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23rd March Rehearsal

All nations hold celebrations on their republic day. Military parade is part of that and serves to show military preparedness of a nation. Which in turn deters agression and helps keep peace in the region. Which in turn provides atmosphere for growth and prosperity for people like you. If you can't understand how world works, it doesn't mean it is working wrong. May be you don't know something that others do.

What tells you there were no show of military strength in Prophet's (SAW) time? All military expeditions were assembled in view of Medina city with full military might visible. Fathe Mecca and Tabook expedition are just a few examples of what show of military power can achieve. Muslim armies would always parade with their possessions in streets of Medina upon return from a battle. Just as ceremoniously as they departed. It helps boost morale of own people and deters enemies from considering you weak.

Somethings may be beyond your comprehension but the great Prophet (SAW) fully understood importance of projecting military power.
The nation also united for these events whether it is phatan,Punjabi, Sindhi, Baluchi or mahajer they think we are all Pakistani
:pakistan:Leave litman alone guys
Remember both ZDK03 and Saab are prop powered slow speed planes and it will difficult to fly in formation with faster jets.

The story of Atlantique was not a "lack of jet escorts" it was a story of Pakistani panga that has been been going on for years.
saab and zdk 03 being propeller powered planes is irrelevant
fighter jets in PAF inventory can easily match and fly at the speed required to fly in formation with either saab 2000 or zdk-03
I guess they don't wanna take any chances at low altitude
the Atlantique incident could have been avoided if the aircraft was escorted by fighters
or the indian mig pilots didn't simply fire on an unarmed surveillance aircraft well within pakistani territory
Can we call the buffoons at PTV and ensure they bring HD cameras with them this year?
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Hope they can make good use of GoPros. Flypast, tanks, paratroopers, things like that. Just need bit of imagination to project power of Pakistan. Otherwise what we say in Urdu "Jungle main moor nacha, kis nay daykha?". World needs to see our power. I have no hope with PTV, will do what they do best , spoil a good event with their lousy coverage.
Hey guys,
Can anyone please tell me on which days the rehearsals of the flypasts will take place?
Na Beta :disagree:
If we are lucky enough, then we might see Hq17 .............. but Hq9, if present will never be displaced unless and untill there is urgent need to send message across border................
Agar dikha dain to mujhy shanti :D mil jye ge.
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