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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

@Imran Khan In pages 633 to 647( a long debate), i had shown how Right side R-73 is missing from the Mig21 wreckage site.
Did you inspect the wreckage site or just the wreckage after it was recovered? Was the motor from one of the missiles still hot when you were at the site of the wreckage?
It is to be expected for our Indian friends and false flag Indian friends on this forum to be upset and try to salvage some pride or make the PAF look like idiots. However, the facts do not change; operation swift retort was executed with a level of professionalism and precision that is staggering. The mission was carried out down to the "T" as per brief. Ground control, AWAC, counter measures crews and pilots were beautifully in sync and as a result a Bison and a SU 30 (that met shoot down parameters and protocol) were taken out, with no loss of own aircraft. This was no ordinary take down where the adversary had some sort of chance, they were taken down blinded, confused and disoriented. This kind of merciless domination has ripple effects in the morale and psyche of the air warriors on the other side for generations to come. The mysterious simultaneous radar malfunction and consequent bug out of all Mirage 2000's in the engagement is a real time manifestation of the fear factor that is now going to take some doing to wrench out of its airmen at the IAF.

The objective was not to start an all out war but to return the favor of IAF's previous attempt at invading PAK airspace with the intent to do "surgical" damage. Why didn't the PAF not start an all out war and perhaps take out more planes? I am assuming most of us here (besides those that have a different agenda) are not 12 years old and understand or can at least visualize/comprehend the consequences of an all out war between two nuclear powered nations. False flaggers will obviously try to play this out as PAF's incompetence, most adults in this forum with an IQ higher than a garden gnome will however see through it immediately. However, some (maybe) well wishing young and impressionable ones will fall into the false flaggers trap and start belittling the PAF. It is the latter I address; learn, be smart, know when you are being used as a pawn and see these false flaggers as who they really are. If you are a Pakistani you have every reason to be beaming with pride!

As always, when talking about the IAF I end with a warning, they are NOT incompetent and the PAF knows that very well. We won round one with a KNOCKOUT, but rest assured they have learnt. My money however is on the PAF, they are definitely not resting on any laurels.
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4. Abhi shoots the R-73, it is a clean kill - 2 parachutes come out of the downed PAF jet : unlike other jets which would have exploded like a fireball, the F-16 is known to be a vertical dart
Now this is the major issue here, if a F16 actually went down then where is the evidence? There are numerous videos and wreckage on the Mig21bis while there is little to prove on the F16 crash other than Videos of the mig21 going down from a different angle, Usage of sketchy and inconsistent eyewitness reports is used and most images provide only circumstantial evidence no direct evidence. To put the nail in the coffin, the US sent it's own representatives to perform a personal check which is very vigorous as Americans are pretty stringent when it comes to keeping inventory of their equipment. Hence the conclusion is no F16 was downed unless proven otherwise.
The really what happened this what happened
The PAF's North & South Axes were decoys, the Central axis was the main strike thrust - with F-16s using 1000 lbs LGBs, JF-17 the REKs and the Mir III/V the H2/ H4 SOW on 16 Corps targets. The PAF did not cross the LC anywhere.

The JF-17 vs Mirage 2000 engagement took place North of J&K as the JF-17s tried to 'push' the M2000s in a 'Red on Red'. The JF-17's NRIET KLJ-7 PD radar did not do well against the M2000s. The JF-17s main job was to keep the M2000s tied up and not move south.
A pair of M21 Bison was scrambled towards the north edge of the Central axis. Another pair was scrambled south west. Abhinandan was part of the SW vector.
The IAF did not have any AWACS on station, the PAF had a Saab 2000 ERIEYE 100 km at 30,000 feet, which controlled the battle space out to 150 Km+ inside India, guiding the HiTech F-16s positioning for Ambushing IAF jets in a designated kill zone in south J&K.
In central Axis, the the F-16s climbed to 40,000 feet and went supersonic. The JF-17s and Mir III/Vs released their payloads out of range due the threat of the M2000s north east of them, whom the JF-17s had not checked effectively
The PAF carried out Comm jamming, which was effective in places. With no AWACS the the IACCS's vectored 2 Su-30MKIs towards Poonch Rajouri. The PAF communication intercepted on the ERIEYE showed that the PAF was vary of the upgraded M2000s moving south.
There were 2x PAF 4 aircraft F-16 formations, one at 40,000 feet and the other undetected at 10-15,000 feet, approaching Nowshera. The plan was to fire the the first volley of AMRAAMS by the 4 F-16s at 40,000 feet, targeting the approaching Su-30MKIs
As the Su-30MKIs would engage in defensive manoeuvring, the second formation of 4 x F-16s at 15,000 feet (which had just finished a LGB run), would target the Su-30MKIs with a second volley of AMRAAMs
The Su-30MKIs picked up the higher pair of F-16s at 35-40,000 feet and anticipated the launch in a 'Red on Red', also cautioned by the GC The Su-30s cranked to reduce their forward travel and being in a position to outrun the AMRAAM's kinematics.
The Su-30MKI's did not get a launch command on their own R27 and RVV-AE AAMs due the differential in the snap up launch, with the F-16s going cold after launching their AMRAAMs
The timely cranking and the chaff helped the Su-30MKIs outmaneuver the AMRAAMs. 5 AIM-120C-5 s were fired on the Sukhois with no hit....
Meanwhile Abhinandan and his No 2 closed into the lower pair of F-16s abeam Nowshera, who were climbing to 25,000 feet to target the Sukhois in a flanking move
It was a 'red on red' for Abhinandan as he was picked up, but pressed on his attack after manually locking his R-73 on a F-16. He fired and turned back. One F-16 was hit and went down. Abhi was hit by an AMRAAM fired by a F-16, ejecting successfuly
Three chutes were reported in the area, with widespread reporting by ISPR and Pal handles that they had three pilots in custody. A parachute with Indian colours was seen coming down. For info the C-9 chute on the F-16 seat has white, orange and green colours
The PAF surprised the IAF by launching AAMs from inside Azad Kashmir. The AMRAAM effectively outranged the IAF AAMs, which did not get launch commands. Keeping the M2000s away from the F-16s was a priority for the PAF.
Abhinandan's act of engaging the lower pair of F-16s disrupted their plan to shoot down an IAF Sukhoi. Abhi scored the first F-16 kill by a Mig-21.

These Indiots always come one by one with same old bu1lsh1t which has been debunked billion times by now.

4. Abhi shoots the R-73, it is a clean kill - 2 parachutes come out of the downed PAF jet : unlike other jets which would have exploded like a fireball, the F-16 is known to be a vertical dart (shoots straight for the ground, as it did in the video post the hit).https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/86-seconds-of-dogfight-at-900-kmph/736286.html


Those two parachutes belong to Mig-21. One for pilot and one for ejection seat.
Now this is the major issue here, if a F16 actually went down then where is the evidence? There are numerous videos and wreckage on the Mig21bis while there is little to prove on the F16 crash other than Videos of the mig21 going down from a different angle, Usage of sketchy and inconsistent eyewitness reports is used and most images provide only circumstantial evidence no direct evidence. To put the nail in the coffin, the US sent it's own representatives to perform a personal check which is very vigorous as Americans are pretty stringent when it comes to keeping inventory of their equipment. Hence the conclusion is no F16 was downed unless proven otherwise.
If 30cm satellite images cant change indian minds ..this kinda logic wont work..
Deep down i feel bad for them humilated really bad and losing 6 men and three aircrafts ..truely a disaster ..
Are you sure paf striking 6 Indian military installations wasn't a violation of there airspace or an act of overt aggression ?people need to stop cooking up fantasies coz in real life anyone worth his salt will retaliate even if you poke him with your pinky.

Hypothetically speaking the only way to not to draw any response from the enemy is to completely given in - - - - -then you can proudly wear your no air violation and escalation badge.

Ok, my friend, I am not 17, nor do I indulge in useless arguments. Under the agreed upon world laws, it is permissible to target the nearest and origination point of an attack by the retaliatory nation. So naturally, the retaliation on trees (like the attack on trees) comes under that. Neither side really "damaged" anything. Both sides used standoff munitions from WITHIN their airspace, or, within allowed upon circle of error probability (5 miles or 10 may be?).

Now, taking down 1 or 2 jet's cleared to engage due to their proximity to the border and potential fall within the airspace, makes sense. AMRAAM isn't a Godly missile that it hits 100%. I can't imagine 4 SU-30's and 2 Mirage 2000-5K9's getting hit one by one. That's dreamland.

Mirage's defensive suite (even when the PAF jammed it's radars), works on close proximity of the missile and is one of the best (same advance versions used on EFT and Rafale). So let's stay realistic. But pretending all 6 jet's were shot down, that would've triggered a war. Which is exactly what neither side wanted to do when they attacked each other's trees. But that attack cost IAF a Mig-21 and a SU-30. I am sure IAF's morale since then has been terrible. That's serious enough of a message.
  1. A strike force of 24 PAF jets headed towards Indian airspace, of which at least 10 violated Indian airspace. Of those, 3 F-16s, one of them known to be an F-16D Block 52, were designated to head towards ground bombing on the Nanga Tekri forward base. The other 7 were a support package, with extra air support across the border.

2. IAF scrambles 2 Bisons, 3 Mirages and 3 Su-30 MKIs to counter the threat. The PAF strike package drops their laser guided bombs in anticipation of a dogfight which hit the military compound on the Indian side without any casualties or damage to infra, and these F-16s turn around and start "going cold" so that they can lure IAF jets into an ambush where the IAF can be outnumbered.

3. The more "nimble" but "not strategic" IAF assets (in other words, more expendable jets, the MIG and the Mirage) are asked to chase the PAF out but NOT engage. Seeing the IAF on their tails, F-16s perform evasive positioning to start the dogfight - this is where the helmet mounted sights of the PAF come in handy. The MIGs continue to chase and one of the wingmen asks Abhi to turn cold as well. Abhi refuses and locks on a PAF F-16 : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...ocked-on-to-pak-f-16/articleshow/68238027.cms

4. Abhi shoots the R-73, it is a clean kill - 2 parachutes come out of the downed PAF jet : unlike other jets which would have exploded like a fireball, the F-16 is known to be a vertical dart (shoots straight for the ground, as it did in the video post the hit).https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/86-seconds-of-dogfight-at-900-kmph/736286.html

5. Before Abhi had shot the R-73, an AMRAAM was launched by the helmet mounted sight of the PAF jet, before it started the countermeasures to avoid the R-73 - this was not sufficient, and hit the engine (the R-73 is heat seaking). This AMRAAM hit Abhi's jet at 15,000 ft in India : he ejected after realising that the plane cannot be controlled. The winds took him 7km into Azad Kashmir. The PAF jet was shot 3 km in Azad Kashmir. The winds carried the PAF pilots further inside Azad Kashmir.

6. In another part of the same conflict theatre, a Su-30 MKI was locked on by another PAF jet in a BVR space : the Sukhoi deployed very effective countermeasures and positioned itself offensively (but this positioning takes time) - by this time, the PAF jets turned back as bombs had already been dropped. The AMRAAM does not self-explode, rather, is triggered by a proximity fuse, so it either hits a target, or does not, loses it's fuel, glides to the ground and detonates. This is the same missile that was presented as evidence. Link : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...aam-missile-remnants/articleshow/68225187.cms

7. Now, coming to what I have mentioned the "PAF jet" all throughout - I think it was most definitely a F-16D. There are 2 things that nail this : one is most definitely the AMRAAM evidence that IAF had. Watch from 10:00 mark on this video.

- the JF-17 has the avionics to fit only PL-5 or the SD-10 Chinese A2A missiles. The second most pressing evidence here is the fact that IAF gathered the electronic signature of the F-16 - this may be classified information (as it would be against a friendly country to disclose what an F-16 looks like on radar), but that is what ELINT operations are for : the IAF has taken part in enough Air Exercises with Israel, UK, Australia, Singapore and Japan to know what radar, infrared and satellite signatures look like. Also, just because our jets cannot fly within 10km of the LoC does not mean that our radars do not capture their signatures and PAF does not capture our signatures. PAF too would be aware of exactly what we are carrying. These electronic signatures are very hard to decoy (there are these things called MALDs which have matured in testing in the last two decades and can spoof enemy radar with anything ranging from bombers to fighter jets, but I do not think that PAF has procured them). Link -

8. Now, my last point : the supposed "second Indian downed jet " : Pakistan has a habit of one-upping India in the international media, even if untrue. If two IAF jets were indeed shot down and one jet flew back to India, news of it would have spread here too. I suspect the claim that PAF made that 2 IAF jets were downed was part PsyOps and part fog of war (probably ISPR did not know that the "3 parachutes in total" did not mean 3 jets, 2 IAF, 1 PAF, but rather, 1 PAF (2 pilots) + 1 IAF). If the 2nd IAF jet was at all gliding into Azad Kashmir, then Pakistan would have definitely paraded the second pilot as well in the international media. Nor would IAF come to a secret agreement with Pakistan on hiding the identity of the second pilot. It is not in their nature to keep things quiet between each other. Another video highlighting all of JF-17's inventory :

I hope this was more informative for you, because I was on this for 2 hours. Jai Hind.

EDIT 1 : For all those asking "how Pakistan can counter the fact that their F-16 was shot down / AMRAAM was used" : they cannot. Also, US / West cannot counter and accept the fact that they got beaten by a third gen 60s fighter, so please do not believe the misinformation spread by them too.

I stopped reading when you wrote Block 52 D's went somewhere.
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  1. A strike force of 24 PAF jets headed towards Indian airspace, of which at least 10 violated Indian airspace. Of those, 3 F-16s, one of them known to be an F-16D Block 52, were designated to head towards ground bombing on the Nanga Tekri forward base. The other 7 were a support package, with extra air support across the border.

2. IAF scrambles 2 Bisons, 3 Mirages and 3 Su-30 MKIs to counter the threat. The PAF strike package drops their laser guided bombs in anticipation of a dogfight which hit the military compound on the Indian side without any casualties or damage to infra, and these F-16s turn around and start "going cold" so that they can lure IAF jets into an ambush where the IAF can be outnumbered.

3. The more "nimble" but "not strategic" IAF assets (in other words, more expendable jets, the MIG and the Mirage) are asked to chase the PAF out but NOT engage. Seeing the IAF on their tails, F-16s perform evasive positioning to start the dogfight - this is where the helmet mounted sights of the PAF come in handy. The MIGs continue to chase and one of the wingmen asks Abhi to turn cold as well. Abhi refuses and locks on a PAF F-16 : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...ocked-on-to-pak-f-16/articleshow/68238027.cms

4. Abhi shoots the R-73, it is a clean kill - 2 parachutes come out of the downed PAF jet : unlike other jets which would have exploded like a fireball, the F-16 is known to be a vertical dart (shoots straight for the ground, as it did in the video post the hit).https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/86-seconds-of-dogfight-at-900-kmph/736286.html

5. Before Abhi had shot the R-73, an AMRAAM was launched by the helmet mounted sight of the PAF jet, before it started the countermeasures to avoid the R-73 - this was not sufficient, and hit the engine (the R-73 is heat seaking). This AMRAAM hit Abhi's jet at 15,000 ft in India : he ejected after realising that the plane cannot be controlled. The winds took him 7km into Azad Kashmir. The PAF jet was shot 3 km in Azad Kashmir. The winds carried the PAF pilots further inside Azad Kashmir.

6. In another part of the same conflict theatre, a Su-30 MKI was locked on by another PAF jet in a BVR space : the Sukhoi deployed very effective countermeasures and positioned itself offensively (but this positioning takes time) - by this time, the PAF jets turned back as bombs had already been dropped. The AMRAAM does not self-explode, rather, is triggered by a proximity fuse, so it either hits a target, or does not, loses it's fuel, glides to the ground and detonates. This is the same missile that was presented as evidence. Link : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...aam-missile-remnants/articleshow/68225187.cms

7. Now, coming to what I have mentioned the "PAF jet" all throughout - I think it was most definitely a F-16D. There are 2 things that nail this : one is most definitely the AMRAAM evidence that IAF had. Watch from 10:00 mark on this video.

- the JF-17 has the avionics to fit only PL-5 or the SD-10 Chinese A2A missiles. The second most pressing evidence here is the fact that IAF gathered the electronic signature of the F-16 - this may be classified information (as it would be against a friendly country to disclose what an F-16 looks like on radar), but that is what ELINT operations are for : the IAF has taken part in enough Air Exercises with Israel, UK, Australia, Singapore and Japan to know what radar, infrared and satellite signatures look like. Also, just because our jets cannot fly within 10km of the LoC does not mean that our radars do not capture their signatures and PAF does not capture our signatures. PAF too would be aware of exactly what we are carrying. These electronic signatures are very hard to decoy (there are these things called MALDs which have matured in testing in the last two decades and can spoof enemy radar with anything ranging from bombers to fighter jets, but I do not think that PAF has procured them). Link -

8. Now, my last point : the supposed "second Indian downed jet " : Pakistan has a habit of one-upping India in the international media, even if untrue. If two IAF jets were indeed shot down and one jet flew back to India, news of it would have spread here too. I suspect the claim that PAF made that 2 IAF jets were downed was part PsyOps and part fog of war (probably ISPR did not know that the "3 parachutes in total" did not mean 3 jets, 2 IAF, 1 PAF, but rather, 1 PAF (2 pilots) + 1 IAF). If the 2nd IAF jet was at all gliding into Azad Kashmir, then Pakistan would have definitely paraded the second pilot as well in the international media. Nor would IAF come to a secret agreement with Pakistan on hiding the identity of the second pilot. It is not in their nature to keep things quiet between each other. Another video highlighting all of JF-17's inventory :

I hope this was more informative for you, because I was on this for 2 hours. Jai Hind.

EDIT 1 : For all those asking "how Pakistan can counter the fact that their F-16 was shot down / AMRAAM was used" : they cannot. Also, US / West cannot counter and accept the fact that they got beaten by a third gen 60s fighter, so please do not believe the misinformation spread by them too.
Great story for the next Bollywood movie in which some Indian women will shake their rear end violently.
But far from reality.
All 4 Abhinandan missiles are in PAF custody and he couldn't fire any.
In his own words he said " I was looking for targets".
He was lost as communication was jammed. He didn't know where he was as he asked villagers if it's India or Pakistan.
He never saw the AMRAAM coming and was taken by surprise.
  1. A strike force of 24 PAF jets headed towards Indian airspace, of which at least 10 violated Indian airspace. Of those, 3 F-16s, one of them known to be an F-16D Block 52, were designated to head towards ground bombing on the Nanga Tekri forward base. The other 7 were a support package, with extra air support across the border.

2. IAF scrambles 2 Bisons, 3 Mirages and 3 Su-30 MKIs to counter the threat. The PAF strike package drops their laser guided bombs in anticipation of a dogfight which hit the military compound on the Indian side without any casualties or damage to infra, and these F-16s turn around and start "going cold" so that they can lure IAF jets into an ambush where the IAF can be outnumbered.

3. The more "nimble" but "not strategic" IAF assets (in other words, more expendable jets, the MIG and the Mirage) are asked to chase the PAF out but NOT engage. Seeing the IAF on their tails, F-16s perform evasive positioning to start the dogfight - this is where the helmet mounted sights of the PAF come in handy. The MIGs continue to chase and one of the wingmen asks Abhi to turn cold as well. Abhi refuses and locks on a PAF F-16 : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...ocked-on-to-pak-f-16/articleshow/68238027.cms

4. Abhi shoots the R-73, it is a clean kill - 2 parachutes come out of the downed PAF jet : unlike other jets which would have exploded like a fireball, the F-16 is known to be a vertical dart (shoots straight for the ground, as it did in the video post the hit).https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/86-seconds-of-dogfight-at-900-kmph/736286.html

5. Before Abhi had shot the R-73, an AMRAAM was launched by the helmet mounted sight of the PAF jet, before it started the countermeasures to avoid the R-73 - this was not sufficient, and hit the engine (the R-73 is heat seaking). This AMRAAM hit Abhi's jet at 15,000 ft in India : he ejected after realising that the plane cannot be controlled. The winds took him 7km into Azad Kashmir. The PAF jet was shot 3 km in Azad Kashmir. The winds carried the PAF pilots further inside Azad Kashmir.

6. In another part of the same conflict theatre, a Su-30 MKI was locked on by another PAF jet in a BVR space : the Sukhoi deployed very effective countermeasures and positioned itself offensively (but this positioning takes time) - by this time, the PAF jets turned back as bombs had already been dropped. The AMRAAM does not self-explode, rather, is triggered by a proximity fuse, so it either hits a target, or does not, loses it's fuel, glides to the ground and detonates. This is the same missile that was presented as evidence. Link : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...aam-missile-remnants/articleshow/68225187.cms

7. Now, coming to what I have mentioned the "PAF jet" all throughout - I think it was most definitely a F-16D. There are 2 things that nail this : one is most definitely the AMRAAM evidence that IAF had. Watch from 10:00 mark on this video.

- the JF-17 has the avionics to fit only PL-5 or the SD-10 Chinese A2A missiles. The second most pressing evidence here is the fact that IAF gathered the electronic signature of the F-16 - this may be classified information (as it would be against a friendly country to disclose what an F-16 looks like on radar), but that is what ELINT operations are for : the IAF has taken part in enough Air Exercises with Israel, UK, Australia, Singapore and Japan to know what radar, infrared and satellite signatures look like. Also, just because our jets cannot fly within 10km of the LoC does not mean that our radars do not capture their signatures and PAF does not capture our signatures. PAF too would be aware of exactly what we are carrying. These electronic signatures are very hard to decoy (there are these things called MALDs which have matured in testing in the last two decades and can spoof enemy radar with anything ranging from bombers to fighter jets, but I do not think that PAF has procured them). Link -

8. Now, my last point : the supposed "second Indian downed jet " : Pakistan has a habit of one-upping India in the international media, even if untrue. If two IAF jets were indeed shot down and one jet flew back to India, news of it would have spread here too. I suspect the claim that PAF made that 2 IAF jets were downed was part PsyOps and part fog of war (probably ISPR did not know that the "3 parachutes in total" did not mean 3 jets, 2 IAF, 1 PAF, but rather, 1 PAF (2 pilots) + 1 IAF). If the 2nd IAF jet was at all gliding into Azad Kashmir, then Pakistan would have definitely paraded the second pilot as well in the international media. Nor would IAF come to a secret agreement with Pakistan on hiding the identity of the second pilot. It is not in their nature to keep things quiet between each other. Another video highlighting all of JF-17's inventory :

I hope this was more informatisve for you, because I was on this for 2 hours. Jai Hind.

EDIT 1 : For all those asking "how Pakistan can counter the fact that their F-16 was shot down / AMRAAM was used" : they cannot. Also, US / West cannot counter and accept the fact that they got beaten by a third gen 60s fighter, so please do not believe the misinformation spread by them too.
Nice indian version of story but reality is opposite, f-16 were not in strike package only six mirages and six JFT in the strike package, Our F-16 doing CAP well inside the Pakistani airspace
And no one buys your narrative, World agrees Pakistani narratives, And in fact its technically impossible that you vedic/ out of this universe junk Mig-21 shoot down F-16, Because it has lots of design limitations, You indiot
Nice indian version of story but reality is opposite, f-16 were not in strike package only six mirages and six JFT in the strike package, Our F-16 doing CAP well inside the Pakistani airspace
And no one buys your narrative, World agrees Pakistani narratives, And in fact its technically impossible that you vedic/ out of this universe junk Mig-21 shoot down F-16, Because it has lots of design limitations, You indiot

I posted poof, its got deleted.


Maybe error my end, let me re try posting. There is plenty evidence. you can avoid reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality
I posted poof, its got deleted.
PAF has 4 AAM missiles of mig21 even if PAF had none it would be illogical that abhi shot down a f16 simply because he was blind and PAF had hawk eyes AWECS in the eyes and F16 would never have gone close enough to be caught by mig21
IAF claim it was short-range AAM, even if it was long-range r77 it would be stupid as AIM 120C would have been fired from pretty long distance

f16s were in flighter sweep mode(confirmed by uncle sam) they weren't used for strikes in india..anyway F16 do not carry any stand off weapons

in nutshell there 18 different reasons why abhi shooting down f16 is ludicrous..i would believe a UFO at this point rather than that story..this is true for any expert around the world

F16 story is for gullible public like you and for Modi reelection, IAF already knows the truth
I posted poof, its got deleted.


Maybe error my end, let me re try posting. There is plenty evidence. you can avoid reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality


The two parachutes are Mi-21's. One for pilot and one for ejection seat and this parachute also resembles Indian flag. If you are referring to the villager's video the guy also says Pakistani flag has green meaning the parachute had no green on it.

PAF has 4 AAM missiles of mig21 even if PAF had none it would be illogical that abhi shot down a f16 simply because he was blind and PAF had hawk eyes AWECS in the eyes and F16 would never have gone close enough to be caught by mig21
IAF claim it was short-range AAM
R-73 selected was the last message delivered by Mig 21 before crash.
R-73 is heat seeking WVR missile and can't be jammed by electronic counter measures.
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in a clear effort to shift the focus of attention away from the shooting down of the PAF F-16 and the fate of the other downed pilot.

But Why?
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