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21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

WELL I AM and what did i do to you? you have a computer check it out[/Qhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=3625389UOTE]

Other than dragging this thread to dirt with anti-chinese post, derailing from the topic & calling Cambodia (another country not to mention a fellow ASEAN country) Dog
WELL I AM and what did i do to you? you have a computer check it out[/Qhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=3625389UOTE]

Other than dragging this thread to dirt with anti-chinese post, derailing from the topic & calling Cambodia (another country not to mention a fellow ASEAN country) Dog

He's a well known China hater and often post nothing but hatred or rubbish on PDF. His English is not only rubbish, he can't use punctuation as well.
WELL I AM and what did i do to you? you have a computer check it out[/Qhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=3625389UOTE]

Other than dragging this thread to dirt with anti-chinese post, derailing from the topic & calling Cambodia (another country not to mention a fellow ASEAN country) Dog

So are you telling your one of them now? Call what it is Cambodia sold the West Philippine sea ASEAN blocs to china on a silver plate and alot of us are no fools sir china's aid double in size before and after the summit millions of dollar grants the military big ticket items setting that a side Cambodia repeatedly sabotage the consensus of the bloc which Indonesia (if you really are for Indonesia) is part of, In its long history this a first and it all started when Cambodia became chair and under china's pay roll so really do i need to draw a picture for you.

Comrade you have free media in your country use well your not under a stupid propaganda box media system, Many country's including Indonesia has been trying its best (acting as if its still the chair) to bring the bloc together even though we are defending our interest we never try to break the bloc we even have allies in ASEAN not because we have the same problem different positions in the West Philippine Sea but for the Future of the bloc and for peace in the AREA (Us, Vietnam(both share the same position and wanted a peaceful multilateral solution and a more powerful code of conduct and to be multilateral under International law , Indonesia, Brunei Thailand the rest of ASEAN and non ASEAN members Japan, US etc) and Cambodia who in very turn use its position as chair to repeat china's position as if its own do i need to say more the true hurts we ask for help and fellowship and this what we got for it just be because one country is under the enemy nations pay roll they just wont hold a consensus which as a bloc ASEAN can acted upon. Sir please do so scanning
Maybe most of investments come from China, like many others we have put money into Cambodia too. China is not a member of ASEAN, but a partner.

Don´t forget, Japan is the biggest donor to Cambodia, as far as I know. Cambodia should stop acting like a marionette. We don´t like that.

When we talk reality, we need to be backed up with fact.

Who's the biggest?


China's Aid to Cambodia Helps Cement Ties - WSJ.com


"Cambodia understands that China has been its largest benefactor over the years," said Li Mingjiang, who studies Chinese foreign policy at Singapore's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.


Japan is nowhere to be found in Cambodia picture.
South China Sea Dispute Remains Problem for ASEAN
Irwin Loy
November 20, 2012

PHN — The Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN] emerged from a key leader summit Tuesday with progress on potential trade alliances and the economy. It still appeared divided, though, on what continues to be a controversial issue: the South China Sea and multiple countries claiming territorial ownership.

Going into this week's leaders summit, ASEAN members had hoped for a resounding show of unity following explosive meetings in July that exposed divisions through the 10-member bloc.

By the end of the summit Tuesday, ASEAN members were claiming some degree of progress on the South China Sea dispute. But the final day of meetings also showed the regional bloc is far from united on the issue.

Philippines take issue

The Philippines, ASEAN’s most outspoken claimant, still objected to how the bloc’s chair, Cambodia, had declared that leaders agreed not to “internationalize” the maritime dispute.

Albert del Rosario is the Philippines’ foreign affairs secretary.

“We think that it is the inherent right of any sovereign country to be able to protect its national interest. So that’s the position we have taken," he said. "As far as we are concerned, the rules on consensus means everyone must be on board. Obviously we’re not on board, so there is no consensus."

China flexes muscle

Four ASEAN countries claim parts of the energy-rich sea. But it is China’s large claim over the sea that has caused disagreements within ASEAN. China in the past has not wanted ASEAN involvement in negotiations concerning the South China Sea.

In July, Cambodia was accused of siding with China on the issue. Any thoughts of a repeat of another public meltdown to end the meetings were quashed Tuesday, however, when Cambodia released a watered down chairman’s statement summarizing the week’s discussions.

“On the issue of the South China Sea, ASEAN leaders agreed to continue to address this issue in the existing ASEAN-China framework,” said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, speaking through an interpreter.

Officals stress unity

ASEAN officials also were downplaying any disagreements on the issue.

“I think it’s a matter of interpretation," said Surin Pitsuwan, ASEAN’s secretary general. "As far as I am concerned there is a consensus that we would like to pursue the issue without having it affecting other constructive, other positive momentum that we are trying to create, that we have achieved here so that we can look into the future. We can look into the horizon that a lot of potentials must be harvested for all of us now. If the interpretation would obstruct my rights to pursue my interest into the future through other channels that was not it was meant. It meant that you have all the rights whatever member state but here we are trying to pursue it within the framework of cooperation, framework of coordination and we will be conscious of the fact that we have a larger agenda up in front of us.”

Consensus or not, ASEAN says there is a renewed commitment to implementing a decade-old Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, known as a DOC - a broad pledge to resolve the matter through peaceful means.

But the bloc appears no closer to actually solving the territorial dispute. With the conclusion of another leaders’ meeting, countries are still unable to peg a timeline to begin negotiations on a long-elusive Code of Conduct [COC], that might settle the dispute.

South China Sea Dispute Remains Problem for ASEAN
So are you telling your one of them now? Call what it is Cambodia sold the West Philippine sea ASEAN blocs to china on a silver plate and alot of us are no fools sir china's aid double in size before and after the summit millions of dollar grants the military big ticket items setting that a side Cambodia repeatedly sabotage the consensus of the bloc which Indonesia (if you really are for Indonesia) is part of, In its long history this a first and it all started when Cambodia became chair and under china's pay roll so really do i need to draw a picture for you.

Comrade you have free media in your country use well your not under a stupid propaganda box media system, Many country's including Indonesia has been trying its best (acting as if its still the chair) to bring the bloc together even though we are defending our interest we never try to break the bloc we even have allies in ASEAN not because we have the same problem different positions in the West Philippine Sea but for the Future of the bloc and for peace in the AREA (Us, Vietnam(both share the same position and wanted a peaceful multilateral solution and a more powerful code of conduct and to be multilateral under International law , Indonesia, Brunei Thailand the rest of ASEAN and non ASEAN members Japan, US etc) and Cambodia who in very turn use its position as chair to repeat china's position as if its own do i need to say more the true hurts we ask for help and fellowship and this what we got for it just be because one country is under the enemy nations pay roll they just wont hold a consensus which as a bloc ASEAN can acted upon. Sir please do so scanning

So you're saying that Cambodia should suffer Economically so that Philippines & Vietnam can keep their precious rocks in their "territory" If the China threaten to remove their investment who will help build their economy then? Your country, Vietnam.

Chinese volunteer workers in Cambodia
Updated: 2012-08-29 07:37
By Zhang Yue ( China Daily)

Xu Jiatian was a high achiever in college. Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, he is now a volunteer worker in Cambodia. He shares his motivation with Zhang Yue.

Xu Jiatian is better known as Kurt to kids in many orphanages and primary schools in Cambodia.


Xu Jiatian and other volunteers help build wooden classrooms and dormitories for children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

"Kids would happily scream and run out of the classroom once they see Xu's smiling face outside the classroom window," says Boran, head of the PACDOC orphanage in Siem Reap.

Xu, 24, has been a volunteer in Cambodia since he graduated from college two years ago.

"I have always wanted to explore something new and different since I was still in college," Xu says. "That was how I got to know about voluntary work."

A year after graduating from college, with some savings and a loan from family and friends, Xu founded Green Leaders Adventure, a social enterprise that offers young Chinese people a chance to do voluntary work.

The group has been focusing on Cambodia, under the project named Cambodia International Service. So far, the organization has sent 160 Chinese teenagers to do voluntary work in Cambodia, such as building wooden classrooms and dormitories, and renovating primary schools and orphanages.

"Those who want to participate in the project have to contribute 18,880 yuan ($3,000) each," says Xu.

"Half of their contribution will be spent on traveling and living expenses, while the balance will be spent on construction work in the village.

"Like most of my teammates, I am moved by the way people treat us there. I also find volunteering an amazing experience. I want more young people in China to share the same experience," he adds.


Xu Jiatian and other volunteers help build wooden classrooms and dormitories for children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Xu's hometown is in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Before visiting Cambodia, he traveled to many countries in the Middle East and South Pacific Ocean.

"But working in Cambodia helped me discover more about myself and changed my perspective of the world," he says.

Xu first visited Cambodia in 2010 with a group of volunteers from Taiwan who went to Cambodia to teach the locals to grow better crops to increase their income. Although it was not Xu's first voluntary work attempt, he had an amazing time.

"Simple, but sincere," he says. "Most people do not speak English but when I walk on the streets, people smile and wave at me. Their eyes shine and their smiles are sincere."

Working in the rural areas of Cambodia is hard, but full of touching memories. Xu recalls one afternoon, exhausted from hours of farm work, he fell asleep under a tree in front of the house they helped.

"The family consists of a widow with her teenage son," he says. "Her husband died three months earlier after he was bitten by a snake in the river."

When Xu woke up at dawn, he found himself lying on the bed, with a bowl of food and some fried fish beside it.

"The first thing that came to my mind was, where did she get the fish?" Xu says. The translator told him that while he was asleep, the woman asked her son to catch some fish in the river for Xu, ignoring the danger that her only son might be bitten by a river snake like her husband.

"I later learned that this is the way the locals thank the people they care for. Once they get to know you, they will treat you like a real friend."

At that time, Xu was still thinking about his career choice after graduation. He was a high achiever at college, with good grades and an excellent track records in social activities. Like many of his schoolmates, he was also preparing to further his education in the US.

"But those days spent in Cambodia gave meaning to my life," he says. "I felt trusted and needed, despite the limited communication and language barrier. This is the kind of feeling that our generation longs for."

Most of the teenage volunteers joined the project with the initial aim of gaining some social experiences and to enhance their portfolio for their university applications, but many ended up visiting Cambodia every vacation.

Ten people have joined Xu as full-time staff. All of them are in their 20s.

Since 2011, Xu has been staying in Cambodia during every winter and summer vacation, leading his team to do voluntary work and learning about local demands as well as doing social research.

One of the first full time staff of the organization, Dong Shiqing, quit her job at a radio station in Beijing to join Xu.

"The people here need me. And I am very proud of what I do," she says. "This (voluntary work) is what helps many of those in my generation become stronger, I think. Most of us try to live a successful life defined by society. But what makes me happy is to be useful to other people."

"I enjoy the way I am growing as a person," says Xu. "I see myself making a difference in the world every day. That's real growth and the experience forms the best memory. We have started voluntary work in Cambodia and we aim to go further and last a long time."

Contact the writer at zhangyue@chinadaily.com.cn.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

What have the Philippines & Vietnam done to Cambodia
Good propaganda, This boys and girls can do the same in China.
Here is truth in China.

Last edited by a moderator:
So you're saying that Cambodia should suffer Economically so that Philippines & Vietnam can keep their precious rocks in their "territory" If the China threaten to remove their investment who will help build their economy then? Your country, Vietnam.

Chinese volunteer workers in Cambodia
Updated: 2012-08-29 07:37
By Zhang Yue ( China Daily)

Xu Jiatian was a high achiever in college. Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, he is now a volunteer worker in Cambodia. He shares his motivation with Zhang Yue.

Xu Jiatian is better known as Kurt to kids in many orphanages and primary schools in Cambodia.


Xu Jiatian and other volunteers help build wooden classrooms and dormitories for children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

"Kids would happily scream and run out of the classroom once they see Xu's smiling face outside the classroom window," says Boran, head of the PACDOC orphanage in Siem Reap.

Xu, 24, has been a volunteer in Cambodia since he graduated from college two years ago.

"I have always wanted to explore something new and different since I was still in college," Xu says. "That was how I got to know about voluntary work."

A year after graduating from college, with some savings and a loan from family and friends, Xu founded Green Leaders Adventure, a social enterprise that offers young Chinese people a chance to do voluntary work.

The group has been focusing on Cambodia, under the project named Cambodia International Service. So far, the organization has sent 160 Chinese teenagers to do voluntary work in Cambodia, such as building wooden classrooms and dormitories, and renovating primary schools and orphanages.

"Those who want to participate in the project have to contribute 18,880 yuan ($3,000) each," says Xu.

"Half of their contribution will be spent on traveling and living expenses, while the balance will be spent on construction work in the village.

"Like most of my teammates, I am moved by the way people treat us there. I also find volunteering an amazing experience. I want more young people in China to share the same experience," he adds.


Xu Jiatian and other volunteers help build wooden classrooms and dormitories for children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Xu's hometown is in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Before visiting Cambodia, he traveled to many countries in the Middle East and South Pacific Ocean.

"But working in Cambodia helped me discover more about myself and changed my perspective of the world," he says.

Xu first visited Cambodia in 2010 with a group of volunteers from Taiwan who went to Cambodia to teach the locals to grow better crops to increase their income. Although it was not Xu's first voluntary work attempt, he had an amazing time.

"Simple, but sincere," he says. "Most people do not speak English but when I walk on the streets, people smile and wave at me. Their eyes shine and their smiles are sincere."

Working in the rural areas of Cambodia is hard, but full of touching memories. Xu recalls one afternoon, exhausted from hours of farm work, he fell asleep under a tree in front of the house they helped.

"The family consists of a widow with her teenage son," he says. "Her husband died three months earlier after he was bitten by a snake in the river."

When Xu woke up at dawn, he found himself lying on the bed, with a bowl of food and some fried fish beside it.

"The first thing that came to my mind was, where did she get the fish?" Xu says. The translator told him that while he was asleep, the woman asked her son to catch some fish in the river for Xu, ignoring the danger that her only son might be bitten by a river snake like her husband.

"I later learned that this is the way the locals thank the people they care for. Once they get to know you, they will treat you like a real friend."

At that time, Xu was still thinking about his career choice after graduation. He was a high achiever at college, with good grades and an excellent track records in social activities. Like many of his schoolmates, he was also preparing to further his education in the US.

"But those days spent in Cambodia gave meaning to my life," he says. "I felt trusted and needed, despite the limited communication and language barrier. This is the kind of feeling that our generation longs for."

Most of the teenage volunteers joined the project with the initial aim of gaining some social experiences and to enhance their portfolio for their university applications, but many ended up visiting Cambodia every vacation.

Ten people have joined Xu as full-time staff. All of them are in their 20s.

Since 2011, Xu has been staying in Cambodia during every winter and summer vacation, leading his team to do voluntary work and learning about local demands as well as doing social research.

One of the first full time staff of the organization, Dong Shiqing, quit her job at a radio station in Beijing to join Xu.

"The people here need me. And I am very proud of what I do," she says. "This (voluntary work) is what helps many of those in my generation become stronger, I think. Most of us try to live a successful life defined by society. But what makes me happy is to be useful to other people."

"I enjoy the way I am growing as a person," says Xu. "I see myself making a difference in the world every day. That's real growth and the experience forms the best memory. We have started voluntary work in Cambodia and we aim to go further and last a long time."

Contact the writer at zhangyue@chinadaily.com.cn.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

What have the Philippines & Vietnam done to Cambodia

is this propaganda related to the 21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia :blah:
So you're saying that Cambodia should suffer Economically so that Philippines & Vietnam can keep their precious rocks in their "territory" If the China threaten to remove their investment who will help build their economy then? Your country, Vietnam.

Chinese volunteer workers in Cambodia
Updated: 2012-08-29 07:37
By Zhang Yue ( China Daily)

Xu Jiatian was a high achiever in college. Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, he is now a volunteer worker in Cambodia. He shares his motivation with Zhang Yue.

Xu Jiatian is better known as Kurt to kids in many orphanages and primary schools in Cambodia.


Xu Jiatian and other volunteers help build wooden classrooms and dormitories for children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

"Kids would happily scream and run out of the classroom once they see Xu's smiling face outside the classroom window," says Boran, head of the PACDOC orphanage in Siem Reap.

Xu, 24, has been a volunteer in Cambodia since he graduated from college two years ago.

"I have always wanted to explore something new and different since I was still in college," Xu says. "That was how I got to know about voluntary work."

A year after graduating from college, with some savings and a loan from family and friends, Xu founded Green Leaders Adventure, a social enterprise that offers young Chinese people a chance to do voluntary work.

The group has been focusing on Cambodia, under the project named Cambodia International Service. So far, the organization has sent 160 Chinese teenagers to do voluntary work in Cambodia, such as building wooden classrooms and dormitories, and renovating primary schools and orphanages.

"Those who want to participate in the project have to contribute 18,880 yuan ($3,000) each," says Xu.

"Half of their contribution will be spent on traveling and living expenses, while the balance will be spent on construction work in the village.

"Like most of my teammates, I am moved by the way people treat us there. I also find volunteering an amazing experience. I want more young people in China to share the same experience," he adds.


Xu Jiatian and other volunteers help build wooden classrooms and dormitories for children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Xu's hometown is in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Before visiting Cambodia, he traveled to many countries in the Middle East and South Pacific Ocean.

"But working in Cambodia helped me discover more about myself and changed my perspective of the world," he says.

Xu first visited Cambodia in 2010 with a group of volunteers from Taiwan who went to Cambodia to teach the locals to grow better crops to increase their income. Although it was not Xu's first voluntary work attempt, he had an amazing time.

"Simple, but sincere," he says. "Most people do not speak English but when I walk on the streets, people smile and wave at me. Their eyes shine and their smiles are sincere."

Working in the rural areas of Cambodia is hard, but full of touching memories. Xu recalls one afternoon, exhausted from hours of farm work, he fell asleep under a tree in front of the house they helped.

"The family consists of a widow with her teenage son," he says. "Her husband died three months earlier after he was bitten by a snake in the river."

When Xu woke up at dawn, he found himself lying on the bed, with a bowl of food and some fried fish beside it.

"The first thing that came to my mind was, where did she get the fish?" Xu says. The translator told him that while he was asleep, the woman asked her son to catch some fish in the river for Xu, ignoring the danger that her only son might be bitten by a river snake like her husband.

"I later learned that this is the way the locals thank the people they care for. Once they get to know you, they will treat you like a real friend."

At that time, Xu was still thinking about his career choice after graduation. He was a high achiever at college, with good grades and an excellent track records in social activities. Like many of his schoolmates, he was also preparing to further his education in the US.

"But those days spent in Cambodia gave meaning to my life," he says. "I felt trusted and needed, despite the limited communication and language barrier. This is the kind of feeling that our generation longs for."

Most of the teenage volunteers joined the project with the initial aim of gaining some social experiences and to enhance their portfolio for their university applications, but many ended up visiting Cambodia every vacation.

Ten people have joined Xu as full-time staff. All of them are in their 20s.

Since 2011, Xu has been staying in Cambodia during every winter and summer vacation, leading his team to do voluntary work and learning about local demands as well as doing social research.

One of the first full time staff of the organization, Dong Shiqing, quit her job at a radio station in Beijing to join Xu.

"The people here need me. And I am very proud of what I do," she says. "This (voluntary work) is what helps many of those in my generation become stronger, I think. Most of us try to live a successful life defined by society. But what makes me happy is to be useful to other people."

"I enjoy the way I am growing as a person," says Xu. "I see myself making a difference in the world every day. That's real growth and the experience forms the best memory. We have started voluntary work in Cambodia and we aim to go further and last a long time."

Contact the writer at zhangyue@chinadaily.com.cn.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

What have the Philippines & Vietnam done to Cambodia


A Filipino volunteer in Cambodia - YouTube
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