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2023 Turkish election

anyone knows when are they going to annouce the result?
Whoever wins the elections, there won't be a major changes in Turkey's foreign policy. Turkey will remain a NATO member state, Turkey will try to maintain a good relationship with both Russia and west, both these guys will try to attract attention of people by playing with words like Turanic union, Turkic world, Erdogan might discover 1,000 trillion barrel of oil in his own backyard, etc.

But i personally prefer Kilicdaroglu wins the elections, he can change the internal policies of Turkey and calm Turkish society down. Erdo is a showman rather than a religious figure. He has been using religious/racial cards to introduce his own followers with new methods of double crossing. Erdo with his hypocrisy leaves the region in turmoil, and makes the Islamic world convulsive. At least we know that Kilicdar is a secular figure with no masks. An honest person at the very least.


just stay in iran section about politics...
BBC is following the election news here : https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-65475445

Around half of the votes counted - state news agency​

State news agency AA says more than 54% of the votes have been counted, putting Erdogan ahead with 51.9%, while Kilicdaroglu gets 42.3% so far.
Anka, a private news agency, also says that Erdogan is ahead with 47.4% of the votes to Kilicdaroglu's 46.8%. It says 44.5% of the votes have been counted.

In previous years Erdogan’s strongholds have tended to release their results earlier than the opposition areas.

Aljazeera is covering it here :

All of the UK broadcasters want Erdagon out ( reporting therefore is very biased here in the UK ).
anyone knows when are they going to annouce the result?

when 80 procent of the votes are counted you can say Erdogan have won the election. So after 2200 hour it will be clearly.
Now that Finland is in NATO, not quite sure the benefit of losing Erdogan in Anakara.

Sweden out of NATO, if they turn into a factory hub for arms, would be better out of NATO than in NATO.

Russia would have the headache of both (1) fighting Finland; and (2) "neutral" Sweden arming Finland. Once you are at war with Russia, Russia would try to target your arms industry. Sweden at war with Russia would not be highly beneficial with Finland already at war with Russia. Having nations supply the front and staying out of the war would actually be more advantageous. If Sweden wants to be an significant arms supplier nation.

Losing Erdogan is of no real benefit. Turkey with Erdogan is a thorn in the side of the Anglo-Americans.

So I'll be grabbing popcorn at these results... :pop:
Erdogan again, for God's sake :lol:

Apparently they will have majority of parliament too.
With 50.13% vs 44.09% now the chances are that in a second round Erdogan will still win.
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