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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Indians making dumb claims about having proof of F16 downed by showing parts of their own MiG21. Claim the F16 engine part of F110 is shown but PAF F16s use PW220s with totally different pattern. Also claim the big afterburner image as F16s when it is just the backside of the MiG21s engine, as shown in this video

I was watching the witnesses interview on some news channel. They were saying that Indian pilot laid down on ground right after dropping through chute in the hope that people will think he died but people realized he was alive & started asking some questions to that chap. The pilot then said that he don't remember anything. "Where am I?' He asked. Trying to act like a "ghajni". locals were smart, (knowing that he got a Glock pistol) The villagers said that you are in India. He shouted with joy... JAI HIND.
Then Pak Army personnel arrived & the rest in history..

another script ready for blockbuster Bollywood flick

Injured Abhinandan fought captors, fired into air, swallowed imp documents before being captured: Pak media

Instead, he fought his captors, fired into the air and swallowed important documents (which should not have been in enemy hands), before he was outnumbered and captured.

All this, while he was bleeding profusely after the crash.

Pakistani newspaper Dawn reports: The pilot, who was equipped with a pistol, asked the youngsters whether it was India or Pakistan. On this, one of them intelligently responded that it was India. The pilot, later identified as Wing Commander Abhi Nandan, shouted some slogans and asked which place exactly it was in India. To this, the same boy responded that it was Qilla'n.

The pilot told them that his "back was broken" and he needed water to drink.

Some emotional youth, who could not digest the slogans, shouted Pakistan army zindabad. On this, Abhinandan shot a fire in the air while the boys picked up stones in their hands.

According to Mr Razzaq (an eyewitness), the Indian pilot ran a distance of half a kilometre in backward direction while pointing his pistol towards the boys who were chasing him.

During this brisk movement, he fired some more gunshots in the air to frighten them but to no avail, he said. Then he jumped into a small pond where he took out some documents and maps from his pockets, some of which he tried to swallow and soaked others in water.

Even while catering to Pakistani readership that would perhaps not want to read about the bravery of an Indian fighter pilot inside their territory, Dawn reports that Abhinandan said his back was broken while he displayed such valour.

Read those words again: "He (Abhinandan) had given them quite a tough time."

No wonder even Pakistani handles want Abhinandan to return to India with dignity.




Oh and by the way the images were first shared by Pakistanis who thought they had recovered the second downed jet.


Also before any one points out the engines make let me make it clear that it uses both engines. The f16s with block number ending in 2 use Pratt & Whitney, and block number ending in 0 use GE. PAF has more number of block 50 engines. Hence it is GE engine. So this is F16 with GE engine.

@Knight Rider @MultaniGuy
if someone have seen this video ..the guy in brown leather jacket is giving him blows to his face


Oh and by the way the images were first shared by Pakistanis who thought they had recovered the second downed jet.


Also before any one points out the engines make let me make it clear that it uses both engines. The f16s with block number ending in 2 use Pratt & Whitney, and block number ending in 0 use GE. PAF has more number of block 50 engines. Hence it is GE engine. So this is F16 with GE engine.

@Knight Rider @MultaniGuy

You're clueless Indian.

These pics are clearly from a Bison as per the video.

Also PAF has no GE engines. Only Block 52's and MLU which use PW.
BBC itself collates news from local sources. As for your govt denial, that's to be expected. However your pilot 'Hassan' is an F-16 pilot. You can confirm that.
F-16's pilots fly JF-17's also and can be deputed in either squadron.

Wasn't this captured IAF pilot an SU-30 driver but he was flying a Mig-21?
In your airforce, the roles of JF17 and F-16 are clearly defined. F-16 being the most modern aircraft in your inventory are reserved for strikes and JF are for snaring enemy jets in your own territory. your so called defensive doctrine.
You have written the roles wrongly. F-16's are primarily used for A2A combat, then strike. Mirage is first choice as strike aircraft for PAF.

You have also mentioned the scenario wrongly, Most contacts mention Mirages were being chased by IAF and JF-17's took out the IAF fighters.
Your airforce fully knowing of a response from IAF will send a jet most likely to survive during a dogfight with Sukhoi 30 or Mig29 and that's F-16.
All PAF fighters are fully capable not just to survive dog fights with IAF but also bring the enemy planes down.

Things will clear eventually though. Right now its more important to preserve the halo fo F16 and I understand that.
F-16's were not used.
3 PAF aircrafts did come but got intercepted. No bombs dropped.
Your own ANI showing PAF ordinance hit outside you 6 military bases.

We have footage of 2 of your jets being hit by PAF.

We have indian media news reports about a mig-21 crash killing pilot in IOK;

We have 1 wreckage and your pilot;


Apart from that we have footage of your military positions taken by our UAVs;


Take it as a warning.
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