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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

wonder when you guys want to stop this nonsense about SU-30mki or F-16 or Bombing that building . these things didn't happened and they are just claims without any evidence.
while the helicopter incident or Mig-21 or bombing the nature incident happened and are real so why don't you guys just stick to them.
bombing were miss its target, there were satellite images from international news papers like router BBC, new york times,ESA (EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY) that IAF miss the target
bombing were miss its target, there were satellite images from international news papers like router BBC, new york times,ESA (EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY) that IAF miss the target
As I said the bombing was just hitting the nature not the actual target but I still see people discussing it.
Both f16 and MKI showdown is in fog of war
Let be honest, I see no fog here . nor you neither them could have hidden such thing as shot down of one of your airplanes. and not any airplane your best airplane.

this indiot goes from one thread to another with his same BS while ignoring all facts that is thrown at his face.

What you see is only control section of R-77 but you can not see rest of the parts such as laser proximity fuse, warhead, and tail motor sections which are somewhere under the wreckage.

Dumb@ss its a crash site not a airshow static display! Not all missiles are going to be visible.

Afghanistan? Do you have your brain in your @ss? PLAAF uses slightly different variant of R-73 and Pakistan obtaining such a weapon from any country will be a violation of contract between Russia and R-73 supplier.
and when are you going to shove 13 digits serial in sameer joshi's rear end so he can do his snake charm to find out if it belongs to IAF inventory.

You can give as many veer chakahs as you want but it does not change the reality which is abhiNoneDone did not fire a single missile. Also Why would India allow IAF female officer to interview with media and hide abhi? thats because he is keeping his words that he will not lie when he returns back to india. thats a good boy.

Dumb@ss the kit goes along with MK-84 and their is NO MK-84 in the world which has less TNT then what it is built with.

dumb@ss that penetration is due to training round without TNT.

Here is a video of Spice-2000 in action. notice that at 7:15 mark a harden structure is obliterated. Also the structure sitting on balakot has a tin roof.

dumb@ss its this strike which was on LOC

Yeah, anything is possible in Indian imagination.

wtf is this sh1t?

almost every tin roof in pakistan has some sort of imperfection due to weathering, construction, etc and these indiots are expecting neat and clean roof.

Funny thing, The very source of the photo made this headline :lol:

"PAKISTAN: Satellite Imagery confirms India missed target in Pakistan airstrike"


View attachment 626648

3x Spice bombs penerate the building size of 15x15 m by creating flat holes 1 meter each and structure still remains intact :D

Mmmmmmuuuuaaahhhhhh -- Such desperation

the video of spice bumb has one thing in common and that is video data link! when will vedicks show the footage of it?

Let be honest, I see no fog here . nor you neither them could have hidden such thing as shot down of one of your airplanes. and not any airplane your best airplane.
and you have a horse in this race how?
@Myth_buster_1 @notorious_eagle

From people who have seen classified 30 cm high resolution multi spectral and the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image

This picture is a joke

A bomb released from high will achieve high terminal speed and velocity alone will leave visible damage not 3 perfect holes

Explosion from inside of even few pounds of explosive shud rip apart brick walls and likely make the roof to cave in

3 bombs even blanks will cause severe damage to roof

And how in world u will put 3 bombs on same spot and not cause any visible damage? Plus why would you do that??
Take explosives out of bombs but than put 3 on same building? Why not one with explosives?
This picture is a joke

A bomb released from high will achieve high terminal speed and velocity alone will leave visible damage not 3 perfect holes

Explosion from inside of even few pounds of explosive shud rip apart brick walls and likely make the roof to cave in

3 bombs even blanks will cause severe damage to roof

And how in world u will put 3 bombs on same spot and not cause any visible damage? Plus why would you do that??
Take explosives out of bombs but than put 3 on same building? Why not one with explosives?

Neutral experts have concluded that “dark holes” were in fact passing clouds lol the Indians continue to embarrass themselves
This picture is a joke

A bomb released from high will achieve high terminal speed and velocity alone will leave visible damage not 3 perfect holes

Explosion from inside of even few pounds of explosive shud rip apart brick walls and likely make the roof to cave in

3 bombs even blanks will cause severe damage to roof

And how in world u will put 3 bombs on same spot and not cause any visible damage? Plus why would you do that??
Take explosives out of bombs but than put 3 on same building? Why not one with explosives?
For Indians Crayon drwan lines is evidence that India shot down Pakistani F-16 and a blurry picture with 3 black dots is proof of successful strike. But HD quality pics and videos of fallen trees and bomb craters is not a proof that their bombs missed the target.
Sometimes i pity the Indians :lol:
This picture is a joke

A bomb released from high will achieve high terminal speed and velocity alone will leave visible damage not 3 perfect holes

Explosion from inside of even few pounds of explosive shud rip apart brick walls and likely make the roof to cave in

3 bombs even blanks will cause severe damage to roof

And how in world u will put 3 bombs on same spot and not cause any visible damage? Plus why would you do that??
Take explosives out of bombs but than put 3 on same building? Why not one with explosives?

here watch this video. see what happens to a structure with tin roof sitting on top of a bunker when it is hit with a happy meal.
I've reported @Suriya
I'd suggest you all report him for his ridiculous posts
Budgam is more than 200 KM away from LoC.
Does PAF has missile that can hit a jet flying more than 200KM away from the LoC?? :)
So, do you still believe Budgam crash site is 200km from LoC where the encounter took place?

here watch this video. see what happens to a structure with tin roof sitting on top of a bunker when it is hit with a happy meal.
That's too much for @Suriya to fathom. Don't make him self-implode. :laugh:

Let be honest, I see no fog here . nor you neither them could have hidden such thing as shot down of one of your airplanes. and not any airplane your best airplane.
Quick question: Is Rahul "The Chihuahua" Kanwal, news anchor reading off of a teleprompter in Martian language here to you or in a much familiar language we all can understand? By all means go ahead and defend him. Make excuses.

here watch this video. see what happens to a structure with tin roof sitting on top of a bunker when it is hit with a happy meal.

Thats 500 lb hitting re inforced concrete bunkers

Here we are talking about 3 1000 lb bombs hitting brick wall structure of a madrassa

No way that structure can with stand even the impact without explosion even

Its beyond insanity to believe in such blatant lie
the video of spice bumb has one thing in common and that is video data link! when will vedicks show the footage of it?

and you have a horse in this race how?
I didn't care , somebody mentioned it in an unrelated thread about Iran army and when I began to discussit there , he suggestwe contine it here so I'm here

A bomb released from high will achieve high terminal speed and velocity alone will leave visible damage not 3 perfect holes
depends on the bomb , some bombs are designed to descend in a controlled speed no matter how high you release them, but you expectthe bomb result in the destroction of the what hold the roof and its fall . now if it was small bombs used in drones that something else but a bomb released from a fighting plane is another beast

I've reported @Suriya
I'd suggest you all report him for his ridiculous posts

So, do you still believe Budgam crash site is 200km from LoC where the encounter took place?

That's too much for @Suriya to fathom. Don't make him self-implode. :laugh:

Quick question: Is Rahul "The Chihuahua" Kanwal, news anchor reading off of a teleprompter in Martian language here to you or in a much familiar language we all can understand? By all means go ahead and defend him. Make excuses.

and in front of him is written pakistan F-16 shotdown 3km inside pakistan , Do I believe that also.
he is citicized for many thing including simulating an skirmish between CRPF and Naxal insurgents in his TV show. and here he provide no proof
and in front of him is written pakistan F-16 shotdown 3km inside pakistan , Do I believe that also.
he is citicized for many thing including simulating an skirmish between CRPF and Naxal insurgents in his TV show. and here he provide no proof
Your argument is exactly what another Indian guy said when this clip was out on 27 Feb '19, i.e. screw what the anchor is saying, just believe what some idiot wrote for overlays instead! :laugh: How convenient just to satisfy yourself into believing a lie. :laugh: By the way, for an Iranian, you make great India phraand. How's Iran treating you over there? Must be crazy with that crazy COVID-19 outbreak.
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