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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

1. You seem to NOT understand what I have posted. I literally asked you not to come for help from me in a basic Google search. And now you do EXACTLY THAT.
When & Where did you 'literally' ask me not to come for help from you in a basic Google search?
Below is a Screenshot of your last post.


Now, if no such images exist, can mean only 02 Things.

1. There is no evidence to suggest such an act ever took place.
2. You just fabricated something on your own to derail the Thread.

And since you clearly never asked me not come to you for help, well...we all know where this conversation is heading.
If you are incapable of understanding this, either you dont read English well , or you choose not to. And please do not derail this thread further.
Yes, in case you hadn't noticed - I do not have the flag on my avatar to indicate that I belong to or reside in an English speaking nation.

You clearly appear to be extremely proud of the Stars & Stripes, yet show a great deal of affection towards India.

Speaking of which, here is some info on your boys in Stars & Stripes... Feel free to scroll down all the way to the bottom. I'm sure your advanced English skill will enable you to understand 'MOTIVES' and its subsection.

3. Wonderful explanation for the Israeli thing. ' Only a Muslim would understand '. Sorry, no Muslim that I know in India ( in my 3 decades growing up ) or in the US will consider stealing clothes from a dead man and displaying in homes and museums an act of a civilized man / force .
Here in the link below speaks of YOUR Stars & Stripes and what they allow.

Permitted war souvenirs are “common enemy military items that have little or no value” and have to be acquired legally, such as by capturing them or finding them abandoned, Warren said in an e-mail last week to Stripes.

He said permitted items include:

  • Helmets and other head coverings.
  • Uniforms and patches.
  • Canteens, compasses, rucksacks and pouches.
  • Flags.
  • Knives and bayonets — as long as they are not collapsing or spring-loaded retractable blades and the servicemember has a receipt.
  • Military training manuals.
  • Posters and placards.
  • Currency of the former Saddam Hussein regime.
  • Prayer rugs and furniture purchased from an Army and Air Force Exchange Service vendor.

So much for your
'displaying in homes and museums an act of a civilized man / force' statement.

2. Glad you remember Nachiketa . That's another case where his uniform was stolen , when he was in Pak Army custody for a week. What this fetish for stolen uniforms , I don't know. I must point out that this nonsense seems to be a P.A. thing. Not a PAF thing.
The answer to this already mentioned above, though how can you label something stolen when it is in the custody of Military.

Maybe the traditions of the Pakistan Army are different to those of the PAF. Is there a rule book that all the Military are supposed to follow? Maybe the Pakistan Army tradition is to take it out in the back & burn it...


Now that you've been given a befitting response/ reply to every thing you swung at me..., care to go for Round 2?!!

@Myth_buster_1 @seven0seven @newb3e
As I said, Pakistani people trust on Pakistan government and their claims.

The same goes to Indians....

Even if I go and talk to a common people in India then he will surely repeat all claims of the Indian government and I will have tough time to do argument with him. And, it same goes to Pakistan as well.

But, I don't find that most of indian members claim to shoot down a f16 in PDF.

Sorry, but on this forum we don't believe Pakistani Government or anyone. This is a Pro-Research Forum, we believe in facts and logic. We take an issue and analyze it from every angle. Just blindly accepting whatever your Government tells you makes you no different then a walking zombie. Blindly accepting every claim of your Government makes you no different then Nazi Germany, Soviet Union or North Korea.

@seven0seven Why are you even bothering? The guy already said above in his post that he will believe whatever his Government tells him. If the Government tells him the grass is pink, he will believe it. Why bother arguing with someone like that.
Now that you've been given a befitting response/ reply to every thing you swung at me..., care to go for Round 2?!!
youll tire they wont they are relentless whatsapp university will keep feeding them fictional facts stright out of spreme leaders behind!!

to save tbeir ugly bakht faces they will keep arguing!

here is a tip "you never argue with a baboon ( no racist :p)
Sorry, but on this forum we don't believe Pakistani Government or anyone. This is a Pro-Research Forum, we believe in facts and logic. We take an issue and analyze it from every angle. Just blindly accepting whatever your Government tells you makes you no different then a walking zombie. Blindly accepting every claim of your Government makes you no different then Nazi Germany, Soviet Union or North Korea.

@seven0seven Why are you even bothering? The guy already said above in his post that he will believe whatever his Government tells him. If the Government tells him the grass is pink, he will believe it. Why bother arguing with someone like that.

No sir, you misunderstood me!

I said that I don't blindly trust on any government including Indian.

So I m not agreed with claim of Indian government to shoot down a f16 and also not agreed with Pakistani government to shoot down a su 30mki.

Both countries does not have proper evidence to prove their claims.
THis person still believes it was a Jf17 block 2 shot down the mighty indian SU30 MKI. There are lot more people like him. There was so much propaganda around 27th feb, when Pakistan made few correction nobody paid attention to them.

Yes. It is true.

A PAF JF17 Block 2 shot down an Indian SU 30 Mki o February 27, 2019.

The indian wingman ran like a coward on full after burners.

There are tons of delusional Indian kids like you on internet who believes every FANTASY CLAIM Indian Terrorist Forces make without any proof. Every professional force in the world provide proof when making a claim. India is the only one where you believe us or you are a traitor. tsk tsk tsk.

Poori duniya hansti hay ab bharti daawoo par. Phir bhi besharam $1 walay coke kay can may nahi doobtay sharam say yeh bharti
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Yes. It is true.

A PAF JF17 Block 2 shot down an Indian SU 30 Mki o February 27, 2019. The indian wingman ran like a coward on full after burners.

There are tons of delusional Indian kids like you on internet who believes every FANTASY CLAIM Indian Terrorist Forces make without any proof.
Before going bat shit crazy on me, you should have known what is your air force saying about it.

This is commemorative site built at PAF base Mushaf to celebrate 27th Feb and read carefully what it says about who shot down Indian Su30.

Before going bat shit crazy on me, you should have known what is your air force saying about it.

This is commemorative site built at PAF base Mushaf to celebrate 27th Feb and read carefully what it says about who shot down Indian Su30.


Nope. Your link does not open. Regardless,

A PAF JF17 Block 2 shot down an Indian SU 30 Mki on February 27, 2019.

The other SU30 Mki along with the pair of mirages exited the scene citing different SOB stories.

Expect a major Russia Pak defence agreement to be announced soon. In works since 2019. hint hint - SU 30 MKI. Putin does not forget favors.

Forget the IAF, where are the photos of the PAF's bombing results ? Can you share some crater marks or anything from your side ? Or will you depend on photos released by the Indian army ? In other words, without Indian photos, PAF has NO proof.
So pl reconsider this demand for proof.

Just ask yourself why it takes 45 days plus for 1 visit to the Balakot terror compound. And why no more visitors are allowed there .

So in other words, you have NO real reply. You just shared some language you overheard at home while growing up.
Sorry for you.

Indian Army commanders left Brigade HQ ‘minutes before’ PAF bomb fell in compound 27 Feb


Here is the proof . If you had searched this thread you'd have had found it easily But since you are an Indian, you had a habit of shooting your mouth without any facts and figures

Where is the proof Balakot Madrassa was a terror compound? Just because India says so?

And Not everyone is a retard like you or those indians. You know There were HD satellite images that were released and you can still see them. Which shows not a single building got damaged or exploded. When you have those Pictures that too In HD. Why Pakistan should take anyone to Balakot Camp site in the early days of feb and March instead of at time of its own choosing when there are satellite images that is showing India strike failed ? Answer me this First.

Nope. Your link does not open. Regardless,

A PAF JF17 Block 2 shot down an Indian SU 30 Mki on February 27, 2019.

The other SU30 Mki along with the pair of mirages exited the scene citing different SOB stories.

Expect a major Russia Pak defence agreement to be announced soon. In works since 2019. hint hint - SU 30 MKI. Putin does not forget favors.

It was F-16 who shot down Su-30. Which world you are living in mate?
It was F-16 who shot down Su-30. Which world you are living in mate?

I am waiting for Surya's reply first on the shot downed SU30 MKI

Good post. Fact remains, no matter what twist these indians give to the February 27, 2019 aerial war episode, PAF delivered decisive beating to Indian Air Force.
I am waiting for Surya's reply first on the shot downed SU30 MKI
I don't care if you're waiting for him to blow rainbows out of his @ss.

You're embarrassing the Thread with made up scenarios of JF-17 shooting down anything other than being part of the package.

Just leave it...and move on.
I don't care if you're waiting for him to blow rainbows out of his @ss.

You're embarrassing the Thread with made up scenarios of JF-17 shooting down anything other than being part of the package.

Just leave it...and move on.

JF-17 did shoot down Mi-17 ;)


“There were around three aircraft flying at that time,” says 36-year-old Fahmeeda, who was in the lawn of her house at the time of the crash.“Two jets were flying over the chopper. The Jets were very high and at a very fast speed,” she says.

Seeing the legion of fighter planes, she and the other villagers thought that a war between India and Pakistan has started. “I was looking at the sky and could see the chopper and then suddenly there was something like a shooting star that struck the tail of the chopper,” Fahmeeda recalls.

Their is also a video of a kashmiri describing the same thing but i cant find it. Maybe the indian channel took it down because it was against their narrative.
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