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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

Notice to all the non iranian armchair generals:
My dear generals Iran has been preparing for a fight with US for the past 40 years (they know this fight will eventually come) ..So as you express your own insecurities the real battle hardened Iranian generals are quietly preparing to launch their long awaited plans. They know just like the 8 year war with Iraq they will have to fight this one alone also. So relax...have a sip of your coffee and watch how a Persian teaches a Yank to fight.:cheers:

it's like a game, finally fight the boss.
unlike what you guys think, my opinion is we should start the war and make the bomb and after we did our damage test one of them in desert. we should start with PGCC oil fields and refineries and if the situation escalated so be it. we should burn every aggressor in lebanon,gaza, yemen, syria, iraq, afghanistan and pakistan. the US movements shows weakness not otherwise, for the first time we are in good position and we should take the advantage of it.
how ever we should not show a crazy face of ourself to the world so they justify escalation, arabs probably gonna attack us in next month that's the opportunity, we should reply them swiftly and accurately and make it clear for the west that if they intervene we gonna shower israel and EU (if they attack) with active uranium.
you want to make job for European and American companies.
look when war happen hitting Arabs won't solve problem, our missiles should hit somewhere that slave masters feel pain to end war immediately.
remember strategic jump policy.
you want to make job for European and American companies.
look when war happen hitting Arabs won't solve problem, our missiles should hit somewhere that slave masters feel pain to end war immediately.
remember strategic jump policy.
they are throwing arabs to take the bullet instead of israel, and you can't hit israel because arabs started a war with us. we should wait and see. it is not the first time they are pressuring us to take benefits of it, what i'm saying is US made actions that the whole world condemned them so we can take the advantage of world political dynamic to suppress arabs and make the bomb while the world would accept that.
We don't want refugees from Iran and mullah regime hiding in pakistan.pakistan already have namak Haram afghans.i think best way for Pakistan is to leave all Afghani and Irani refugees on loc.let them fight for their survival. Hahahaha
Notice to all the non iranian armchair generals:
My dear generals Iran has been preparing for a fight with US for the past 40 years (they know this fight will eventually come) ..So as you express your own insecurities the real battle hardened Iranian generals are quietly preparing to launch their long awaited plans. They know just like the 8 year war with Iraq they will have to fight this one alone also. So relax...have a sip of your coffee and watch how a Persian teaches a Yank to fight.:cheers:
Yesss I agree what we all need is GULF WAR III.
So now we've heard that Israel has supposedly given intelligence to the U.S. which the talking heads are calling Specific and Credible....(Sorry, give me a sec for my laughter to cease). I love the Irony, how Israel owns these guys....seriously, it's shameful how they play the Pentagon and the CIA. Talk about the tail wagging the dog, but I digress. Anyway, I hope the Iranian strategists are looking at this chess board and realizing the way forward is not to give the U.S. a chance to look good here, not giving them a reason to strike. The correct play and in my opinion the only play is to drive up oil prices. The best way to do this is through covert actions....Proxies, cyber and good ol' fashion saber rattling. They have done most of the work themselves already....they have taken most of our oil off the market, they have taken Venezuela's oil off the market. So naturally the oil market is already very jittery, a small hiccup in S.A. or UAE or Nigeria, along with Bolton/Pompeo's tweets and media coverage about their willingness for war (not to mention China trade war) will be enough to send prices through the roof. I have said this before and I will say it again...the way you fight a superpower is through their economy. The achilles heel of Trump is the market and the economy....any hits to those two subjects and he won't be able to focus on anything else.
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Its not about oil.
Its all about Israel security and greater Israel.
Plan is simple. Neutralize Iran, make turkey weaker, take away Pakistan nuclear weapons using economic terrorism and then go for greater Israel.
After Iran its turkey and Pakistan.
To our Chinese/Pakistani colleagues on this thread: I'm not interested what Iran could've or should've done...I'm interested what Iran should do now. Revisiting past blunders is not what is needed now. Also, there is less than zero chance of a land war, the U.S. does not have the stomach for it....the last 2 were enough to diminish any romanticism they had regarding land wars.
Inviting foreign powers into iran is a fantasy, no one will fight for us... Iran should know, we won't have any allies in a hot war, we will be on our own....the best we could hope for is to make the impending war so costly that it will be the end of any Gulf war in this century. We can make it costly by attacking all the oil terminals, fields, and ports we can muster....this will shock the world economy into a deep recession. Only then will Europe and Asia will make a stand against the U.S. aggression, as long as there is no pain for them...they won't care what happens to a bunch of brown people. The downside of this action is that wil also pull S.A. and UAE into the battle...but then again they've been attacking us for years now, it's just that we have not hit back.
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If I was you guys I would start stocking up on fuel, food and water and get ready to bunker down. Trump and his neocon maters need a diversion from the impending impeachment momentum and this will be peddled as the main reason. However they have been planning this for a long time and are going to apply the Iraq formula: gradual attrition of the economy and military defenses and then a full scale invasion to give the Mullahs the Saddam Noose or the Qaddafi termination. Don't expect any help from the Indians, they are only there for the oil and are the elephant in the room. Don't expect any help from Pakistan, as a pawn has already been installed as a PM. The Arabs are after your blood and will fund this war. The euro poodles will join the affray just like they did against Iraq to give an international flavour. Israel is your main nemesis and is the main instigator against you and will actively participate. Hamas has been neutralised, Hezbollah are bogged down in Syria , so you guys are on your own. Oh and don't count on Russian weapons as they only make inventory numbers and are 3rd rate effective. Don't expect any help from China as China has dwindled it's cash reserve due it's extravagant spending on the belt and road initiative and is busy buying up strategic partnerships for it's colossal trade initiative.

First they will diminish your military by suppressing your air defenses so you can expect waves after waves of cruise missile attacks, then you can expect your air force to be neutralised and within 3 days the USAF will have air dominance and reign the skies over Persia. Your military, economic and civilian assets will be pummeled day and night by waves of B52, B1 and F15/22/35 Bombers. The invasion won't come immediately, no, they will assess the impact and re-enact the pattern and test the Iranian public morale before adjustment to their strategy and re-enactment

You will in desperation target Tel-Aviv : most of your missiles will be destroyed at source , some will be intercepted in route and a few will get through. As your manufacturing capacity would have been degraded you will soon peter out of long distance weaponry and will go into full civil defensive mode waiting for the bombing to end. But the bombs will not end as this will be a 10 year war funded by your enemies to make you into a toothless poodle.
Why should Pakistan fight a war for someone who is harbouring terrorism against Pakistan. If you love Iran so much, then go to Syria or Yemen and fight their war and you don't need to come back as you and your family will get Iranian citizenship

Pakistan/China/Russia will get involved to test their weapons/armaments/ indirectly against the mightiest army in the world. Knowing Pakistan's strategy from strategy , Pakistan will there making money in anyway it can.
Here's an advice for you. Find the tallest and strongest guy in your neighborhood and fight with him. If you win only then advocate Pakisyan Army to fight with USA
The AC has no intention to start a war with Iran .. just to scare ordinary people ... the AC was sent more than a month ago and all the sudden the mustache realize to tell us the mission ... he is stupid and thinks others are stupid like him ...the american would not attack us due to its unpredictable consequences ,,, Saudis and UAE are more fragile than they think ....isreal gave up and accepted the ceasefire after 2 days which interestingly getting shorter shorter every war they've impose on small Gaza strip ... like a bloated balloon ....

My observation: Iran began to dig its own grave by getting involved in Syria and Yemen respectively. Syria most notably.

Millions of people have lost their homes and means of livelihood in Syria alone. When you burn homes of others, expect your own to burn at some point.

Pakistan refused to partake in Yemen and other theaters, thankfully.

No wonder why terrorists attacks happen in Pakistan, you created the fire:

On a cold and blustery evening in December 1989, Huthaifa Azzam, the teenage son of the legendary Jordanian-Palestinian mujahideen leader Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, went to the airport in Peshawar, Pakistan, to welcome a group of young men. All were new recruits, largely from Jordan, and they had come to fight in a fratricidal civil war in neighboring Afghanistan—an outgrowth of the CIA-financed jihad of the 1980s against the Soviet occupation there.

The men were scruffy, Huthaifa mused as he greeted them, and seemed hardly in battle-ready form. Some had just been released from prison; others were professors and sheikhs. None of them would prove worth remembering—except for a relatively short, squat man named Ahmad Fadhil Nazzal al-Khalaylah.

He would later rename himself Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

he allegedly carried out a car-bomb attack at the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad. Twelve days later, he was linked to the bombing of the United Nations headquarters, in which twenty-two people died. And on August 29, in what was then the deadliest attack of the war, he engineered the killing of over a hundred people, including a revered cleric, the Ayatollah Muhammad Baqr al-Hakim, in a car bombing outside Shia Islam’s holy shrine in Najaf. The suicide bomber in that attack was Yassin Jarad, from Zarqa. He was al-Zarqawi’s father-in-law.

Under al-Zarqawi, al Qaeda in Iraq tries to spark a sectarian war against the majority Shia community. Al-Zarqawi is killed in a US strike in 2006 . Abu Ayyub al-Masri takes his place as leader of AQI. Al-Masri announces the creation of Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), and establishes Abu Omar al-Baghdadi as its leader in 2006, April 2010 - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi becomes leader of ISI after Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and al-Masri are killed in a joint US-Iraqi operation.
In April 2013 - ISI declares its absorption of an al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Al-Baghdadi says that his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS).

Its not about oil.
Its all about Israel security and greater Israel.
Plan is simple. Neutralize Iran, make turkey weaker, take away Pakistan nuclear weapons using economic terrorism and then go for greater Israel.
After Iran its turkey and Pakistan.
Why should Pakistan fight a war for someone who is harbouring terrorism against Pakistan. If you love Iran so much, then go to Syria or Yemen and fight their war and you don't need to come back as you and your family will get Iranian citizenship

At the end of it all....it is all about Israel. I completely agree. Of course as usual we've made it easy for them to put divisions in the muslim world. The Sunnis have always been a little eager to kill other Muslims, so of course Israel and the U.S. will play them for all they're worth. Can you imagine a United Middle East? Oil would be 120 Dollars a barrel and we would be a powerhouse, but instead we have king and prince suckanass doing sword dances with the people who murdered a million Muslims and have banned their kind from travelling to the U.S. You can't make this shit up.
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My observation: Iran began to dig its own grave by getting involved in Syria and Yemen respectively. Syria most notably.

Millions of people have lost their homes and means of livelihood in Syria alone. When you burn homes of others, expect your own to burn at some point.

Pakistan refused to partake in Yemen and other theaters, thankfully.
Didn't the Iranian leadership brag about controlling four Arab capitals or something
No wonder why terrorists attacks happen in Pakistan, you created the fire:

On a cold and blustery evening in December 1989, Huthaifa Azzam, the teenage son of the legendary Jordanian-Palestinian mujahideen leader Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, went to the airport in Peshawar, Pakistan, to welcome a group of young men. All were new recruits, largely from Jordan, and they had come to fight in a fratricidal civil war in neighboring Afghanistan—an outgrowth of the CIA-financed jihad of the 1980s against the Soviet occupation there.

The men were scruffy, Huthaifa mused as he greeted them, and seemed hardly in battle-ready form. Some had just been released from prison; others were professors and sheikhs. None of them would prove worth remembering—except for a relatively short, squat man named Ahmad Fadhil Nazzal al-Khalaylah.

He would later rename himself Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

he allegedly carried out a car-bomb attack at the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad. Twelve days later, he was linked to the bombing of the United Nations headquarters, in which twenty-two people died. And on August 29, in what was then the deadliest attack of the war, he engineered the killing of over a hundred people, including a revered cleric, the Ayatollah Muhammad Baqr al-Hakim, in a car bombing outside Shia Islam’s holy shrine in Najaf. The suicide bomber in that attack was Yassin Jarad, from Zarqa. He was al-Zarqawi’s father-in-law.

Under al-Zarqawi, al Qaeda in Iraq tries to spark a sectarian war against the majority Shia community. Al-Zarqawi is killed in a US strike in 2006 . Abu Ayyub al-Masri takes his place as leader of AQI. Al-Masri announces the creation of Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), and establishes Abu Omar al-Baghdadi as its leader in 2006, April 2010 - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi becomes leader of ISI after Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and al-Masri are killed in a joint US-Iraqi operation.
In April 2013 - ISI declares its absorption of an al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Al-Baghdadi says that his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS).

When 9/11 happened, much of Pakistan realized what kind of scum these men were (members of Al-Qaeda Network) and MY country made sure that these scum will have no place in Pakistan.

WE (Pakistani) have rejected TERRORISM in all its forms, and I hope that Pakistan will be TERRORISM-FREE one day. We have played a role on defeating Al-Qaeda Network and TTP within our domain, and we are also keeping an eye on additional forms of bad apples such as TLP and PTM.

Tell me about Iran's militia-raising practices and foreign policy in other countries. And why Iran supported a mass murderer scum in Syria.
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