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26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks. The Legal case in Pakistan

Continue discussions on the legal proof's and dossiers provided by India for the case on the perpetrators of the 26/11 tragedy in Mumbai and the trail of the accused in Pakistan.
Okay, lets throw a legal question out there in a role playing sort of way, and try to be serious about it.
Based on the Dossiers laid out, what legal prosecution(as a lawyer) would you carry out of the accused with the evidence in hand?
where was ajmal kasab and the other terrorist off too before they caught ?
Okay, lets throw a legal question out there in a role playing sort of way, and try to be serious about it.
Based on the Dossiers laid out, what legal prosecution(as a lawyer) would you carry out of the accused with the evidence in hand?

First conspiring, second planning, third brainwashing youths, fourth waging war against a foreign country, fifth using the country for launching attacks against other country, sixth providing logistic and money supports...

where was ajmal kasab and the other terrorist off too before they caught ?

They were killing innocents before Ajmal kasab was caught
where was ajmal kasab and the other terrorist off too before they caught ?

It's all there in the dossier.

There mission was to kill as many people as possible.

Kasab was caught out on the street when he was spraying bullets out in the open.

Here's what happened:

Kasab is out in the street spreading bullets.

A constable named Tukaram Omble, unarmed, held his rifle, all this while the rifle was still firing. Tukaram Omble was hit with the bullets but hemanaged to snatch Kasab's riflr. Another of Omble's colleague caught hold of Kasab.

Tukaram Omble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay, lets throw a legal question out there in a role playing sort of way, and try to be serious about it.
Based on the Dossiers laid out, what legal prosecution(as a lawyer) would you carry out of the accused with the evidence in hand?

I'm sure there's a lot more than this.

This is only what we have and we are nothing more than a few civilians with some free time on the internet.

The authorities must be having a lot more. It's only common sense.

Hence, it's not hard to imagine how India's case was so strong with this that even the P5 were forced to accept our case and pass our resolutions.

The next leg of investigation needs to be carried out in Pakistan but I have to ask you this:

When there is prima facie evidence of the involvement of some of your people in high offices, obviously very powerful people, do you think it is possible that your authorities will honestly help with the investigation.

What motivation do they have to write their own death warrant?
@CD, no one blamed the Pakistani govt. and we still don't, rather it is their security agency ISI or many people within that organisation who have been blamed and you will find evidences of the same all over.
Again, not one country in the entire world has officially said that the Pakistani government is responsible for the 26/11 attacks.

And there is no proof of it being true either.

the Chinese members here seem more Pakistani then ordinary Pakistanis. :)
let us ignore the fact that after 14k post he still has not realized you shouldn't start a new thread by just writing two lines. even rookies do not do it .
by the way when even the Pakistan govt has accepted that the terrorists were from Pakistan , not to mention the world. is this even a debate we need to have?
When there is prima facie evidence of the involvement of some of your people in high offices, obviously very powerful people, do you think it is possible that your authorities will honestly help with the investigation.

Here is an example that will show you the Paradox one has to contend with..
The Perpetrators of the Lal masjid case, along with many other terrorists KNOWN(claimed themselves proudly) to have engaged in such activities have walked away from court cases due to lack of proof.

One of two possibilities exist:
1. The prosecution teams assigned to such cases are so inept that they are unable to use even a single shred of evidence in their favour.

2. That the authorities fail to gather and provide a single shred of evidence for KNOWN terrorists in these cases(the reasons for which are a speculative pandora's box).

There are other pending cases against men like H. Saeed filed by members of civil society and the judiciary is willing to look at the case as long as there is proof. Yet the authorities seem to drag their feet in such matters or plain refuse to do so out of sheer fear for their own lives(lest there be more Mumtaz Qadri's hiding within the rank and file of the civil security institutions).
The 26/11 attack was orchestrated by well equipped and trained terrorists who sailed from Karachi. How Pakistan/ISI/Army could not know what is happening? LET is connected to ISI. I did not hear that LET centre was closed and its people were arrested, I did not hear on any investigation in Pakistan about finding the responsible for this terror attack.

Just connect the dots and there you will have the picture of Pakistan as a state sponsoring terrorism.
Here is an example that will show you the Paradox one has to contend with..
The Perpetrators of the Lal masjid case, along with many other terrorists KNOWN(claimed themselves proudly) to have engaged in such activities have walked away from court cases due to lack of proof.

One of two possibilities exist:
1. The prosecution teams assigned to such cases are so inept that they are unable to use even a single shred of evidence in their favour.

2. That the authorities fail to gather and provide a single shred of evidence for KNOWN terrorists in these cases(the reasons for which are a speculative pandora's box).

There are other pending cases against men like H. Saeed filed by members of civil society and the judiciary is willing to look at the case as long as there is proof. Yet the authorities seem to drag their feet in such matters or plain refuse to do so out of sheer fear for their own lives(lest there be more Mumtaz Qadri's hiding within the rank and file of the civil security institutions).

There are other possibilities:

1. The governement has deliberately made its case so weak that it won't stand in any court of law.

2. The government has pressured the judges.

3. These powerful people have pressured the judges.

4. The government simply doesn't want to take action because it might, in their opinion, put Pakistani Army or its agencies in bad light.

5. There is obviously a lot of historical baggage as far as India is concerned. This adds further inertia to the system against doing anything which might be perceived as 'helping the enemy'.

6. The politicians, civilians are themselves so scared of these power people and the damage that they can cause, that there is oittle motivation to speak out. Little motivation, great amount of risk.
4. The government simply doesn't want to take action because it might, in their opinion, put Pakistani Army or its agencies in bad light.

5. There is obviously a lot of historical baggage as far as India is concerned. This adds further inertia to the system against doing anything which might be perceived as 'helping the enemy'.

6. The politicians, civilians are themselves so scared of these power people and the damage that they can cause, that there is oittle motivation to speak out. Little motivation, great amount of risk.

I would concentrate on these.
It's all there in the dossier.
There mission was to kill as many people as possible. .........................

Yes i have read many times how was he caught ... but like the others who were out there killing people some went to taj , some were in oberoi , some of them were in the jewish house .. eventually they (kasab) must have to get some where prominent either above or was there another major target ?
India was the very first country in this region to use terrorism as a state weapon.

When Indira Gandhi trained LTTE terrorists to kill Sri Lankan civilians.

Then why has not one single country in the ENTIRE world officially said that the Pakistani government is behind the 26/11 attacks? Let alone the UN?

yaa LTTE was helped by india but for some time............ rajiv gandhi lost his life coz he send indian troops for operation against LTTE.... indians dont deny giving support to LTTE unlike our neighbours....??

whats ur take ...... indians behind the attack????
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