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20th October 1962, When India Was Brought To Its Knees


Sep 26, 2018
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Exactly 58 years ago, a full-fledge war broke out between India and China. The Sino-India war began on October 20, 1962 when the People's Liberation Army of China invaded Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh (then known as the North East Frontier Agency) in a synchronised move. With a three-week ceasefire, the war lasted till November 21. Around 3,250 Indian soldiers were killed. India lost about 43,000 square kilometres of land, captured by China in Aksai Chin. It is of the size of Switzerland, and is remembered as a humiliating defeat for India. Below are the excerpts from Indian papers in 1962.



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Exactly 58 years ago, a full-fledge war broke out between India and China. The Sino-India war began on October 20, 1962 when the People's Liberation Army of China invaded Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh (then known as the North East Frontier Agency) in a synchronised move. With a three-week ceasefire, the war lasted till November 21. Around 3,250 Indian soldiers were killed. India lost about 43,000 square kilometres of land, captured by China in Aksai Chin. It is of the size of Switzerland, it is remembered as a humiliating defeat for India. Below are the excerpts from Indian papers in 1962.

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It is such a shame we did not attack then, China was telling us to do so, It was a golden opportunity.

But India went begging to America and UK, who forced Pakistan not to do anything, also, gave massive military aid to India delivered by them right to the front lines.

Is it me, or do these headlines look similar to the ones you see these days? lol
Indian headlines even then were tamasha
It just tells us they never learned.
It is such a shame we did not attack then, China was telling us to do so, It was a golden opportunity.
Our brave men were and are always ready, its the US and its friends on the top that have always let us down.
Exactly 58 years ago, a full-fledge war broke out between India and China. The Sino-India war began on October 20, 1962 when the People's Liberation Army of China invaded Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh (then known as the North East Frontier Agency) in a synchronised move. With a three-week ceasefire, the war lasted till November 21. Around 3,250 Indian soldiers were killed. India lost about 43,000 square kilometres of land, captured by China in Aksai Chin. It is of the size of Switzerland, and is remembered as a humiliating defeat for India. Below are the excerpts from Indian papers in 1962.

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BS!!..Aksai Chin was already under Chinese control, they had even built a highway connecting Tibet and Xingang through it in 1950s. That was one of the casus beli for war.

Very little gains were made by China in Ladakh region. And if you had even bothered to read the newspaper clippings you posted. You would know the fighting in Ladakh was taking place in the very same places where Indian and Chinese troops are clashing now a days..eg Galwan, Chushul sector etc.

Chinese despite having the advantage of surprise attack and massive numerical superiority had more than 700 casualties compared to around 1300 Indian dead.

But the most important thing to note here is.. India never surrendered, that too with 93000 fighting men to command. Indian never signed a humiliating surrender agreement. Indian generals were never forced to hand over their arms to serve as war trophy in an enemy country.
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BS!!..Aksai Chin was already under Chinese control, they had even built a highway connecting Tibet and Xingang through it in 1950s. That was one of the casus beli for war.

Very little gains were made by China in Ladakh region. And if you had even bothered to read the newspaper clippings you posted. You would know the fighting in Ladakh was taking place in the very same places where Indian and Chinese troops are clashing now a days..eg Galwan, Chushul sector etc.

Chinese despite having the advantage of surprise attack and massive numerical superiority had more than 700 casualties compared to around 1300 Indian dead.

But the most important thing to note here is.. India never surrendered, that too with 93000 fighting men to command. Indian never signed a humiliating surrender agreement. Indian generals were never forced to hand over their arms to serve as war trophy in an enemy country.
Yet pakistan was carved out of india. Azad kashmir was taken by force. And India is 7 times bigger yet tiny little Pakistan is still a thorn in your eyes
Yet pakistan was carved out of india. Azad kashmir was taken by force. And India is 7 times bigger yet tiny little Pakistan is still a thorn in your eyes

1. I thought Jinnah always made the argument that India and Pakistan were two new countries ..which came out British India.
Are you claiming ..that is not true..that Pakistan came out of India ? Metophorically speaking India is the father and Pakistan is the kid? :azn:

2. Yes Pakistan indeed took Kashmir by force. ..but it took it by force from Kashmiris. But once Indian soldiers landed in Kashmir.. Pakistani only lost the Kashmiri lands it had captured.

3. Pakistan has nucisance value for India and rest of the world at large..and not much else to offer .
They went all the way to boycott the Bank of China and 60 years later Chinas economy has still not collapsed 😂 Now they hope to achieve the same by banning their kids from watching dance movies on their Chinese phones with Chinese apps
But the most important thing to note here is.. India never surrendered, that too with 93000 fighting men to command. Indian never signed a humiliating surrender agreement. Indian generals were never forced to hand over their arms to serve as war trophy in an enemy country.
Typical Indian.
You won, are you happy? :omghaha: :omghaha:
1. I thought Jinnah always made the argument that India and Pakistan were two new countries ..which came out British India.
Are you claiming ..that is not true..that Pakistan came out of India ? Metophorically speaking India is the father and Pakistan is the kid? :azn:

2. Yes Pakistan indeed took Kashmir by force. ..but it took it by force from Kashmiris. But once Indian soldiers landed in Kashmir.. Pakistani only lost the Kashmiri lands it had captured.

3. Pakistan has nucisance value for India and rest of the world at large..and not much else to offer .
I am so pleased this is your thinking. RSS want pakistan as part of India. Come and get it.
Pakistan is a nuisance but every news every word out of your politicians mouth, every time you indians speak the work Pakistan is spoke. The infatuation of a nation who thinks they are a super power but still open deficate a nation that thinks it can take on the world but just lost huge swathes of land to the Chinese. A nation who chest thumps and then says if we only had Rafael. You are talkers. Keep talking
India never surrendered, that too with 93000 fighting men to command.
Which planet do you live in! there were only 30000 PA men the rest were militias and govt employees. India has the biggest history of surrenders, considering the present day IA just 45000 surrendered in Singapore alone. The thousand years of Indian humiliation has been narrated many times.

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