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2023 Turkish election

It's the ideology of Erdo'an too, although in a bit of masked fashion. Whatever stuffs Erbakan planned and dreamed of Erdo'an is materializing them one by one....

When you see the Aya Sophia being opened as a mosque again you'll know that the National View (Milli Gorush) government is in power - Merhum Nejmettin Erbakan

*Erdo'an re-opened the Aya Sophia as a mosque in 2020

To me it looks like Felicity Party and New welfare party is more closer to Erbakan ideology.
@waz @WebMaster @SQ8 how much longer will you let this schizo keep attacking Turkey and Turkish people?

Report him.

As for tomorrow's polls the Turkish folks are clearly divided into two groups: those who see the Imperialist supported FETO/PKK as existential threats to Turkey, and those who don't....

Erdo'an's government is finishing the PKK, thanks to the indigenous military industrial complex, and the cross-border bases and ops inside Northern Iraq/Syria. The opposition wants to a put a stop to all of these. Erdo'an's government is displeasing the West by going after FETO/PKK and their supporters inside Turkey and chartering an independent foreign policy. The opposition wants to appease the West at any cost ("naked beggars on the DC streets" model as being applied in Pak)....

Turkey politics has 2 main groups.
Nationalist/Religious group and other one is extreme secular ones. One wants Turkish first policy and other wants pro west policy. One wants to preserve Turkish National identity, keep Turkish religious history and way of life, the other one wants a westernised society. A big divide.
Reis Erdo'an has given the finishing touch with a style as he took part at the Namaz in the Aya Sophia amidst the battle cry "Ya Allah, Bismillah, Allah-u Ekber" and recited the first 5 Ayats from the Sura Al Baqara. Now, it's 100% to HIM....

To me it looks like Felicity Party and New welfare party is more closer to Erbakan ideology.
Felicity Party has become a sell-out as they've joined the opposition coalition and declared Kilichdaro'lu as a Mujahit!! The New welfare party, chaired by Fatih Erbakan, has joined the ruling coalition...
Report him.

Turkey politics has 2 main groups.
Nationalist/Religious group and other one is extreme secular ones. One wants Turkish first policy and other wants pro west policy. One wants to preserve Turkish National identity, keep Turkish religious history and way of life, the other one wants a westernised society. A big divide.
Already did,

And please do not group nationalists with religious fundamentalists. One wants to preserve the Turkish national identity and the other wants to turn Turkey into arabia.

One wants Turan, a Turkic union with central Asian Turkic states the other actively tries to turn Turkey into an Arab colony and sell everything to rich gulf arabs.
According to the last survey, engulfing 25k folks, before the elections by Areda Survey, Erdo'an is winning with a 51.3% lead. Looks like his base is now fully consolidated leaving no room to the opposition to maneuver. It's a crescent-like pincer attack....

And please do not group nationalists with religious fundamentalists. One wants to preserve the Turkish national identity and the other wants to turn Turkey into arabia.

One wants Turan, a Turkic union with central Asian Turkic states the other actively tries to turn Turkey into an Arab colony and sell everything to rich gulf arabs.

I was talking about political groups. Some are secular, some are religious parties, some are nationalist.

AK Party, MHP, Great unity party, New welfare party are one group. CHP, Good Party, Democraty party, Fecility party are the other group.
I was talking about political groups. Some are secular, some are religious parties, some are nationalist.

AK Party, MHP, Great unity party, New welfare party are one group. CHP, Good Party, Democraty party, Fecility party are the other group.
MHP is a shell of it's former self, what's left are gangsters and braindead boomers. With AKP and MHP bleeding, Good party saw the opportunity and took a middle approach.

What's left of true nationalists created a third bloc under Sinan Oğan and Ümit Özdağ's leadership. Last few days CHP leader has been making nationalist speeches to try to convince them to support him. It was fun to watch.
My vote is for the Islamic/Arabian alliance rather than the secular/Western one. A Turanic union is a good idea I think for both to pursue.

Whoever wins, Turkey and Pakistan can be good friends, as soon as Pakistan has a legitimate government.
Whoever wins the elections, there won't be a major changes in Turkey's foreign policy. Turkey will remain a NATO member state, Turkey will try to maintain a good relationship with both Russia and west, both these guys will try to attract attention of people by playing with words like Turanic union, Turkic world, Erdogan might discover 1,000 trillion barrel of oil in his own backyard, etc.

But i personally prefer Kilicdaroglu wins the elections, he can change the internal policies of Turkey and calm Turkish society down. Erdo is a showman rather than a religious figure. He has been using religious/racial cards to introduce his own followers with new methods of double crossing. Erdo with his hypocrisy leaves the region in turmoil, and makes the Islamic world convulsive. At least we know that Kilicdar is a secular figure with no masks. An honest person at the very least.
As for tomorrow's polls the Turkish folks are clearly divided into two groups: those who see the Imperialist supported FETO/PKK as existential threats to Turkey, and those who don't....
That is a serious accusation. What is it that makes you think Kilicdar is connected to PKK?

We know that Erdo is well connected to problematic people out there, from George Soros to Zionists. He was the one who enabled western terrorists destroy Syria with their ISIS minions.

Give us evidence that Kilicdar has any kind of connection to FETO or PKK terrorists.
Erdo'an's government is finishing the PKK, thanks to the indigenous military industrial complex, and the cross-border bases and ops inside Northern Iraq/Syria.
Whoever becomes president, the army of Turkey has every right to pound PKK terorists' hideouts. Don't play with words, Erdo is not to be admired for that.
Erdo'an's government is displeasing the West by going after FETO/PKK and their supporters inside Turkey and chartering an independent foreign policy. The opposition wants to appease the West at any cost ("naked beggars on the DC streets" model as being applied in Pak)....
Comparing Pakistan to Turkey is a grave mistake.
I am not VOTING for anyone, since as far as i am concerned they ALL political parties and their representatives and ALL politicians can GET BENT.. i have lost faith in SEXULAR (secular democracy).. i am a PURE HARDCORE Devlet-i Aliyye Osmaniyye supporter.
Nah,you're just a troll :P

Screenshot_2023-02-16 More than 33000 dead, many trapped as major earthquake strikes Turkiye, ...png
The only factor that convinced me that Erdogan is not the Dajjal is the absence of an infidel warning on his forehead.
Nah,you're just a troll :P

View attachment 929595

Dear GayREEK... aka Fellow Gayreek Homosexual Fellow..

Are you unfamiliar with the fact that even overseas Turks can vote for Turkish elections at the embassy?

Its a REVOLUTION time my Turkish brethren

All my wolves, begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming

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