be static and toothless; it will have defenses of its own and will strike at Iranian forces in order to weaken them and/or defeat them - just one target state in question here.

Take a look at the airfields spread across the Middle East for instance.


Too many to disable, and a large salvo is needed to disable each.


Now factor-in military facilities, deeply buried assets, centers of power, communications infrastructure, radar installations, and numerous set-of-defenses*, spread across the region. Now you realize the calculus? Imagine the challenges, and sheer amount of firepower needed to take on the entire GCC bloc in a war (6 countries in total) and deliver crippling blows to it - not feasible for Iran; not even close. And this is outside US and Israel in terms of calculus.

*Increasingly complex set-of-defenses are making inroads in the Middle East. Performance of Saudi defenses at a glance (Made-In-USA of-course).


Heavily guarded military facilities are likely to blunt incoming Iranian salvo on their own. This complexity is on top of a large salvo needed to disable a single heavily guarded military facility.

Iran cannot afford to fight US and win, let alone US + Israel + GCC and win. This war is much different from the wars YOU have fought until now. Iran couldn't handle ISIS on its own, let alone others.

Consider US now. They have a rich understanding of Iranian military capabilities, and where Iranian radar installations, military facilities, deeply buried assets, and centers of powers are located, and also about Iranian communications infrastructure and more. Seriously, ONE can find ample information in public domain, let alone the amount of information in the hands of American intelligence networks at present which is not in public domain of-course. Your missiles will draw much attention while in motion and when deployed**.

**American surveillance apparatus is vast in scale, scope, and capability at present. I do not feel the need to expand on this matter again and again - go through my posting history.

Conclusively speaking, I do not think that 'hundreds of missiles gonna fly every day' from Iran, and even if Iran is able to unleash a volley of 50 missiles per day on potential targets (BIG IF), it will deplete its stockpiles very fast - in a span of several days - and this is assuming that those on the receiving end will not subject Iranian missile forces to counter-fire and/or disrupt them.

Sorry friend, time to open your eyes and see through the hubris of propaganda and PSYOPS.

thousands of our proxies gonna attack them all across the region and europe and even US,
LMAO - can you provide a LIST of these proxies? Pulling numbers out of your rear now? Be realistic.

thousands of ATGM gonna hit their targets,
One might wish a war could be black-and-white to this extent in terms of execution...

Syrian rebels amassed and utilized thousands of ATGMs during the course of clashes with opposing forces, and where are they now? You need to understand that there are going to a large number of MISSES in the process due to numerous factors and complexities of the battle-space on the surface.

tens of mines gonna lay in strait of hormuz and block it for weeks
As if USN have no idea...

while tens of our subs waiting for US and P gulfies to come and open it, then they gonna fire a valfajr torpedo and US/golfies ships gonna turn into this:
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Please take a look at the defenses of Arleigh Burke class destroyers AT PRESENT - these are the most capable and formidable warships in existence, and each is jam-packed with multi-layered defensive arrangements to neutralize a wide range of potential threats.

FYI: https://whitefleet.net/2017/07/31/the-arleigh-burke-class-destroyer-ddg-51-an-in-depth-guide/


ASW assets of USN at a glance:-




then we gonna burn every single oil well in south and that's gonna cripple most of US allies oil supply and economy so they gonna increase the pressure over US to make peace.:-):-)
Iran might be able to burn a number of oil fields across the Middle East - I give you this. However, US and GCC will intervene in force and destroy Iranian military capability in the process.

FYI: https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielc...blockading-the-strait-of-hormuz/#276a58b89694

In the meantime:-


Link: https://www.iiss.org/blogs/analysis/2018/12/powerlines-us-oil-imports


Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapie...ks-47-year-old-monthly-oil-production-record/

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one of our missile cities:



i give you and your american friends it's cordinations, it's in semnan province of iran and per your info all of our missiles are there. feel free to attack us.:-):-)
just a little tip for you my ignorant US cheering brother, iran had a general named sattari. this dude orchestrated our military procurement of russia and ex-soviets in field of air force. before he get martyred he had plan to build 300 saeqeh to compensate our losses during iran-iraq war. but they didn't (you know why) and pumped money to BMs.
accourding to IRGCAS force commander a single ballistic missile costs us 400 K$, so no my friend they are not expensive for us. just look at how many missile only our DM produces every month:



(fateh class)



(qiam missiles)


(static TEL)

seems like you don't have a clear misure of our DM capabilities this shows on which scale they produce:

(naser cruise missile)

(sayyad 3 ADM)

LOL you said we have 24 shahab missiles:enjoy::enjoy:
a brotherly advice to you, don't read janes, they are clowns and when you refer to their information you look like a clown too. these idiots said iran can't make akhgar gatling gun and it's regime propaganda and they don't have material to build barrels for a gatling gun to sustain 5000 rpm, the clowns are such unfamiliar with iran's capabilities that they didn't know iran produces mg-3 and it's barrel with a licence of H&K. youre quoting this kind of morons.
there is a active propaganda system from US targeting us, you never suspected why they release the details of coup against mossadegh in 2000s but they release monthly about our military?? if tomorrow our DM fart during an exhibition they gonna claim no it's a lie in best case it was a russian fart that iranians copied our specialists smelled it and they say it smell like a russian fart. you can recall the gaher analizes by a shitologist that we were debating.
LMAO - can you provide a LIST of these proxies? Pulling numbers out of your rear now? Be realistic.
hezbullah~50 k+ iranian friends in syria~20 k+ iraqi friends~150 k+ yemeni friends~150 k
i didn't mention the afghansitani and pakistani and other friends.
Pulling numbers out of your rear now?
the truth is i should say that to you my friend in BM discussions you literaly pulled facts out of your back.
You need to understand that there are going to a large number of MISSES in the process due to numerous factors and complexities of the battle-space on the surface.
but US weapons don't miss??


ASW assets of USN at a glance:-




thank you to inform me, so for every ship in a carrier group we have 3.75 submarine, hmmm seems like complete superiority, lol we even don't talk about other assets.
please tell me that you know US market is global and any changes in lets say europe gonna affect it??
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Actually weapons like the fateh 110 and zulfiqar have been combat proven,for instance the fateh 110 was used to strike kdpi kurdish terrorists in iraq.Two of these missiles hit the terrorist headquarters,the first hit the exact part of the building that the leadership of this group was meeting in with an accuracy measured in the low single meters,the second landed right next to it just in front of the building.






Heres drone footage of the strike plus launch footage,this involved strikes on around 3 or 4 targets.

Heres the target building,you can clearly see how big it is and where both missiles struck and how accurate they were
The latest variant of the fateh 110 series called the dezful has had its range stretched to around 1000kms


you think a ballistic missile with a 650kg warhead is doing only that little damage to the building?

the damage was most likely done by an armed drone, as the damage coincides with the warhead size of missiles they carry.

you think a ballistic missile with a 650kg warhead is doing only that little damage to the building?

the damage was most likely done by an armed drone, as the damage coincides with the warhead size of missiles they carry.
recently IRGC unveiled fuel-air warheads, maybe they use that type to increase the casualties. BTW the impact is not that insignificant your saying.
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