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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

It took 2 planes and 4 crew (with JF17s and F16s providing BVR cover ) to deliver one SOW with Line of Site of Control putting the host platform at risk. As a swan song - Swift Retort was perfect to sing out the career of the Mirage series - but PAF needs to transition to autonomous fire and forget SOW platforms with multipayload capability of SOW;s - eg 2 Ra'ads/Babus/CM400s on a single JF17, etc...
Well PAF wanted to scare the SH!T out of the Indian Chief so they used the guided munition and kept control of it till the last moment and then re routed the point of detonation. it was a very very strong message
Hoping to lock this thread on 2/27/2022. It happened and the military did good - MOVE ON!
3rd anniversary cometh, yet the issue remains volcanic.
If they can make the Zikr of '71 with their every breath why not 02-27?
Hoping to lock this thread on 2/27/2022. It happened and the military did good - MOVE ON!
When you lock it can you please leave the last message as an image of Abhinandan sipping tea and a caption reading: "The tea is fantastic"

Also add the information screenshot showing what each side achieved in the skirmish.
Well PAF wanted to scare the SH!T out of the Indian Chief so they used the guided munition and kept control of it till the last moment and then re routed the point of detonation. it was a very very strong message
In the US military jargon: grab the ba##$...
Well PAF wanted to scare the SH!T out of the Indian Chief so they used the guided munition and kept control of it till the last moment and then re routed the point of detonation. it was a very very strong message

What PAF started, IAF ended 😂😂😂

Bipin didn't even live to see the third anniversary 😂
What PAF started, IAF ended 😂😂😂

Bipin didn't even live to see the third anniversary 😂
Oos ki phat gye
Hoping to lock this thread on 2/27/2022. It happened and the military did good - MOVE ON!
why nay
Hoping to lock this thread on 2/27/2022. It happened and the military did good - MOVE ON!
I would say this should remain open as we need some concrete evidence from our own and I think that will be made public soon. The Su30 kill, and few more facts on that day, on the day alot of info was coming out but it got deleted by certain authorities even on this forum information was deleted, so I would suggest let all that info come out till its safe to do so.
global records have no su30 kill.that day
because no proof
only in pak media
same for f16 kill.only in indian media
not global records
global records have no su30 kill.that day
because no proof
only in pak media
same for f16 kill.only in indian media
not global records
Well your attempt to equate the loss of your Su30 with our F-16 is futile. F-16s were counted in front of the Americans, but the Su-30s were never counted by any other party. Why hide something which makes your case strong? The whole racks on Mig-21 carrying the remnants of the unfired missiles were also shown to the world. So your claim of F-16 loss is pretty much as real as little green men on mars. Now, coming to the 'missile truck', since that episode has bared open many lies from Indian side that day, from 300 dead in strikes to a false claim of downed F-16, believing them on the Su-30 account is insane, with the Mig-21 going down with jammed communications, our claim of downing a Su-30 isn't that unreasonable.
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This Maverick is so fake and so in denial with IAF a$$ whooping that its not worth replying to him anymore
This Maverick is so fake and so in denial with IAF a$$ whooping that its not worth replying to him anymore
Ik but its funny
global records have no su30 kill.that day
because no proof
only in pak media
same for f16 kill.only in indian media
not global records
mitaaar you are correct!

as Modi g say " naa hum martay hain na hamai koi maar saktay hai hum toh cockroach hai nuclear bhi hamara kuch nai bigar sakta"

wah Modi g wah! wahhh!!
There's no record boys of mki kill.or f16 kill

it has gone down.as claim.only
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