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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

On the contrary, I think they got Trump's attention. That is why they sent this carrier group in order to convince Iran to stop any plans it has and ever since, Trump is using every single opportunity to remind everyone we don't want a war with Iran.

So I personally think, they are concerned that Iran may miscalculate their moves and start the war without them wanting it. Senate doesn't want a war with Iran either.

The carrier was the start of this recent round of tensions. And it was announced by Bolton instead of the usual press officers. Trump is still out of the loop on this.
US does not seek war with Iran: Pompeo
US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on Tuesday said his country is not seeking war with Iran, despite a spike in tensions that has seen the Pentagon dispatch nuclear-capable bombers to the region.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei meanwhile insisted the showdown between the Islamic republic and the United States was a test of resolve rather than a military encounter.

“We fundamentally do not seek a war with Iran,” Pompeo said during a visit to Russia, a key backer of Tehran which has blamed the current crisis on Washington’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.
They said they are not entering Persian Gulf. For now Spain pulled of its Frigate from the task force. They said the don't want anything to do with a possible war with Iran:


For those who think this situation is similar to that of Iraq when US invaded.

and now Germany.

Germany suspends military training in Iraq and and American government staff withdrawn as fears of conflict escalate


I'm getting really disturbed by the lack of overt signalling from Iran. The damage to the Saudi/UAE tankers, if by Iran, clearly did not catch Trump's attention. The reality is that right now the only person with any power in the White House who doesn't want a war is Trump himself. Right now Bolton is doing whatever he wants and Trump does not seem to have noticed it.

A missile test/exercise, a naval exercise, something. Anything. But it MUST be overt and it MUST grab the headlines.

last night i was reading that Iran put vast number of ballistic missile available for satellite to see so they get the message.

U.S. officials have said they believe Iranian combat divers were behind the attacks on four oil tankers near the Persian Gulf over the weekend, and they tell CBS News senior national security correspondent David Martin there's still no sign Iran is backing off purported plans to attack Americans in the region.

and now Germany.

Germany suspends military training in Iraq and and American government staff withdrawn as fears of conflict escalate


last night i was reading that Iran put vast number of ballistic missile available for satellite to see so they get the message.

U.S. officials have said they believe Iranian combat divers were behind the attacks on four oil tankers near the Persian Gulf over the weekend, and they tell CBS News senior national security correspondent David Martin there's still no sign Iran is backing off purported plans to attack Americans in the region.

They not only have not entered Persian Gulf, according to Iran's military, they have pulled out their other assets off Persian Gulf too:


Could be the effect of those ballistic missiles you mentioned, or a war is really coming.
They not only have not entered Persian Gulf, according to Iran's military, they have pulled out their other assets off Persian Gulf too:


Could be the effect of those ballistic missiles you mentioned, or a war is really coming.

no i do not think war is coming i know IRGC has been hiding some nasty surprises for them, but aircraft carrier, when they are not entering the Persian Gulf, you can not help yourself but to think they are up to some thing or they are afraid that they them self become sabotaged if you not what i mean.

as long as you know where the enemy is hiding, it means you can target it. when Iran is telling you that we have intelligence that tell us where they are at any moment, it has a message to it for it self.
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Russian President Putin during press conference with Austrian president Alexander Van der Bellen 15/5/2019: "We are not ‘a fire brigade' "we cannot save everything" at time of height of probability of military conflict between the United States and Iran

for Iranian members who thinks in case of any conflict Russia or China will intervene or even help or even give lip service think twice never mind UNSC

Putin has sent it signal and message to west clearly after pampeo vist to Russia
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Russian President Putin during press conference with Austrian president Alexander Van der Bellen 15/5/2019: "We are not ‘a fire brigade' "we cannot save everything" at time of height of probability of military conflict between the United States and Iran

for Iranian members who thinks in case of any conflict Russia or China will intervene or even help or even give lip service think twice never mind UNSC

Putin has sent it signal and message to west clearly after pampeo vist to Russia


I think you are seeing this a bit too negativly
Putin talks publicly in a "diplomatic" way, what really will happen behind the curtains if war breaks out can be totally different to this speech.
You have to understand that if the US should attack Iran it will create a huge chaos in the region which will be a threat to russian national security, and this is the point where Putin cant be "neutral"
Thats why russia joined Syria, because russian geopolitical interests was in danger

On the other side its good Iran doesnt rely on Russia/China because it was several times betrayed by them
And because Iran dont rely/trust them fully, Iran developed an potent, indigenous and self reliant defence industry.
Without S-300 fiasco, Iran wouldnt have today such potent AD systems, so thank you Putin/Medvedev.
But I cant believe for a second Putin would give Pompeo a "go" to attack Iran
And by the way, I think Iran with its shia proxys is fully capable by itself to give USA a massive headache in the region
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Russian President Putin during press conference with Austrian president Alexander Van der Bellen 15/5/2019: "We are not ‘a fire brigade' "we cannot save everything" at time of height of probability of military conflict between the United States and Iran

for Iranian members who thinks in case of any conflict Russia or China will intervene or even help or even give lip service think twice never mind UNSC

Putin has sent it signal and message to west clearly after pampeo vist to Russia
He was talking about expectation from Russia to save JCPOA. Both them and China would be stupid to sit back and allow US chip another significant non-western member of this world away. They didn't allow it with Syria. They won't sit back and watch with Iran either.
He was talking about expectation from Russia to save JCPOA. Both them and China would be stupid to sit back and allow US chip another significant non-western member of this world away. They didn't allow it with Syria. They won't sit back and watch with Iran either.
Damn straight bro, they know that USA is doing exactly that, chipping away at their allied states, one by one. Syria was the first to be saved, thanks to Iran.
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