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2017 statistics of the 10 biggest illegal immigrant groups in Turkey.

Turkish women beats a Syrian men because he showed his dick to her :lol:

No, She actually added a note in the end of the video that those Syrians kidnapped a 5 year old girl to sexually abuse, and she rescued the girl from them who were about to.

The father and his son got caught in the end by the police. However, they both were smiling in the police office says the note.

An interesting poll though it was made in a small sample of people.

View attachment 568383

Will you please add the source/link for the following refences to use?
@Islamic faith&Secularism , it is a research made by Kadir Has University in Kayseri.


Go to page 88 for that exact graph I posted before but you can also find many other interesting stuff in the PDF document. Like this one:

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. . . .
She is angry that the Syrian behind her keeps checking her out.

Because only Syrians look at a woman's ***

Also that woman chooses to style her appearance in a way that attracts more attention than naturally needed, she likes the attention whether she says so or not.
Because only Syrians look at a woman's ***

Also that woman chooses to style her appearance in a way that attracts more attention than naturally needed, she likes the attention whether she says so or not.

Is that a reason to make Photos and Videos of her?
. . .
Point is, quit tying all of this to their nationality
Unforunately it is how it is.... we have Uzbeks, Africans, Kirgiz and Iranians however it's always Syrians, Afghans and Pakistanis who do that.

he seems to be a little bit mentally disabled..

Noo that's how they act when get punched, alway mouning like a Donkey.
. .
Italy, Germany, Holland, European Unian and also European Court of Human Rights, Tunisia are against illegal immigration despite ''Humanism'', ''Justice'', ''Ummah'' and ''Arab brotherhood'' rhetorics...


Üç hafta önce…
Carola Rackete yönetimindeki Hollanda bayraklı bir kurtarma gemisi, Libya açıklarındaki bir bottan 53 mülteci kurtardı,...

İtalya hükümeti, çocuk, kadın ve hasta 10 mülteciyi aldı.
Geriye kalan 43 mülteciyi kabul etmedi.
“Sivil toplum kuruluşu Almanya'ya ait, kaptan da Alman vatandaşı olduğuna göre, kurtardığı mültecileri Almanya'ya götürsün” dedi.

Almanya'dan tık çıkmadı.

Bunun üzerine İtalya hükümeti başka bir öneride bulundu.
“Kurtarma gemisi Hollanda bayrağı taşıyor, madem öyle, kurtardıkları mültecileri Hollanda'ya götürsünler” dedi.

Hollanda'dan da tık çıkmadı.

Sea Watch'ın avukatları, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi'ne başvurdu, “insan hakları suçu işliyor” diyerek, İtalya'yı şikayet etti.

Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi acilen toplandı.
Ne karar verdi biliyor musunuz?
“İtalya'nın herhangi bir kusuru yok, mültecileri en yakın ülke olan Tunus'a götürün” kararı verdi!

Tunus derhal rest çekti.
“Hiç bana gelmeyin, almam” dedi.


Alt tarafı 43 mülteci için uluslararası kriz çıkıyor.
İtalya, Almanya, Hollanda, Avrupa Birliği, Tunus, Malta, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi filan birbirine giriyor.

Kendi hükümetimiz beş milyon Suriyeli'yi kendi milletine emrivaki yaparak, kendi eliyle Türkiye'ye sokuyor.

Bizden başka enayi yok mu?

The source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2019/yazarlar/yilmaz-ozdil/sadece-43-multeci-5214733/
Also that woman chooses to style her appearance in a way that attracts more attention than naturally needed, she likes the attention whether she says so or not.
her style is normal only savages think she style her appearance in a way that attracts more attention

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