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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

If I was you guys I would start stocking up on fuel, food and water and get ready to bunker down. Trump and his neocon maters need a diversion from the impending impeachment momentum and this will be peddled as the main reason. However they have been planning this for a long time and are going to apply the Iraq formula: gradual attrition of the economy and military defenses and then a full scale invasion to give the Mullahs the Saddam Noose or the Qaddafi termination. Don't expect any help from the Indians, they are only there for the oil and are the elephant in the room. Don't expect any help from Pakistan, as a pawn has already been installed as a PM. The Arabs are after your blood and will fund this war. The euro poodles will join the affray just like they did against Iraq to give an international flavour. Israel is your main nemesis and is the main instigator against you and will actively participate. Hamas has been neutralised, Hezbollah are bogged down in Syria , so you guys are on your own. Oh and don't count on Russian weapons as they only make inventory numbers and are 3rd rate effective. Don't expect any help from China as China has dwindled it's cash reserve due it's extravagant spending on the belt and road initiative and is busy buying up strategic partnerships for it's colossal trade initiative.

First they will diminish your military by suppressing your air defenses so you can expect waves after waves of cruise missile attacks, then you can expect your air force to be neutralised and within 3 days the USAF will have air dominance and reign the skies over Persia. Your military, economic and civilian assets will be pummeled day and night by waves of B52, B1 and F15/22/35 Bombers. The invasion won't come immediately, no, they will assess the impact and re-enact the pattern and test the Iranian public morale before adjustment to their strategy and re-enactment

You will in desperation target Tel-Aviv : most of your missiles will be destroyed at source , some will be intercepted in route and a few will get through. As your manufacturing capacity would have been degraded you will soon peter out of long distance weaponry and will go into full civil defensive mode waiting for the bombing to end. But the bombs will not end as this will be a 10 year war funded by your enemies to make you into a toothless poodle.

A pawn has been installed as a PM......lol
What did you have before that?
Exemplary leaders who should be worshiped?

My observation: Iran began to dig its own grave by getting involved in Syria and Yemen respectively. Syria most notably.

Millions of people have lost their homes and means of livelihood in Syria alone. When you burn homes of others, expect your own to burn at some point.

Pakistan refused to partake in Yemen and other theaters, thankfully.

They already wanted to take out Iran. Syria was only a distraction for the time, to draw in Putin and his forces to try and force a war on Russia as well. The story started from Ukraine...

If Iran didn't do what it did in Syria and Yemen, it would be far weaker and an easier target to digest.
Right now Iran has learnt lessons from both of those conflicts and they know how Americans can be defeated like they were in Syria.
Americans would never be able to launch full scale ground invasions on Iranian territory because of a complete hostile population who are willing to die for their country. Unlike The Iraqis or Afghanis who are enemies of their own country men and complete sell outs.
Yet the Taliban persisted and have survived, so have the Iraqis after losing millions of lives.
Iran on the other hand is neither of them, and yet, doesn't have any credible air defences to withstand aerial bombardment that will kill of most of its strategic infrastructure and troops and armored formations on the ground.

If they can hit and damage Israel, like really really make Israel bleed during the initial days of the conflict, that might be the only way they might stand a chance at pushing the Americans and their willingness to fight a long war.
Har...Your China and the Soviets did nothing for Iraq prior to Desert Storm. You will not risk your Chinese lives for Iran, no matter how much 'love' you spews for Iran on PDF. You ain't fooling no one, and if any Iranian on this forum took your claim to 'love Persia', more fool they.
Saddam Hussein was a US ally while Iran was allied with the Soviets. Taking out Saddam Hussein was just USA attacking its former ally. Don't pretend like you don't know this.
Saddam Hussein was a US ally while Iran was allied with the Soviets. Taking out Saddam Hussein was just USA attacking its former ally. Don't pretend like you don't know this.
China was Iraq's weapons supplier. Standing by Saddam Hussein at his time of need would have made a statement around the world -- that China is a reliable ally. But who are you trying to fool here? You 'love' Persia? :lol:
Im not Iranian bro
You guys were too arrogant. I am saying this as somebody who likes Persia. You wanted to cozy up to Europe and you looked down on poorer neighbors like Pakistan and Afghanstan. You wanted the "Euro" lifestyle and appeasing USA. You partnered with India instead of China. Your smartest move would have been to cozy up to China, Russia and North Korea right after the nuclear deal. You should have gone all out anti-USA instead of halfway anti-USA and halfway appeasing them. Your leadership miscalculated gravely and USA is giving you a check (maybe checkmate?).
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. We have been playing this game for more than 2500 years.
lol, dude
as I said in other part of forum, the best that Iran can do is silence and doing what it has in plan. They shouldn't even read any Europeans message.
Do this with Venezuela.
Iran won't accept such shameful deal.
Well at least you should leave the door open to you neighbor Pakistan. They may be poorer than you but they can supply you with some advanced air defense systems (from China of course).

China was Iraq's weapons supplier. Standing by Saddam Hussein at his time of need would have made a statement around the world -- that China is a reliable ally. But who are you trying to fool here? You 'love' Persia? :lol:
LOL that's because China was an ally of the US in the latter years of the Cold War, as was Pakistan.
Well at least you should leave the door open to you neighbor Pakistan. They may be poorer than you but they can supply you with some advanced air defense systems (from China of course).

LOL that's because China was an ally of the US in the latter years of the Cold War, as was Pakistan.

Do not worry about Iran, The threat is inside not outside.

Iraq was Soviet ally while Iran was USA ally.
After Revolution, Afghanistan war happened and Soviet came to Iranian eastern border. At that moment both Soviet and USA tried to come near to new revolutionary government during first day of Iran Iraq war but Iran refused to be another servitor state for east or west. Then all of them help Saddam against Iran.
Iran hit both Soviets and Americans warships that came to help Iraq.
And American ones

Also European were in side of Saddam as well
Iran stands no chance.it is possible that israel,America and Arabs have planned massive strikes on Iran.i think Iran should better send Irani regime to a safer location.i feel sorry for Irani citizens.
The sheer amount of fantastical bullshit being spewed by some of the posters here is laughable. Jesus H. Christ, do you guys sincerely believe this is some sort of walk in the park for US forces? Are you all that damn gullible and indoctrinated by hollow US military bravado about how quick and easy wars against states the world over will be (especially Iran)? I sincerely didn't know that the we Americans were just war magicians now, ALA KAZAM WE BEAT IRAN!!! NOW WATCH AS I MAKE THIS BUNNY RABIT DISAPPEAR WITHIN MY MAGICIANS HAT!!!

To put is subtly.... IRAN IS NOT A WALK IN THE PARK BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER (except the their air force and certain aspects of their navy), THE COUNTRY IS BIG, GEOGRAPHICALLY DIVERSE, HAS A LARGE POOL OF WILLING DEFENDERS AND STRATEGIC WEAPONS IN SUBSTANTIAL QUANTITIES THAT CAN AND WILL MESS THINGS UP FOR THE US AND ITS ALLIES. But hey, y'all go ahead and act like Iran will fold and the US will sail away the 'victors', we will see if the vaunted uber military magicians known as the US military can subdue an entire nation which has been readying itself for years for this VERY conflict. It will be glorious I guess, I mean the US can win ANY AND ALL BATTLES AND WARS RIGHT? WE AMERICANS ARE DAMN NEAR INVINCIBLE RIGHT?

God damn joke this forum is sometimes I swear to god man...

So now we've heard that Israel has supposedly given intelligence to the U.S. which the talking heads are calling Specific and Credible....(Sorry, give me a sec for my laughter to cease). I love the Irony, how Israel owns these guys....seriously, it's shameful how they play the Pentagon and the CIA. Talk about the tail wagging the dog, but I digress. Anyway, I hope the Iranian strategists are looking at this chess board and realizing the way forward is not to give the U.S. a chance to look good here, not giving them a reason to strike. The correct play and in my opinion the only play is to drive up oil prices. The best way to do this is through covert actions....Proxies, cyber and good ol' fashion saber rattling. They have done most of the work themselves already....they have taken most of our oil off the market, they have taken Venezuela's oil off the market. So naturally the oil market is already very jittery, a small hiccup in S.A. or UAE or Nigeria, along with Bolton/Pompeo's tweets and media coverage about their willingness for war (not to mention China trade war) will be enough to send prices through the roof. I have said this before and I will say it again...the way you fight a superpower is through their economy. The achilles heel of Trump is the market and the economy....any hits to those two subjects and he won't be able to focus on anything else.
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Don't even flinch or bat an eye about it. Ain't worth anyones time...
lol, dude
as I said in other part of forum, the best that Iran can do is silence and doing what it has in plan. They shouldn't even read any Europeans message.
But let this be a lesson to anyone that says we don’t need nukes. If there really was a war, how are we supposed to take out their carriers without nukes?
The sheer amount of fantastical bullshit being spewed by some of the posters here is laughable. Jesus H. Christ, do you guys sincerely believe this is some sort of walk in the park for US forces? Are you all that damn gullible and indoctrinated by hollow US military bravado about how quick and easy wars against states the world over will be (especially Iran)? I sincerely didn't know that the we Americans were just war magicians now, ALA KAZAM WE BEAT IRAN!!! NOW WATCH AS I MAKE THIS BUNNY RABIT DISAPPEAR WITHIN MY MAGICIANS HAT!!!

To put is subtly.... IRAN IS NOT A WALK IN THE PARK BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER (except the their air force and certain aspects of their navy), THE COUNTRY IS BIG, GEOGRAPHICALLY DIVERSE, HAS A LARGE POOL OF WILLING DEFENDERS AND STRATEGIC WEAPONS IN SUBSTANTIAL QUANTITIES THAT CAN AND WILL MESS THINGS UP FOR THE US AND ITS ALLIES. But hey, y'all go ahead and act like Iran will fold and the US will sail away the 'victors', we will see if the vaunted uber military magicians known as the US military can subdue an entire nation which has been readying itself for years for this VERY conflict. It will be glorious I guess, I mean the US can win ANY AND ALL BATTLES AND WARS RIGHT? WE AMERICANS ARE DAMN NEAR INVINCIBLE RIGHT?

God damn joke this forum is sometimes I swear to god man...

Don't even flinch or bat an eye about it. Ain't worth anyones time...
The Yanks are not going to do a land invasion at first. They are going to launch air and missiles strikes. Did you manage to handle Israeli strikes in Syria?

But let this be a lesson to anyone that says we don’t need nukes. If there really was a war, how are we supposed to take out their carriers without nukes?
You need the most advanced integrated air defense. Nukes are for counterstrike against Tel Aviv.
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