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2nd Pak FA prototype maiden flight pics


Nov 13, 2010
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A second prototype of the Russian fifth-generation T-50 fighter successfully conducted its maiden
flight on Thursday, the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer said. The T-50 fighter is being developed by the Sukhoi design bureau and built at a plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in Russia's Far East. The first prototype made its maiden flight in January 2010 and has so far conducted over 40 tests. "The second prototype of the fifth- generation fighter conducted today [Thursday] its first flight. The aircraft spent 44 minutes in the air...It was a successful flight which met all set parameters," Sukhoi said in a statement. Russia has been developing its own fifth-generation fighter since the 1990s. It is designed to compete with the U.S. F-22 Raptor, so far the world's only fifth-generation fighter, and the F-35 Lightning II. Although T-50 specifications remain classified, fragmentary data indicates that the design incorporates the latest developments in a military fighter,including advanced stealth capability,supersonic cruising speed, and highly integrated control systems. Russian officials have already hailed the fighter as "a unique warplane"that combines the capabilities of an air superiority fighter and attack aircraft. The Russian Air Force plans to acquire over 60 T-50s after 2015.


Here's the article
Sukhoi into a program of flight tests of the second PAK FA

Moscow, March 3. Today in Komsomolsk - on - Amur hosted the first flight of second prototype of the fifth generation aviation complex. The plane was piloted by distinguished test pilot of the Russian Federation Sergey Bogdan. The aircraft spent in the air 44 minutes and landed on the runway factory airfield. The flight was successful, in full accordance with the flight plan. During the flight test was conducted stability of the aircraft, performance evaluation systems of the power plant. The aircraft proved itself well in all phases of the planned flight program.

Tests on the PAK FA program is in accordance with the approved program. Currently, completed a set of preliminary ground and flight operations that were involved in all three prototypes, which were bench strength tests, ground tests of fuel systems and other work. The first flight took place on the PAK FA January 29, 2010 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Acceptance test flight model have been completed at the end of March. April 8 fighter first flight model and comprehensive ground stand on which is carried out working out the equipment and systems to provide flight test program, were brought into the territory of the flight test base Sukhoi Design Bureau in Zhukovsky near Moscow. After completion of the required volume of preliminary tests on the stands of systems and components, including static strength tests of the sample, ground tests aircraft stand and flight model, April 29, began flying the aircraft on the program of preliminary tests. In support of flight test program on the first flight model 36 sorties.

Compared with previous generations of fighters, the PAK FA has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter. Fifth-generation aircraft is equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of the e-pilot ", and promising radar with a phased array. This greatly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks. On-board equipment of the new aircraft can exchange data in real time as a land management systems, and within the aviation group. The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility. This allows us to significantly improve the combat effectiveness of the work, both by air and ground targets at any time of day, and adverse weather conditions.
Hope to see high resolution pics soon. FGFA will come only after induction of pakfa. I think India will induct few pakfas and then develop FGFA
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