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2009-2010 election protests in Iran

Khamenei is actually not even a real ayatollah. He was just a Hojjat. He puts even respected man's in jail because they criticize the regime. A good example is Ayatollah Boroujerdi:


Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi: Prisoner of the day

''Sentenced to 11 years in prison for "spreading propaganda against the regime"

Some followers of dissident Iranian cleric Ayatollah Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi say his health has further deteriorated in prison, RFE/RL's Radio Farda reports. Boroujerdi, who supports the separation of religion from the state, was arrested in October 2006. One year later, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison on charges including "enmity with God" and "spreading propaganda against the regime."

Since Boroujerdi's arrest, his supporters say they have been under pressure and are often threatened, detained, and prosecuted.

Roya Eraghi, a follower of Boroujerdi who is currently living outside Iran after being released from prison on bail, told Radio Farda on July 4 that due to severe pressure and torture in jail Boroujerdi has developed several afflictions, including a heart condition. She added that Boroujerdi has also lost vision in one eye but has not been allowed to leave prison to receive medical treatment.

Abbas Tabatabai, another follower of Boroujerdi who left Iran after being arrested in 2006 and later released, told Radio Farda that the cleric's supporters are facing various charges. Tabatabai said he had been charged with "enmity with God," acting against Iran's national security, and espionage for Israel.

In 2010, Boroujerdi wrote an open letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, holding him responsible for the extensive violation of human rights in Iran. The letter says 30 years ago Iranian people were deceived into believing that the Islamic regime was going to be based on "independence, freedom, republicanism, and piety." But now people no longer want to maintain this political system, he said. Boroujerdi concluded his letter by calling for a "free referendum" in Iran "directly supervised by UN observers."

Family members of Boroujerdi wrote a letter last year to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asking him to intervene in the jailed cleric's case. The letter stated that they were deeply concerned about Boroujerdi's health at that time and the inability for him to receive proper medical care.

The regime doesn't represent 'real' Islam. With their policy they only achieved that many Iranians now turn their back at religion. A huge part of the youth doesn't even care about islam now.
I never visited Iran and I am not from there, so obviously my knowledge would be limited at best. This Iranian friend of mine has not much money and lives a life of hard work. I have known him for years. It does not look like he has any kind of agenda. He is a broken man who is depressed most of the time. And why should I have any agenda about Iran?

I am curious about the situation in Iran, as I am curious about many parts of the world, but more so because Iran is a heavy weight in the middle-east and what happens in Iran, directly affects us, Muslims in the rest of the world.

My concern is this. I know that there are many unrepresentative regimes in Mid-east and they are being removed one by one. This definitely is a good thing for Muslims and humanity in general. I wish to see same thing happening in Iran, so we can see more saner voices from Iran, working with regional countries and the rest of the world.

Why does Iran have to go on a collision course with Israel and its supporters in US/West? Why stir up the pot? Why not just do as they say and end the pariah state? What is really stopping Iran from doing that? Wouldn't that be better for the 99% of Iran's population. Why are nukes so important to have?

Sorry for asking a lot of questions, but its a good opportunity to hear it directly from Iranians in this forum.
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