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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

The sheer amount of fantastical bullshit being spewed by some of the posters here is laughable. Jesus H. Christ, do you guys sincerely believe this is some sort of walk in the park for US forces? Are you all that damn gullible and indoctrinated by hollow US military bravado about how quick and easy wars against states the world over will be (especially Iran)? I sincerely didn't know that the we Americans were just war magicians now, ALA KAZAM WE BEAT IRAN!!! NOW WATCH AS I MAKE THIS BUNNY RABIT DISAPPEAR WITHIN MY MAGICIANS HAT!!!

To put is subtly.... IRAN IS NOT A WALK IN THE PARK BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER (except the their air force and certain aspects of their navy), THE COUNTRY IS BIG, GEOGRAPHICALLY DIVERSE, HAS A LARGE POOL OF WILLING DEFENDERS AND STRATEGIC WEAPONS IN SUBSTANTIAL QUANTITIES THAT CAN AND WILL MESS THINGS UP FOR THE US AND ITS ALLIES. But hey, y'all go ahead and act like Iran will fold and the US will sail away the 'victors', we will see if the vaunted uber military magicians known as the US military can subdue an entire nation which has been readying itself for years for this VERY conflict. It will be glorious I guess, I mean the US can win ANY AND ALL BATTLES AND WARS RIGHT? WE AMERICANS ARE DAMN NEAR INVINCIBLE RIGHT?

God damn joke this forum is sometimes I swear to god man...

Don't even flinch or bat an eye about it. Ain't worth anyones time...

Why should Pakistan fight a war for someone who is harbouring terrorism against Pakistan. If you love Iran so much, then go to Syria or Yemen and fight their war and you don't need to come back as you and your family will get Iranian citizenship

Here's an advice for you. Find the tallest and strongest guy in your neighborhood and fight with him. If you win only then advocate Pakisyan Army to fight with USA

What a cowardly statement from a coward. You definitely sound like a hindjew that's how they think and want others to think.
Soon the USS Abraham Lincoln strike group will be there, And John Bolton will dismantle the ayatollah's country.
A pawn has been installed as a PM......lol
What did you have before that?
Exemplary leaders who should be worshiped?

They already wanted to take out Iran. Syria was only a distraction for the time, to draw in Putin and his forces to try and force a war on Russia as well. The story started from Ukraine...

If Iran didn't do what it did in Syria and Yemen, it would be far weaker and an easier target to digest.
Right now Iran has learnt lessons from both of those conflicts and they know how Americans can be defeated like they were in Syria.
Americans would never be able to launch full scale ground invasions on Iranian territory because of a complete hostile population who are willing to die for their country. Unlike The Iraqis or Afghanis who are enemies of their own country men and complete sell outs.
Yet the Taliban persisted and have survived, so have the Iraqis after losing millions of lives.
Iran on the other hand is neither of them, and yet, doesn't have any credible air defences to withstand aerial bombardment that will kill of most of its strategic infrastructure and troops and armored formations on the ground.

If they can hit and damage Israel, like really really make Israel bleed during the initial days of the conflict, that might be the only way they might stand a chance at pushing the Americans and their willingness to fight a long war.

The thing about the Syrian war is that Iranian forces are far closer to Israel now , have been consolidating their positions and are clearly a formidable fighting force. Now they that they are so close to Israel they have teamed up with Hezbollah and Syrian forces and are ready to give Israel a run for their money. That is why US Neocons are in panic mode and want Iran to be the focus and defend the mainland. Neocons have b(r)ought Trump and are no doubt filling his pockets with huge amount of cash for rendering his services. Iranian allied forces are threatening the retaking of the Golan heights and with the battle experience they have it is easily achievable, as the Israeli forces (as has been seen in past performance against Hezbollah) can't take the pressure and will run.
I would be shocked if the US went to war with Iran. I think they will just allow Iran and Saudi Arabia to go at it, like in the Iran-Iraq war.
Oh John Bolton knows what to do, He will bomb the crap out of Iran and sends the rest of the muslims to finish them off, It's time to feed the Iranians to the rest of the Muslims.
The thing about the Syrian war is that Iranian forces are far closer to Israel now , have been consolidating their positions and are clearly a formidable fighting force. Now they that they are so close to Israel they have teamed up with Hezbollah and Syrian forces and are ready to give Israel a run for their money. That is why US Neocons are in panic mode and want Iran to be the focus and defend the mainland. Neocons have b(r)ought Trump and are no doubt filling his pockets with huge amount of cash for rendering his services. Iranian allied forces are threatening the retaking of the Golan heights and with the battle experience they have it is easily achievable, as the Israeli forces (as has been seen in past performance against Hezbollah) can't take the pressure and will run.
Iran is right at Israels doorsteps. Although many would disagree, I believe Israel has no chance against Iran with Hezbollah and Syrian forces. The airstrikes didn't work, and they are now using their lobby force as a last desperate attempt to make US fight their war for them.

Barbara Starr is a zionist slave. She has 0 credibility
And how are we supposed to move ballistic missiles by boat to Syria and Iraq? We share a land border with Iraq and there is no sea route from Persian gulf to Syria. How stupid are people to believe this nonsense
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Barbara Starr is a zionist slave. She has 0 credibility
And how are we supposed to move ballistic missiles by boat to Syria and Iraq? We share a land border with Iraq and there is no sea route from Persian gulf to Syria. How stupid are people to believe this nonsense

It's not about her, she's quoting US officials and CNN has access to those officials. So whether its to be believed or not, or whatever it even means, it just suggests that US is implying Iran is in some sort of general mobilization state. And now it's up to the analysts to determine what political course the US is on to in this regard.
I have a gut feeling that this attack is directed or intended on Pakistan's nuclear assets. They will pose as if Iran is the target, but in last moments everything will be directed to Pakistan.
@Irfan Baloch @Maarkhoor @HAIDER
I don't think so , it will be too much if attack on Pak asset. But, recent KSA pointing finger at Isreal nuclear asset could get Pak in trouble for IAEA inspection and nuclear disarmament treaty. KSA should have talk to Pakistan before making IAEA call on Israel.
Pressure tactics and thats it .
Targeted Cruise missile attack is possibility .
No air strike is coming and even cruise missile attack.... Chances are seldom .US never invade iran , you would never see boots on ground .
Its bit strange for most but not for those who understand future geostrategy .Iran is natural ally of US and Israel in 21st century .
Supplying weapons =/= sign of an alliance.
Diplomats shaking hands =/= alliance. :enjoy:

Remember, pictures of US diplomats shaking hands with dictators have been posited in that way?

...there is less than zero chance of a land war, the U.S. does not have the stomach for it....the last 2 were enough to diminish any romanticism they had regarding land wars.
Wrong -- regarding the 'romanticism' bit.

There was nothing smacked of 'romanticism' about the land wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. If there was any sense of 'romanticism', it was more about optimism that we can change a society, and yes, I will say that changing any country in the ME into a functional democracy is clearly hopeless. In Iraq and Afghanistan, we definitely lost that goal. The people are not matured enough to handle the messiness of democracy.

But if there is a need to engage in a land war on Iranian proper, we can execute it. Am not an Army guy, but as an Air Force guy, I can think of at least a dozen scenarios where US airpower will clear the paths -- plural -- for the US Army to run anywhere in Iran for any goal. In Desert Storm, we made a logistical error when US Army armor outran their support and had to slow down. It was a mistake but a profitable one as it hinted at how fast the Army can exploit openings.

Let it be clear: 1953 was the last time the US Army was attacked by an enemy air force. The USAF will not allow that to happen in Iran.
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