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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

You are in no position to 'assure' this forum of anything other than that you are nothing more than a keyboard warrior in the worst context of the word.

Sure, I can claim to be anything, but then so can you or anyone for that matter. This is a military oriented forum. If it is that easy to pretend to be someone, this forum would have been crawling with snipers, pilots, and assorted 'special forces' soldiers. But the reason why people -- including yourself -- do not risk embarrassment at pretending is because you know you will be busted by someone who have actual military experience.

When a member of a military is taken prisoner, he is no longer able to act as an active agent on behalf of his country's goals. That knowledge is not lost upon the captors. It was the horrors of WW II that the Geneva Convention was created to bring some measure of humanity to an atrocious event -- war.

What I said so far is clearly beyond your comprehension. As a keyboard warrior, you are more obsessed with your Internet 'tough guy' image than of reality. Not only are you a despised keyboard warrior, at your very core, you are nothing more than a coward.

Take it easy. The kids get a little too excited.
India releases the photo of Pak F-16

Pakistan is again being fed the same rasgolla that we’re fed in 47,65,71and 99

Wait until a general unveiling in a book

Now this time our pilots are writing the story of shooting down IAF 21 & 29 in broad daylight with targets burning on the ground.
Pakistan is again being fed the same rasgolla that we’re fed in 47,65,71and 99
But the difference is that India isn't providing any proof.

The so-called Surgical Strikes that took place a couple of days back courtesy of the IAF hasn't played out to what was stated. Pakistan Army has openly invited the UN, Ambassadors and Indian Media/Army to come and examine the area where they dropped arsenal. Forget about the damage, but 300+ bodies scattered would leave some evidence. So far, India hasn't taken up on the offer.

India states that one of their jets crashed due to a Technical Glitch. How convenient - that the glitch took place right when the other jet was engaged in mortal combat with the PAF.

And I've stated over and over. Prior to the events that led to yesterdays Dogfight, what was the strength of the F-16's in the PAF. Fighter Jets around the World have Serial Numbers. Lets have all our F-16's accounted for and then see if we are one short.

India is in denial...and people like Arnab Goswami (Republic TV) and Amish Devgan are still screaming at the camera as if India is the one that has a PAF PoW...
Link isn't embedding. But India seems to be accusing Pakistan of air violation again.

Maybe a sign of Indian aggression to follow??
Show me international news like BBC confirming this. Because Pakistan denies this.

BBC itself collates news from local sources. As for your govt denial, that's to be expected. However your pilot 'Hassan' is an F-16 pilot. You can confirm that.

In your airforce, the roles of JF17 and F-16 are clearly defined. F-16 being the most modern aircraft in your inventory are reserved for strikes and JF are for snaring enemy jets in your own territory. your so called defensive doctrine.

Your airforce fully knowing of a response from IAF will send a jet most likely to survive during a dogfight with Sukhoi 30 or Mig29 and that's F-16.

Things will clear eventually though. Right now its more important to preserve the halo fo F16 and I understand that.


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MUZAFFARABAD: Mohammad Razzaq Chaudhry was in the courtyard of his house in Horra’n village, located barely 7km from the Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir’s Bhimber district, at about 8:45am on Wednesday when the “smoke and sound” made him realise that a dogfight was going on up above in the sky.

Upon watching them carefully, the 58-year-old political and social activist of the area noticed that two aircraft had caught fire but while one of them sped across the LoC, the other burst into flames and came down speedily.

Its wreckage fell more than one kilometre away from the house of Mr Razzaq towards the eastern side in a deserted field.
Mr Razzaq said he saw a parachute descending towards the ground, which made landing around one kilometre away from his house but on the southern side.

He jumped into a small pond where he tried to swallow some documents and maps
A pilot emerged out of the parachute safe and sound,” he told Dawn from Horra’n village by telephone.

Mr Razzaq said he had in the meantime made calls to several youngsters in the village, asking them not to go close to the wreckage until arrival of the army personnel but get hold of the pilot.

In pictures: PAF downs Indian aircraft violating Pakistan airspace, pilot held captive

The pilot, who was equipped with a pistol, asked the youngsters whether it was India or Pakistan. On this, one of them intelligently responded that it was India. The pilot, later identified as Wing Commander Abhi Nandan, shouted some slogans and asked which place exactly it was in India.

To this, the same boy responded that it was Qilla’n.

The pilot told them that his “back was broken” and he needed water to drink.

Dawn Exclusive: A time for restraint

Some emotional youth, who could not digest the slogans, shouted Pakistan army zindabad. On this, Abhinandan shot a fire in the air while the boys picked up stones in their hands.
According to Mr Razzaq, the Indian pilot ran a distance of half a kilometre in backward direction while pointing his pistol towards the boys who were chasing him.

During this brisk movement, he fired some more gunshots in the air to frighten them but to no avail, he said. Then he jumped into a small pond where he took out some documents and maps from his pockets, some of which he tried to swallow and soaked others in water.

The boys kept on asking him to drop his weapon and in the meanwhile one boy shot at his leg, Mr Razzaq said.

Finally, he came out and said he should not be killed. The boys got hold of him from both arms. Some of them roughed him up, in a fit of rage, while others kept on stopping them.

In the meanwhile, army personnel arrived there and took him into their custody and saved him from the wrath of the youths, he said.

“Thanks God, none of the furious boys shot him dead because he had given them quite a tough time,” he said.
The detained pilot was then taken to an army installation in Bhimber in a convoy of military vehicles.

As the convoy passed through Khalil Chowk of Bhimber city, some 50km away from Horra’n, it was greeted by dozens of cheerful citizens standing on both sides of the road. They showered rose petals on the military vehicles, amid slogans like Long Live Pakistan army, Long Live Pakistan Air Force, Long Live Pakistan and Long Live Kashmir.

Shakal takoo pan yuck di:rofl:
BBC itself collates news from local sources. As for your govt denial, that's to be expected. However your pilot 'Hassan' is an F-16 pilot. You can confirm that.

In your airforce, the roles of JF17 and F-16 are clearly defined. F-16 being the most modern aircraft in your inventory are reserved for strikes and JF are for snaring enemy jets in your own territory. your so called defensive doctrine.

Your airforce fully knowing of a response from IAF will send a jet most likely to survive during a dogfight with Sukhoi 30 or Mig29 and that's F-16.

Things will clear eventually though. Right now its more important to preserve the halo fo F16 and I understand that.

Thats an F-16 missing. View attachment 542848
See closely all those jets in image are Pakistani F-7s not F-16s. What Indians are smoking nowadays ?? :lol:
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