xcistance my foot or greed of stealing more land.. This is the muslims those who defended jews for centuries... It is the muslim who 1st opened Jerusalem for the jews in 638... before that they were not permitted to pray in Jerusalem.... n 1st governor of jerusalem under caliph omar was a jew... this is the muslim who protected the jews from inquisition when they were expelled from spain and portugal... this is the muslim who gave shelter to the european jews and permitted to stay and buy property in 1850 which is present day tel aviv... what happened at last back stabbing by the zionist with the colonial french and british power.... No would have problem if it would be a one state solution... but this racist state was created after expultion of million of Palestinian from their land... and by bringing people from europe, russia etc... tho who have no connection at all with present day palestine... as majority of them are Khajar or askenazi jews... not semitic one...
If you want to know under what condition Israel was created and what happened in middle east after 1st world war see the following 2 videos... n tell me whether those were ethical or not...
YouTube - The Fall of the Ottoman Empire 1
YouTube - The Fall of the Ottoman Empire II