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2022 Iraqi civil war


Mar 2, 2018
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Unfortunately, tonight the strings snapped. The conflict between Iran-backed groups and Sadr supporters in Iraq has now turned into a vortex of conflict across the country. Headquarters belonging to militia groups are set on fire and clashes continue at many tense points. Tomorrow morning will be an important turning point for the Iraqi state.

However, I am afraid that this power struggle will have consequences that will threaten the integrity of the country, knowingly or unknowingly.

The US embassy was hit by rockets.

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"Supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr are burning the headquarters of Iran-linked organizations in the southern cities of the country, as well as in the capital Baghdad, and detaining their members.
Violent clashes are taking place in Baghdad."
They are everywhere. Many more tribes joining Sadr's forces.

Sadr peace brigade militias are setting up Katyusha launch pads and mortar shells to launch a wave of bombardments into the Green Zone. Sadri forces gave limited time to surrender to the pmu forces in the Green zone.

Almost all countries issued a call to its citizens in Baghdad to go to safe places, and leave the country at the first opportunity.
This country cannot find peace...now Shias are fighting Shias.
True that why the Arab countries need man of steel leaders like Saddam Hussein (despite his numerous mistakes). Saddam Hussein knew how to control the country.
There is no common ground between today's Iraq and Saddam's Iraq. It is almost two different states. These two states have one thing in common(apart from its borders): the weak and easily bought politicians and soldiers. Iraq has never been able to build a state culture because it had no such tradition.

In drawing these boundaries and determining the ethnic-religious composition, the British formed a compound to ensure that Iraq always stood on weak foundations.
There is no common ground between today's Iraq and Saddam's Iraq. It is almost two different states. These two states have one thing in common(apart from its borders): the weak and easily bought politicians and soldiers. Iraq has never been able to build a state culture because it had no such tradition.

In drawing these boundaries and determining the ethnic-religious composition, the British formed a compound to ensure that Iraq always stood on weak foundations.
These Brits have created so many damn problems in the global south.
Sadr is probably a patriot and others bootlicker

But unfortunately as Sadr is Shia he won't get any support outside of Iraq (if he was sunni he would have)

But Iran backed millitias would
These Brits have created so many damn problems in the global south.
The paradigm of the old century is one of the tools used in the construction of the paradigm of the new century. Please take an hour and watch. The threat is not regional but global. Shocking events become commonplace. We will each be affected by one another in different ways, and all of this serves one purpose.

Rocket hit the Construction site of the Turkish company that undertook the construction of the Iraqi central bank.

Rocket firing to Hashd al-Shaabi positions

The Saraya Al-Salam organization burned down a mosque in Baghdad.

The Iraqi Presidency website hacked by DDOS attacks.

Those trapped in al-Maliki's palace have been given 30 minutes to surrender, and when the time is up, they will be under rocket fire.

It was claimed that talks were started between Sadr and the leaders of the coordination framework to stop the civil war in Baghdad and other cities as soon as possible.
Erşat Salihi, former head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, commented on the events in Iraq and the situation in Kirkuk;

"Unfortunately, the tension in our country has escalated. Inshallah we will ensure the security of Kirkuk in the best possible way. Here, police, soldiers and all forces are together. We are together with the armed Turkmen force. These are the Kirkuk defense force. The force that defends the Turkmens and all Kirkuk people. Inshallah Kirkuk people in safe. Let no one be worried while our Turkmen soldiers are here. The events in Baghdad and the south cannot be experienced in our regions. Thank you."

True that why the Arab countries need man of steel leaders like Saddam Hussein (despite his numerous mistakes). Saddam Hussein knew how to control the country.
Yes, he controlled the country well, do you know by what methods?

This is the problem with the mentality of this region. The US literally gives them a parliamentary constitution and people advocate to go back to dictatorship which usually ends like Gaddafi. Rinse and repeat, cause of "steel leaders" which is usually a synonym for stupid leaders, who make brave but dumb mistakes.

Erşat Salihi, former head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, commented on the events in Iraq and the situation in Kirkuk;

"Unfortunately, the tension in our country has escalated. Inshallah we will ensure the security of Kirkuk in the best possible way. Here, police, soldiers and all forces are together. We are together with the armed Turkmen force. These are the Kirkuk defense force. The force that defends the Turkmens and all Kirkuk people. Inshallah Kirkuk people in safe. Let no one be worried while our Turkmen soldiers are here. The events in Baghdad and the south cannot be experienced in our regions. Thank you."

Lol this has nothing to do with them
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