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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf


What a cowardly statement from a coward. You definitely sound like a hindjew that's how they think and want others to think.
Ok. I'm coward. Agreed. Are you brave? If you are brave then go to Iran and join their IRGC. Pakistan doesn't need people like you
Diplomats shaking hands =/= alliance. :enjoy:

Remember, pictures of US diplomats shaking hands with dictators have been posited in that way?

Wrong -- regarding the 'romanticism' bit.

There was nothing smacked of 'romanticism' about the land wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. If there was any sense of 'romanticism', it was more about optimism that we can change a society, and yes, I will say that changing any country in the ME into a functional democracy is clearly hopeless. In Iraq and Afghanistan, we definitely lost that goal. The people are not matured enough to handle the messiness of democracy.

But if there is a need to engage in a land war on Iranian proper, we can execute it. Am not an Army guy, but as an Air Force guy, I can think of at least a dozen scenarios where US airpower will clear the paths -- plural -- for the US Army to run anywhere in Iran for any goal. In Desert Storm, we made a logistical error when US Army armor outran their support and had to slow down. It was a mistake but a profitable one as it hinted at how fast the Army can exploit openings.

Let it be clear: 1953 was the last time the US Army was attacked by an enemy air force. The USAF will not allow that to happen in Iran.
Yeah, ok, sure thing...that bravado worked out pretty good in Afghanistan and Iraq. with that said, Iran will make those two places look like a day at Disneyland for your ground troops.
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my cute idiot friend, you didn't get what i said did you??
Dear pisspot, those American bases are in Pakistan with our government's permission and if anyone attacks on Pakistani soil on whatever the entity it shall be, it will be considered an attack on Pakistan and swift response will follow.

Now I think your small malnutritioned brain will get my point. Right?
Dear pisspot, those American bases are in Pakistan with our government's permission and if anyone attacks on Pakistani soil on whatever the entity it shall be, it will be considered an attack on Pakistan and swift response will follow.

Now I think your small malnutritioned brain will get my point. Right?

Your a puppet state, US drones murdered your civilians left and right and Pakistan was forced to accept. Your economy is in shambles and needs frequent bailouts....Right now when it is OPEN to trading with ALL countries!!!

If you piss off your daddy America then they will sanction Pakistan to oblivion. Who would trade with Pakistan with the risk of sanctions over its head?

So please don’t say laughable things like “With Pakistan government’s Permission”. Yeah the US really asked your permission when they violated Pakistan airspace and soil to kill OBL.

But anyway US bases in foreign countries are considered American Soil under immunity agreements.
Iran should not have listened to the pro-West moderates. It ended up with neutral relations with everybody but without strong backing from anti-West countries. Iran missed an opportunity to get closer to China after the nuclear deal, preferring Europe and other countries somewhat aligned with USA in order to appease USA. Well, that got them backstabbed by USA rather quickly. The best way for Iran to defend itself is to set aside its pride and invite China and Russian troops into Iran as well as grant oil and gas concessions to China to pay for the military bases.
Oh,right!!...what a totally brilliant idea!!,yeah..lets exchange western vassalage for chinese or russian vassalage instead!,that`d solve all of irans problems,wouldnt it?
Oh!?...but wait a moment!..,I mean if irans going to have to be a vassal then why not just go back to being a western vassal?,I mean last time I looked the west still had better weapons and technology than china or russia,doesnt it?.
Lastly I do seem to remember a certain rather important person by the name of Ayatollah Khomeini say something along the lines of: "Neither east,nor west...".So lets be honest here,the iranians didnt throw off the yoke of western vassalage only to then turn around and replace it with another one that has "made in china" stamped on it.

However I do agree totally with one thing you`ve said, and that was that it was really pretty stupid to trust the west,tho I think it was not so much the deal per say as it was the implementation of it which depended on nothing more than trusting in the good will of the west that it would live up to its commitments[lol!]
Lastly iran and china are already pretty close,economically at least.For instance china is irans biggest trading partner and it was able to become that solely because of the eurovassals cutting their own throats economically on the us`s orders,pretty stupid huh?,but then when you`re a vassal you have to do sh!t like that because you dont have any real choice.In addition iran is one of chinas few[only?] source of oil that isnt either a strategic competitor [russia] or the vassals of one [saudi/gulf states],in fact russia and the gulfies alone account for 50%+ of chinas oil,not to mention that iran has the second largest gas reserves on the planet in the south pars gas field and china lucked out there again as frances total had to cut its own throat yet again[lol] and give its multi-billion euro deal to develop phase 11 of the field to china,tho whether china will actually do anything with it still remains to be seen as unsubstantiated reports claim that china has buckled under us pressure to throw away this incredible opportunity...tho you`d of thought that china would`ve been moving both heaven and earth to get its hands on all that gas......oh well.
Reminds me of the street or the school playground gangs and strategies.
Sadly this is the unpleasant reality of the current unipolar world that we now find ourselves in and until the creation of a more stable bipolar or multipolar world this is the way it is.However the ascension to the defacto leadership of the west by the fascist trump regime with its tastes for thuggery,threats,blackmail and all of its other many unsavory predilections has undoubtedly made the situation far more dangerously unstable as not only is its own behavior quite appalling but it only serves to further encourage and justify others to act in that same base manner.
I don't think so , it will be too much if attack on Pak asset. But, recent KSA pointing finger at Isreal nuclear asset could get Pak in trouble for IAEA inspection and nuclear disarmament treaty. KSA should have talk to Pakistan before making IAEA call on Israel.
Saudia is free to make such things. I don't think it will effect Pakistan, as it will effect none, but Saudia herself.
Iran NEEDS the bomb now, it's no longer even a question of if or maybe Iran should have one, it NEEDs one for self-preservation.
Iran has what it needs. The first thing you learn when you are born as an Iranian is to be like an iceberg, i.e. 0.9 of your mass should be under water where nobody see. I'm 100% sure Iran military is no different.
Har...Your China and the Soviets did nothing for Iraq prior to Desert Storm. You will not risk your Chinese lives for Iran, no matter how much 'love' you spews for Iran on PDF. You ain't fooling no one, and if any Iranian on this forum took your claim to 'love Persia', more fool they.
China will help iran, it is sure
Iran Sets Deadline for Remaining JCPOA Parties
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) issued a statement on Wednesday, saying the country is no longer fulfilling some of its obligations under the 2015 nuclear, and setting a two-month deadline for the remaining parties to fulfill their undertakings.

From Wednesday on, Iran stops some of its measures taken under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the statement said.

“At the current stage, we are not committed to complying with restrictions on the keeping enriched uranium reserves and heavy water supplies,” the SNSC stated.

The statement also set a 60-day deadline for the remaining parties to the deal to fulfill their obligations, especially in the areas of banking and oil.

The statement came a few days after the US administration renewed five of seven sanctions waivers that allow Russia and European nations to conduct civilian nuclear cooperation with Iran but revoked the other two as part of its pressure campaign against Tehran.

On Friday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo extended the waivers, which were due to expire Saturday, for 90 days, shorter than the 180 days that had been granted in the past.

The waivers permit work at several Iranian nuclear sites to continue without US penalties. Under the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, Russia and several European nations help maintain the facilities.

Washington also stopped issuing waivers to buy Iranian crude oil on Thursday.

Before the US moves, Iranian officials, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, had warned against their consequences.

On May 8, 2018, US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the JCPOA.

Following the US withdrawal, Iran and the remaining parties launched talks to save the accord.

The European Union has vowed to counter Trump’s renewed sanctions on Iran, including by means of a new law to shield European companies from punitive measures, but it has so far failed to do anything beyond making statements.
Good, now is time to build IR-2M and IR-4 centrifuges in masses.
In past IR-1 took a lot of time from us but IR-2M is much faster.
After two months if European and American continue to not implementing their Obligations under deal.
Iran could be much faster.
picture for comparing power of different Iranian centrifuges.
Iran has what it needs. The first thing you learn when you are born as an Iranian is to be like an iceberg, i.e. 0.9 of your mass should be under water where nobody see. I'm 100% sure Iran military is no different.

Iran has a strategic location bordering 6 countries in an oil rich region. Its coastline covers the oil traffic from oil producing Arab nations: approx. 30% of the world’s oil supply and 20% of USA oil. A war in the region will increase oil prices globally, crude output will drop and cost of crude could double/triple/quadruple at the gas stations in the US and countries reliant on middle eastern oil imports. Stock markets and dollar will crash, and gold price will rise as money is transferred from stock markets and the dollar to gold. Iran’s military will attempt to close the straits of Hormuz, shipping insurance will skyrocket, causing many local shipping companies to go bust causing inflation in imported goods.

Iran’s strategic military assets will be attacked relentlessly, and Iran will retaliate against regional Arab states. There will be an outflow of money from the Arab states to safe havens, New York, London, Paris, Geneva, Islamabad etc. Rich Arabs will go on extended holidays abroad. Arab states will increase defense spending and foreigners will jostle for contracts.

Iran is a very mountainous country and will be relatively immune to attacks on well hidden assets/ammunition factories and their complex logistics weapons networks. The US attacks will be designed to cause maximum psychological damage on the Iranian public with the initial hope of initiating regime change as in the beginning of the Iraq war. If that does not work, then they will attempt all out destruction and colonization and in parallel increase the occupation/control of the host states in the region. This war will be a practice run for the next larger country ,Iran is by far the largest country population wise to be directly threatened by the US and NATO.

Within a week US will dominate the Gulf of Hormuz and will neutralize the Iranian air force. Attempts will be made to neutralize Iranian nuclear complex though it will be unsuccessful because of Iranian preparedness. The other regional superpowers will ensure that Iran is supplied and able to continue a war; the size of Iran and the many hostile anti-US neighbor states will help to ensure a supply line of adequate weapons to ensure the US expedition is costly. Anti-US countries will supply just enough weapons to ensure continuity so that both sides bleed and are economically weakened so that they can have the dominance they seek.

The worst case for Pakistan is for hundreds of thousands if not a million refugees entering Baluchistan and a hotbed of pro-Iranian groups establishing themselves to engage in operations across the border. Pakistan has also the possibility of another hostile neighbor government even worse than the Mullahs of today who may actively incite and instigate disorder across the border and who may create an anti-Pakistan stance. What happens in Iran is of vital strategic importance to Pakistan and will directly affect the future of Pakistan, as not only the game could well be applied to Pakistan but because of the instability it could bring across the border.
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