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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

US accomplishments in Iraq? hmm...if that isnt delusional i dunno what is. US govt and politicians dont even reference the Iraq war with pride so i dunno what planet you think the US "accomplished" much in Iraq in.
Nailed it. Hillary Lost to Obama in 2008 bc of her Iraq war support. Enough said.

If..if there's a hot water in the Gulf.. it's the level of pain Iran could cause Israel that will the biggest determinant of the duration of the war.. Israel is openly behind all the wars in the Middle East...ably helped by the stupid sectarian leaders of the region.

The thing about the Syrian war is that Iranian forces are far closer to Israel now , have been consolidating their positions and are clearly a formidable fighting force. Now they that they are so close to Israel they have teamed up with Hezbollah and Syrian forces and are ready to give Israel a run for their money. That is why US Neocons are in panic mode and want Iran to be the focus and defend the mainland. Neocons have b(r)ought Trump and are no doubt filling his pockets with huge amount of cash for rendering his services. Iranian allied forces are threatening the retaking of the Golan heights and with the battle experience they have it is easily achievable, as the Israeli forces (as has been seen in past performance against Hezbollah) can't take the pressure and will run.

Great post.. The real reason Iran had to back Assad in Syria is bc of the link to Hezbollah.. the day Israel is safe from Iran's proxies will be the day Iran would be attacked.. Iran has no choice but to go aggressive in the region...
iran don't have capability to fire nuclear weapons or capability to fire nuclear missile at longer ranges.mullah regime should better pray.

I be holding you and Pakistani and Turkish members accountable to this type of statement .

i will remind you of it.

as I see Islamic republic is NOT about to back down, for all those fools who think this is 1980,s and U.S is capable doing anything about, sit tite will find out wether Islamic Republic knows what is doing or miscalculating,

as soon as Iran case been take to UNSC, you all will see things will be changing rapidly,
IRGC under new management....second instalment of pay back loans delivered to Saudi Arabia via drones into two critical oil pumping stations...:cheesy:

Love to see the face of this ugly stupid looking dude after they gave him the oil station drone attack news..

IRGC under new management....second instalment of pay back loans delivered to Saudi Arabia via drones into two critical oil pumping stations...:cheesy:

Love to see the face of this ugly stupid looking dude after they gave him the oil station drone attack news..

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this line was for going around strait on Hormuz and we send them a message

IRGC under new management....second instalment of pay back loans delivered to Saudi Arabia via drones into two critical oil pumping stations...:cheesy:

Love to see the face of this ugly stupid looking dude after they gave him the oil station drone attack news..

View attachment 559918
Have nothing to do with IRGC , it was the result of KSA arrogant ways in Yemen
I'm getting really disturbed by the lack of overt signalling from Iran. The damage to the Saudi/UAE tankers, if by Iran, clearly did not catch Trump's attention. The reality is that right now the only person with any power in the White House who doesn't want a war is Trump himself. Right now Bolton is doing whatever he wants and Trump does not seem to have noticed it.

A missile test/exercise, a naval exercise, something. Anything. But it MUST be overt and it MUST grab the headlines.
I'm getting really disturbed by the lack of overt signalling from Iran. The damage to the Saudi/UAE tankers, if by Iran, clearly did not catch Trump's attention. The reality is that right now the only person with any power in the White House who doesn't want a war is Trump himself. Right now Bolton is doing whatever he wants and Trump does not seem to have noticed it.

A missile test/exercise, a naval exercise, something. Anything. But it MUST be overt and it MUST grab the headlines.
On the contrary, I think they got Trump's attention. That is why they sent this carrier group in order to convince Iran to stop any plans it has and ever since, Trump is using every single opportunity to remind everyone we don't want a war with Iran.

So I personally think, they are concerned that Iran may miscalculate their moves and start the war without them wanting it. Senate doesn't want a war with Iran either.
the only thing worse then war, is appeasing aggressors to hold onto some illusionary temporary security.

If the Zionist goad the americans into a war for them. Iran has to make sure Israel pays the heaviest price. no single Zionist city should remain standing. it is simple math, tiny heavily populated country of thieving migrants, + hundreds of strategically placed missiles should flatten most of the place.

Zionists couldn't care less about dead americans. all they care about is Israeli security. Iran has to make sure they understand the ramifications for their aritifical entitiy.
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