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2 dalit sisters gangraped, bodies found hanging from tree

Madam @baajey ,

Every state and region has it's own social dynamics. In UP, Most of violence against dalits is perpetrated by OBC's. Yadavs as a caste with help from muslim vote bank control all levers of power in UP.

Reflexive ranting ( you have not indulged in that but the poster to whom the post to which you have replied was addressed ) against Brahmins is morally incorrect. ( even though no one would care )
firstly, lolz...as i m not a maam, but a mister.
secondly, u cant be more true than ur view in the bolded part. infact the brahmins and the dalits sided with the BSP as both these communities were terrorized by the land owning classes (which are again primarily OBCs).
and lastly, reflexive ranting (nice term thoh) is a characteristic of shallow ppl ( i did it against pakistani n Bdeshi bothers time to time , albeit mildly). if today somebody rants that all and only brahmins are the perpetrators of caste crimes, they cant be further from the truth.
personally thoh, i think the poor brahmins are the most disadvantaged in our country.
We south asians should be proud of how we treat females of our countries... BRAVO.... regardless of which country one belong to this trend is really getting outta hand .....
Well Mr Morality, when some idiots don't waste time and run back to 1971 to salvage some pride without even considering or comprehending what may have happened 40 years earlier and what's happening on a present day in places like IOK and Manipur and dragging in Pakistan to divert away from the topic, then i guess one has to talk in the same language that some people understand.
Emmmm. Are you smoking something lately? WTH did i bring 71. And if you are referring me as idiot i am sorry but you should ask your parents something they didn't tell you about your behavior and retardness. And about teaching me about morality or behavior kindly save that for your fellow countrymen. They need it more than anyone else on this earth. Cause trying to score points and trolling and making of a sad incident isn't something what HUMANS do. Hope i was upto mark on replying you in the same language you did :)
Emmmm. Are you smoking something lately? WTH did i bring 71. And if you are referring me as idiot i am sorry but you should ask your parents something they didn't tell you about your behavior and retardness. And about teaching me about morality or behavior kindly save that for your fellow countrymen. They need it more than anyone else on this earth. Cause trying to score points and trolling and making of a sad incident isn't something what HUMANS do. Hope i was upto mark on replying you in the same language you did :)
Well that was a quick change of heart from addressing me as Mr Gentleman to blowing your brains out.
Rest assured i know where i stand but believe me you don't even need to bother your parents as you have just proved your worthless self by being unable to comprehend some simple lines. I am glad you have brought up the question of humanity for one just has to visit any of the forums run by your own country fellows or even read comments section in the Indian papers to witness how certain animals behave in their own environment, you should consider yourself privileged to be here hence make it count and lean the real human values.
Folks, I am not opening this thread because of the rape incident but rather the gruesome killings of the victims. We live in a very sad and cruel world, targeting people for their caste or religion has become a daily routine , it's all the more alarming when the very people who are supposed to protect the citizens become the guilty party.

Two teenage dalit sisters were allegedly gangraped and murdered with their bodies found hanging from a tree in Katra village here.

The two girls, who were cousins and aged 14 and 15 years, went missing from their house last night and their bodies were found hanging from a mango tree in the village in Ushait area this morning.

The incident triggered protests in the area with villagers alleging police apathy following which an FIR was registered against seven persons including constables Sarvesh Yadav and Rakshapal Yadav, who were suspended.

One of the accused Pappu Yadav has been arrested while others are still absconding, Superintendent of Police, City, Man Singh Chauhan said.

As soon as the news spread, villagers gathered at the site and claimed that police had refused to register an FIR last night. They alleged that the girls were gangraped before they were hanged by the attackers.

Villagers blocked the Ushait-Lilawan road, where they kept the bodies, and demanded suspension of all the policemen posted in Ushait police station.

Later, police controlled the situation and convinced the villagers to lift the blockade.

Two other accused are Brijesh and Awadhesh while two others are unidentified, Chauhan said.

Police are awaiting the postmortem report of the two girls.

2 dalit sisters gangraped, bodies found hanging from tree
no need for explanation. You should know better! look at the stories they post as if their hands were so clean!
Well that was a quick change of heart from addressing me as Mr Gentleman to blowing your brains out.
Rest assured i know where i stand but believe me you don't even need to bother your parents as you have just proved your worthless self by being unable to comprehend some simple lines.
As you said speak in the same language as the other person speaking to you does. So i did the same. And BTW guess you have missed that IF and that's why you too seem to have changed as in comparison with previous post in which you addressed me as Mr. Morality.

I am glad you have brought up the question of humanity for one just has to visit any of the forums run by your own country fellows or even read comments section in the Indian papers to witness
Other forums are none of my concern. So i don't care how they behave. Neither do i care how two other people talk to each other. You be good to me, I'll be good to you.

witness how certain animals behave in their own environment, you should consider yourself privileged to be here hence make it count and lean the real human values.
Why do i need to go any other place. I've witnessed the same here itself. And about being privileged, yes i am and thank for that to the owner of this forum though i don't really know who he/she is. And about learning human values you'd be the last person teaching me about human values and morality. So No Thanks!!
Folks, I am not opening this thread because of the rape incident but rather the gruesome killings of the victims. We live in a very sad and cruel world, targeting people for their caste or religion has become a daily routine , it's all the more alarming when the very people who are supposed to protect the citizens become the guilty party.

Two teenage dalit sisters were allegedly gangraped and murdered with their bodies found hanging from a tree in Katra village here.

The two girls, who were cousins and aged 14 and 15 years, went missing from their house last night and their bodies were found hanging from a mango tree in the village in Ushait area this morning.

The incident triggered protests in the area with villagers alleging police apathy following which an FIR was registered against seven persons including constables Sarvesh Yadav and Rakshapal Yadav, who were suspended.

One of the accused Pappu Yadav has been arrested while others are still absconding, Superintendent of Police, City, Man Singh Chauhan said.

As soon as the news spread, villagers gathered at the site and claimed that police had refused to register an FIR last night. They alleged that the girls were gangraped before they were hanged by the attackers.

Villagers blocked the Ushait-Lilawan road, where they kept the bodies, and demanded suspension of all the policemen posted in Ushait police station.

Later, police controlled the situation and convinced the villagers to lift the blockade.

Two other accused are Brijesh and Awadhesh while two others are unidentified, Chauhan said.

Police are awaiting the postmortem report of the two girls.
Defecators are gang rapists. Both are normal and expected in India.
Another score of thousands by the rape capital of the world.
Coming from the mouth of one of the champion pole vaulters in the world....haven't you read that South Africa is the rape capital of the world...or are you an ignorant fool or is it another foolish attempt of yours to troll like you do in all India related threads

Defecators are gang rapists. Both are normal and expected in India.
What can one expect from a dog eater..
Just saw some pics of this..... the dead bodies hanging from the tree, the crowd of agonied people, the complete lack of professional behaviour by the police

It makes me sick and ashamed.

I hope those as**hole MF`s die a slow and painful death... :mad:
But that is a pure lie.

Caste system exist among Muslims. On Macro level, You have Ashraf, Azlaf, Arzal and on micro level, these three catergories are further divided in castes like Sayyid, Sheikh , Qureshi, ansari, mehtar, noorbasch, Dudhelka etc.

As per respected muslim scholars like Turkish Scholar Ziauddin Barani , who gave Fatwah-e-jahandri, and scholars as recent as Maulana Ashraf-al-Thanvi , who wrote Beshisthi Zewar , maintain that Caste system is ordinated in Koran.

Indian government also recognize caste system among Muslims and provide reservation to Azlaf and Arzal muslims.

Caste system among Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Muslim Other Backward Classes communities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caste and Caste-Based Discrimination among Indian Muslims - Part 1: The domination of ‘high’ caste Muslims that parallels the Hindu case, Books and Documents, Yoginder Sikand for NewAgeIslam.com], New Age Islam

Caste system among South Asian Muslims | Indian Dalit Muslims' Voice

Articles from Pakistan.

Caste in Pakistan: The Elephant in the Room | Red Diary

Pakistan’s caste system: The untouchable’s struggle – The Express Tribune

Or International sources

Pakistan Certainly Has a Caste System - New York Times

See Chapter 4 of Bahishti zewar

Bahishti Zewar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bahishti Zewar Urdu Complete (Deobandi) -- www.Momeen.blogspot.com : www.Momeen.blogspot.com : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

if you are a Deobandi muslim, your marriage with a lower caste muslims would be considered haram according to bashisti jewar which is regarded as authoritative text by deobandis.

Also you must be aware of the fact that one of the sociological reason for split between Barelvis and Deobandis was deobandi's categorization of Muslims of Afghan ( pakhtoon ) descent as Azlafs since they were late converts.

This is another example of gutter level scholarship. It is clearly mentioned in article that perpetrators were Yadavs, not Brahmins.

Another retard.

Madam @baajey ,

Every state and region has it's own social dynamics. In UP, Most of violence against dalits is perpetrated by OBC's. Yadavs as a caste with help from muslim vote bank control all levers of power in UP.

Reflexive ranting ( you have not indulged in that but the poster to whom the post to which you have replied was addressed ) against Brahmins is morally incorrect. ( even though no one would care )

you can pull out as mean wiki and other sources as you like.......read the Quran if you have a brain and can find an English copy at least

nowhere in Islam is "Caste" allowed
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