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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

I didn't care , somebody mentioned it in an unrelated thread about Iran army and when I began to discussit there , he suggestwe contine it here so I'm here
hmmn, not sure what or for who you are arguing for.

Your argument is exactly what another Indian guy said when this clip was out on 27 Feb '19, i.e. screw what the anchor is saying, just believe what some idiot wrote for overlays instead! :laugh: How convenient just to satisfy yourself into believing a lie. :laugh: By the way, for an Iranian, you make great India phraand. How's Iran treating you over there? Must be crazy with that crazy COVID-19 outbreak.
wait is it an indian?
you guys never did anything to our airforce , what are you talking about . we never had any SU-30 in our arsenal to be worried about them. and wonder why you don't talk in a language I understand .
wonder why members from pakistan don't bother check the flags . for Gods sake I used the same flags since 8 year ago that I joined the Forum , wonder does it really look like Indian flag
So you are an Iranian joker. Say hi to the dead maestro for me.

you guys never did anything to our airforce , what are you talking about . we never had any SU-30 in our arsenal to be worried about them. and wonder why you don't talk in a language I understand .
wonder why members from pakistan don't bother check the flags . for Gods sake I used the same flags since 8 year ago that I joined the Forum , wonder does it really look like Indian flag
Even if Iranian airforce acquires SU-35 or SU-57, we still won't have anything to worry about
Your argument is exactly what another Indian guy said when this clip was out on 27 Feb '19, i.e. screw what the anchor is saying, just believe what some idiot wrote for overlays instead! :laugh: How convenient just to satisfy yourself into believing a lie. :laugh: By the way, for an Iranian, you make great India phraand. How's Iran treating you over there? Must be crazy with that crazy COVID-19 outbreak.
did anchor provide evidence , how many time anchors in Indian or Pakistan or anyplace else talked nonsense. and show me evidence instead of these nonsense about Indian or anchor or .....

So you are an Iranian joker. Say hi to the dead maestro for me.

Even if Iranian airforce acquires SU-35 or SU-57, we still won't have anything to worry about
whatever as if we are intrested in those airplanes. and you guys are funy I ask show me evidence of Su-30 shot down and you are boasting your airforce is more advanced than ours as if I discuss that.:undecided:
childish indeed childish
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did anchor provide evidence , how many time anchors in Indian or Pakistan or anyplace else talked nonsense. and show me evidence instead of these nonsense about Indian or anchor or .....

What I gave you are spoken words, clearly admitting Su-30MKI kill. Call it accidental slip of the tongue because it got accidentally left on the news Teleprompter before the sudden change to Bollywood script. :haha:

whatever as if we are intrested in those airplanes. and you guys are funy I ask show me evidence of Su-30 shot down and you are boasting your airforce is more advanced than ours as if I discuss that.:undecided:
childish indeed childish
Not only are PAF sure they shot down an Su-30MKI inside IoJK but listen to what Alan Warnes said about it:

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Oh shut up.
These were veydic technology bombs invented 5000 years ago by Yindu Maharaj.
They only make holes in the roof then go inside the building with talwaar and stab them.
His aircraft was shadowed by the Pir Panjal mountain range till he gained enough height to come under radars of your f16s. There was an inherent chance that he would be shot down once he is detected as he locks on his target. He took that chance. In the process he shot a PAF jet before F-16s caps flying in the hinter took him out within seconds after it.
his aircraft was below the pir panjal range, he locked on the F-16 and his missile flew between the range hit the f-16...hmmmmmm
What I gave you are spoken words, clearly admitting Su-30MKI kill. Call it accidental slip of the tongue because it got accidentally left on the news Teleprompter before the sudden change to Bollywood script. :haha:

Not only are PAF sure they shot down an Su-30MKI inside IoJK but listen to what Alan Warnes said about it:

again no evidence provided about SU-30MKI
again no evidence provided about SU-30MKI
Might want to ask the Indian air force why they need 12 Su-30MKI replacements immediately to cover losses. :-)

Hindustan Times (20 JAN 2020) says, "A total of 12 Su-30 jets have crashed since the fighter jets were inducted. The IAF is likely to place an order for 12 more jets to make up for the losses."

And indeed, as reported on 31 MAR 2020, they're looking to order 12 replacements: “We are moving towards ordering 12 more Sukhoi-30s... 12 is what is being followed up straightaway.”
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