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20th October 1962, When India Was Brought To Its Knees

Which planet do you live in! there were only 30000 PA men the rest were militias and govt employees. India has the biggest history of surrenders, considering the present day IA just 45000 surrendered in Singapore alone. The thousand years of Indian humiliation has been narrated many times.

None sense.

1. Out of 93000 Pakistani Pows..79,676 were uniformed personnel, of which 55,692 were Army, 16,354 Paramilitary, 5,296 Police, 1000 Navy and 800 PAF.

Only 13,324 prisoners were civlians, either family members of the military personnel or bihari razarkars.

2. Hahah..Seriously you got that desperate .. that you had whip out figures from British surrender of Singapore from world war 2..too even the scales.

Pakistani and Bangladeshi soldiers formed a large part of British Indian army serving in Singapore, besides the Australian and Malay armies. It was a British surrender not an Indian surrender by long shot.

3. Pakistan is the undisputed champion of the largest surrender after world war 2..to this date.
India never surrendered, that too with 93000 fighting men to command. Indian never signed a humiliating surrender agreement. Indian generals were never forced to hand over their arms to serve as war trophy in an enemy country.

India also never fought in an area 1000 km away from mainland

India also never fought in an area that was surrounded by enemy from three sides

India also never fought an enemy ten times in numbers along with 100k irregulars

so yeah

India never surrendered with 93k fighting men.

Even Pakistan didn't surrender 93k fighting men because its fighting force never crossed at most 50k - 55k in erstwhile East Pakistan
1. Out of 93000 Pakistani Pows..79,676 were uniformed personnel, of which 55,692 were Army, 16,354 Paramilitary, 5,296 Police, 1000 Navy and 800 PAF.

Only 13,324 prisoners were civlians, either family members of the military personnel or bihari razarkars.

Pajeet numbers

Junaid Ahmed in his book “Creation of Bangladesh: Myths Exploded” has rejected these false and exaggerated claims linked to 1971 war in East Pakistan. In East Pakistan the total combatant were 34000 and 11000 were non combatant’s. Pakistan’s one corps was facing Indian five corps, a total strength of two lacs against 34000. According to commander eastern command Lt Gen Niazi in his book “The Betrayal of East Pakistan” the total strength available to me was forty five thousand -34000 from the army, plus 11000 from civil armed forces and West Pakistan civilian police and non combatants” when the total number of troops were between 34000 to 45000, how could 93000 surrender? According Air Marshal Rahim Khan, PAF the number of regular Pakistan troops in East Pakistan never exceeded 33000-34000. The rest is just propaganda by India and the Awami League, to magnify their success”. Dr. Junaid has also quoted the remarks of US congress man Charles Wilson “in 1971 it was certainly not possible for the 35000 Pakistani troops in Dhaka to fight against the combined strength of 200000 Indian army and more than 100000 Indian trained Bengali guerilla”.

According to Sarmila Bose, the famous Indian Bengali writer and researcher at Oxford University in her book “Dead Reckoning”, “it appears that while the total figure in Indian custody is about right to state that 93000soldiers were taken prisoners is wrong, and creates confusion by greatly inflating the Pakistan fighting force in East Pakistan”. Actually the figure of 93000 also included children, women, civil administration officials and staff, non combatants. According to Siddiq Salik press relation officer during war writes in his book “Witness to Surrender” the army had been deployed in penny pockets all around the border with India to prevent India from seizing territory and setting up a puppet state. Indian prime minister Modi during his visit to Bangladesh confirmed his participation in Jana Sangh campaign backing the Mukti Bahini.

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India also never fought in an area 1000 km away from mainland

India also never fought in an area that was surrounded by enemy from three sides

India also never fought an enemy ten times in numbers along with 100k irregulars

so yeah

India never surrendered with 93k fighting men.

Even Pakistan didn't surrender 93k fighting men because its fighting force never crossed 45k in erstwhile East Pakistan

Pajeet numbers

So Pakistan had exactly 45000 soldiers in East Pakistan ....and all of them surrendered..no one was killed in the preceding war..wow such a round figure..seems to be cooked by an armchair journail.

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BS!!..Aksai Chin was already under Chinese control, they had even built a highway connecting Tibet and Xingang through it in 1950s. That was one of the casus beli for war.

Very little gains were made by China in Ladakh region. And if you had even bothered to read the newspaper clippings you posted. You would know the fighting in Ladakh was taking place in the very same places where Indian and Chinese troops are clashing now a days..eg Galwan, Chushul sector etc.

Chinese despite having the advantage of surprise attack and massive numerical superiority had more than 700 casualties compared to around 1300 Indian dead.

But the most important thing to note here is.. India never surrendered, that too with 93000 fighting men to command. Indian never signed a humiliating surrender agreement. Indian generals were never forced to hand over their arms to serve as war trophy in an enemy country.
I was literally expecting that some indian member will come to this thread in extreme pain and humiliation and will bring 1971 topic to hide his shame and put bandage on his wounds :rofl:
Thanks for living up to my expectations.
But what I wasn't expecting was that as a artificial nation you indians were always idiotic and shameless be it 1962 or 2020.
So according to you India even didn't lose any land in 1962 ,losing land in 2020 to china is out of the question :lol:
The Indian logic is even after losing land let's not accept defeat so the opponent cannot claim victory .
Even if Chinese start patrolling near new Delhi you indians will say we didn't lose any land :rofl: Oh Gupta have some shame :lol:
Pajeet numbers
Yea straight from the rear end after eating some curry masala :lol:
I was literally expecting that some indian member will come to this thread in extreme pain and humiliation and will bring 1971 topic to hide his shame and put bandage on his wounds :rofl:
Thanks for living up to my expectations.
But what I wasn't expecting was that as a artificial nation you indians were always idiotic and shameless be it 1962 or 2020.
So according to you India even didn't lose any land in 1962 ,losing land in 2020 to china is out of the question :lol:
The Indian logic is even after losing land let's not accept defeat so the opponent cannot claim victory .
Even if Chinese start patrolling near new Delhi you indians will say we didn't lose any land :rofl: Oh Gupta have some shame :lol:

Yea straight from the rear end after eating some curry masala :lol:
India lost very little land in Ladakh sector...which remain with the Chinese.

Land captured by Chinese is NEFA had to vacated by them...as they did not have the logistics to hold it..and an impending Indian counterattack would have driven them out anyway.
3. Pakistan is the undisputed champion of the largest surrender after world war 2..to this date.

Forget largest surrender after world war 2, there is not a single nation/kingdom/empire in human history which has abandoned half its territory in a span 15 days

For god's sake even primitive bush tribes like Zulus gave a better fight to the technologically advanced Brits

But then again this is nation, which has a history 2400 years of foreign rule right from Achaemenids in 535 BC to British in 1947 :D

Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley

The Bayz certainly well played here
India lost very little land in Ladakh sector...which remain with the Chinese.

Land captured by Chinese is NEFA had to vacated by them...as they did not have the logistics to hold it..and an impending Indian counterattack would have driven them out anyway.
Yet pakistan was carved out of india. Azad kashmir was taken by force. And India is 7 times bigger yet tiny little Pakistan is still a thorn in your eyes

I suggest, if you are not aware of history, it is better not to argue on the subject.

1. Pakistan was never carved out of India, because India as a country has never existed before 1947, A portion of South Asia was a British colony and the rest consisted of princely states under British hegemony. India and Pakistan were created from that entity.

2. Azad Kashmir was not taken by force, it is more complicated than making simple statements. That struggle involves the people of Kashmir, who struggled against the maharajah. It is another matter, India after 1 full year of fighting was unable to take Kashmir away from Pakistan, the part India did take, it was mostly from the tribesmen, not Pakistani army.

India is the father and Pakistan is the kid? :azn:

As Pakistan is the inheritor of the Indus Valley Civilization, I would have thought it is Pakistan that is the father, India the kid :azn:

3. Pakistan has nucisance value for India and rest of the world at large..and not much else to offer .

A nuisance is something short term, you deal with it, and its over. Some nuisance that no-one, especially India is unable to deal with. Many decades and all we hear is loud crying and tantrums thrown like a baby, nothing else.
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Forget largest surrender after world war 2, there is not a single nation/kingdom/empire in human history which has abandoned half its territory in a span 15 days

If 93k figure wasn't enough of a lie this Indian from south came up with a new one

May be this southie Indian felt like that this myth of 93k doesn't look enough on this thread. I would come up with a new myth of my own

Apparently East Pakistan that is slightly bigger than Sindh province is half of the territory of Pakistan :)
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half its territory
Yea see in frustration and humiliation indian minds stop working . Go see a map Gupta the current day land area of Bangladesh is not even 20% of pakistan.
But then again this is nation, which has a history 2400 years of foreign rule right from Achaemenids in 535 BC to British in 1947 :D
Rich coming from a indian who did slavery for more than 1000 years and chose one master after another.
Already shown several sources denying Indian lie of 93k

so try again

Indiastrategic LOL :lol:

There is no lie ..there were actually 93000 Pakistani Pows .

I have given you the exact breakdown of Pakistanis captured ..and how many belonged to which arm of Pakistani armed forces or paramilitary or police.

If your numbers are authentic ..can you give an exact break down of each services and not a round figure .(which shows the author has no authentic data..but is just estimating.)
Can you dispute my claim..or the above response is extent of your intellect?
There is no lie ..there were actually 93000 Pakistani Pows .

I have given you the exact breakdown of Pakistanis captured ..and how many belonged to which arm of Pakistani armed forces or paramilitary or police.

If your numbers are authentic ..can you give an exact break down of each services and not a round figure .(which shows the author has no authentic data..but is just estimating.)

93000 weren't fighting men as you said

Right from the official magazine of Pak army and from General Niazi himself

More forces were brought in to cope with the crisis and Lt Gen A. A. K. Niazi, Commander of the Eastern Command in 1971 from April to December, wrote: 'The total fighting strength available to me was forty-five thousand 34,000 from the army, plus 11,000 from CAF and West Pakistan civilian police and armed non-combatants'. Out of the 34,000 regular troops, 23,000 were infantry, the rest being armour, artillery, engineers, signals and other ancillary units. How did 34,000 army personnel plus 11,000 civilian police and other armed personnel, a total of 45,000 men, more than double into '93,000 soldiers' who were reported taken prisoner by India in December?”

Same from anti Pak military Dawn newspaper who had enough of this lie

The fact is that the total strength of the Pakistan army troops posted in East Pakistan as of December 16, 1971, was only about 34,000. With the addition of Rangers, scouts, militia and civil police, the total strength of personnel deployed to defend East Pakistan was only 45,000.

Yea see in frustration and humiliation indian minds stop working . Go see a map Gupta the current day land area of Bangladesh is not even 20% of pakistan.

Even so called P0K that Indian army failed to take back in past 70 plus is more than 55% of current Bangladesh
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93000 weren't fighting men as you said

Right from the official magazine of Pak army and from General Niazi himself

Same from anti Pak military Dawn newspaper who had enough of this lie

Even so called P0K that Indian army failed to take back in past 70 plus is more than 55% of current Bangladesh

You are quoting exactly the same round figures over over again..which shows that they were made up one Pakistani authour and reprinted by other Pakistani authours as it is.

There is no break down..of figures for army.. Navy..airforce.

Armies do not deploy in round figures.. shows the author of these figures does not know the exact numbers ..is just giving his own number.

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