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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

That being said its shape resembles a Dhruv, and the only high altitude kill claimed by the PAF side is that of the Su-30 since the F-16s were claimed to be at lower altitudes.

Missile is seen still flying in a path bit different from where blast cloud first seen and blast sound heard .

What do u think it was the same missile that hit the jet or another missile not seen in the clip ?
see how you changing now, come on man be yourself.

and by the way, your post was a troll post off topic.
i am more genuine than you, the way you start cursing when somebody hits ur nerve is evident that how pissed you are from inside. have some of ur own tea, we tasted it, it was good.
Mig-21 a low altitude kill and according to indian that mig-21 downed F-16 so that is to low altitude kill , but the JET in Video is high altitude (look like) and look at the size of the going down jet (my guess not a single engine) and on Heli part video look like edited , Just watch closely from 1.00 to 1.06 and see how things change(most probably time delay) !!! It means that heli came after(for rescue) that jet going down ..
Not really.. the chopper is flying near the LoC and the jet being brought down could be on either side of it.

That being said its shape resembles a Dhruv, and the only high altitude kill claimed by the PAF side is that of the Su-30 since the F-16s were claimed to be at lower altitudes.

F-16 were around 20K feet's which means MKI flying around 30K feet's??
i am more genuine than you, the way you start cursing when somebody hits ur nerve is evident that how pissed you are from inside. have some of ur own tea, we tasted it, it was good.
you think dealing with trolls like you is easy when have to repeat same thing over and over?

stop being a troll and no one will tell you anything, and respect you.
Its the indian side of border and the chpper is the same that your air defence fried with six surma's on board
In other videos you can also see the fried IAF personnel


@bl33d have you seen this ??
A chopper is also seen flying to at the end of the clip .
Whose chopper is this ? IAF or PAF ?
If you look closely on the foot long faces, you can see how many jets and of which country hugged the mother earth that day

Which 'analysts' are they?
I am not supposed to tell you that :azn::azn:

Its the indian side of border and the chpper is the same that your air defence fried with six surma's on board
In other videos you can also see the fried IAF personnel

clearly the accent of the voice in the video was from an indian dialect right !!!!!!!!
That being said its shape resembles a Dhruv, and the only high altitude kill claimed by the PAF side is that of the Su-30 since the F-16s were claimed to be at lower altitudes.
Mig-21 a low altitude kill and according to indian that mig-21 downed F-16 so that is to low altitude kill , but the JET in Video is high altitude (look like) and look at the size of the going down jet (my guess not a single engine) and on Heli part video look like edited , Just watch closely from 1.00 to 1.06 and see how things change(most probably time delay) !!! It means that heli came after(for rescue) that jet going down ..

Okay , what i know ..

1. F-16s were firing BVRs from high altitude at max range at below flying MKIs

2. MKI's R-77 couldn't find a firing solution since they were at lower altitude than out ranged f-16 .

3. That's why they tried to evade AMRAAM by diving down the pirpangal range .

4. Had a MKI been hit while diving down , it should been a low altitude kill .

5. It is said that Abhi's mig 21 that sneaked under the pir panjal range and rose up to meet a pair of F-16 when fired his R-73 downing his supposed F-16 kill .

sir , can u figure out whose plane wreckage is this from the clip ?

sir , can u figure out whose plane wreckage is this seen in the clip and which missile is hitting it ?

Is there another missile hitting the plane not seen in the clip ?

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