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23rd March Rehearsal

i agree with you to some extent. in my very first post i said that the frequency of the parade can be reduced to once every 3-4 years for the purpose of " power projection". God has given us sense and it is not compulsory for us to follow other nations blindly. saving the life of a poor pakistani worths more then such parades and we have millions of pakistanis living below poverty line .if our leaders would have got an atom of sense of responsibility in them they would have stopped spending on their own luxuries. actions always speak louder then words. where was our power when we were bowing in front of uncle sam by providing them bases, their drones striking inside our territory, their troops attacking our border posts and cantonment. if we would have united as a nation and shot down even a single drone it would have been better power projection and symbol of resilience to all our enemies. JF 17 was pulled out of the paris air show immediately after the abbotabad incident. probably the paf was ashamed of the"power projection" as the capability of our air defence, air force, intelligence and spineless govt got fully exposed.
how many times the muslims celebrated ghazwa e badr victory, fatah makkah or any other battle. upon returning from a victorious battle it is very natural that people will gather up in streets and cheer for their brave men and that's what they did. Prophet Muhammad SAW and quran have also forbidden us from waste of resources. a person who wastes wealth is the brother of devil.
the success of zrb e azab has given a strong message to our enemies and has done enough power projection. pak has become the only islamic country that has successfully defended herself against the terrorists otherwise our fate would have been similar to libya, iraq and syria. the last years's parade was a good sign and it was enough. now we should thank Allah , conserve our resources, work on our weaknesses, develop our economy and stop "power over projection" as Allah doesn't befriend people who show off.
so in my opinion a parade every 3-4 years with actual performance on ground will be the most effective power projection.

someone please ban this guy from this thread @waz @Jungibaaz @WAJsal
i agree with you to some extent. in my very first post i said that the frequency of the parade can be reduced to once every 3-4 years for the purpose of " power projection". God has given us sense and it is not compulsory for us to follow other nations blindly. saving the life of a poor pakistani worths more then such parades and we have millions of pakistanis living below poverty line .if our leaders would have got an atom of sense of responsibility in them they would have stopped spending on their own luxuries. actions always speak louder then words. where was our power when we were bowing in front of uncle sam by providing them bases, their drones striking inside our territory, their troops attacking our border posts and cantonment. if we would have united as a nation and shot down even a single drone it would have been better power projection and symbol of resilience to all our enemies. JF 17 was pulled out of the paris air show immediately after the abbotabad incident. probably the paf was ashamed of the"power projection" as the capability of our air defence, air force, intelligence and spineless govt got fully exposed.
how many times the muslims celebrated ghazwa e badr victory, fatah makkah or any other battle. upon returning from a victorious battle it is very natural that people will gather up in streets and cheer for their brave men and that's what they did. Prophet Muhammad SAW and quran have also forbidden us from waste of resources. a person who wastes wealth is the brother of devil.
the success of zrb e azab has given a strong message to our enemies and has done enough power projection. pak has become the only islamic country that has successfully defended herself against the terrorists otherwise our fate would have been similar to libya, iraq and syria. the last years's parade was a good sign and it was enough. now we should thank Allah , conserve our resources, work on our weaknesses, develop our economy and stop "power over projection" as Allah doesn't befriend people who show off.
so in my opinion a parade every 3-4 years with actual performance on ground will be the most effective power projection.

Assalam o Alaikum
Also consider that the movement of troops or the flying of jets is not only happening during this day. It is part of the training. Its just one more deployment or one more sortie for these troops.
When we really get our independence from the institutions and politicians Inshallah and all the money in foreign banks and institutions come back in the country we would be in much better position to really celebrate these parades.

Everyone posting the pics are really doing a good work specially videos and close up pics.
two different types of awacs in a formation looks very odd
each awacs should be escorted by fighter jets in a formation
the 1999 Atlantique incident took place because of lack of escort fighters

two different types of awacs in a formation looks very odd
each awacs should be escorted by fighter jets in a formation
the 1999 Atlantique incident took place because of lack of escort fighters

View attachment 299021

Assalam o Alaikum

That is correct

I dont understand what atlantique was doing there and whose idea was it. Flying a recon aircraft that close to border alone. Specially in a disputed area of Sir Creek.:crazy:
two different types of awacs in a formation looks very odd
each awacs should be escorted by fighter jets in a formation
the 1999 Atlantique incident took place because of lack of escort fighters

View attachment 299021
Yes, But the Pak Navy is still lacking such fighters, it was also the bad diplomacy of the than government also, forces can't fight on both fronts.
two different types of awacs in a formation looks very odd
each awacs should be escorted by fighter jets in a formation
the 1999 Atlantique incident took place because of lack of escort fighters

View attachment 299021

Remember both ZDK03 and Saab are prop powered slow speed planes and it will difficult to fly in formation with faster jets.

The story of Atlantique was not a "lack of jet escorts" it was a story of Pakistani panga that has been been going on for years.
i hear jets, its so painful to be at work and not getting out and have a look at sheer eye candy :'(.
on top of that, even more painful that i work in blue area and all we hear is the roar and thats it.

i wish the parade takes place back in its original spot in coming years.

the parade should take inside the main city area not just recently declared parade ground spot which is only open to military personnel.

the parade is supposed to be a civil and military combine event.
parades are supposed to promote patriotism :'(

all our life we saw jets flying above our houses in islamabad routing to the D-chowk and now its all pindi pindi :'(
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