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2 dalit sisters gangraped, bodies found hanging from tree

What is wrong with people?!

These culprits deserve the death sentence...they deserve to spend months in the death cell, waiting to be hanged :mad:
I am from south. There are no impartial NGOs..
do not paint the whole elephant with the same brush.
They are there for business and their business is keeping caste conflict going.
yeah ...burning houses by landlords are for business purposes. thanks for the enlightment.
If the caste oppression is missing in urban areas and only present in remote rural areas, then it is not caste dynamics at work, but the socioeconomic conditions and political exploitation aimed at deepening the fault lines. .
lol....when an economically affluent dalit boy cant get a so so brahmin girl to marry, i m gonna blame them on different cultures. during the past 1000 years, when there was social segregation, do u think that too was due to political exploitation ??? please go through the book "Ancient India" by Ramesh Chandra Majumder to have a better view on casteism and how it is rivetted in our social life. political implications came much later , in the 40s n 60s
Otherwise, as far as I know caste system never made different rules for urban and rural areas and it is also not the case that people are evil in rural areas and become humane only in urban areas. .
there were no different rules agreed. but do u think in our bz city lives we can afford to practice casteism at its fullest ??? hell no. but yeah, marriages etc are still very much looked though the glasses of casteism, rural or urban alike.
I suggest you stop reading the Marxist literature.
i dont.
btw, when were u rude ???
I said the bit about ... how newspaper sensationalize the news by mentioning the word Dalit. But people who committed this crime are no less evil than those delhi rape culprits. This is pure brutal and gruesome act.
yeah ...burning houses by landlords are for business purposes. thanks for the enlightment.

I was talking about the NGOs. There are many lower caste people beating up and killing upper caste too. So you need to set aside your paint brush and learn anew about our society.

lol....when an economically affluent dalit boy cant get a so so brahmin girl to marry, i m gonna blame them on different cultures. during the past 1000 years, when there was social segregation, do u think that too was due to political exploitation ??? please go through the book "Ancient India" by Ramesh Chandra Majumder to have a better view on casteism and how it is rivetted in our social life. political implications came much later , in the 40s n 60s

There are many many intercaste love marriages happening all over the country and there are adequate laws to protect if they face hurdles. I do not see why marriage with a Brahmin girl is the only criteria for a Dalit boy to feel free from oppression. Does he find a Dalit girl beneath him and seeks to elevate his position in life by marrying a Brahmin girl? If so, then I think the problem is with the Dalit boy and the inferiority complex he nurtures. During the past 1000 years India went through its darkest period in its entire history. I hope you have heard about it. To think society in turbulence will not have any distortions is highly unreasonable. It was political then and it is political now.

Why does Ramesh Chandra Majumdar sound like a Marxist to me? Most probably because he is. Their only qualification being their ability to lie and embellish Indian history to paint Hinduism as the darkest of all religions.

I said the bit about ... how newspaper sensationalize the news by mentioning the word Dalit. But people who committed this crime are no less evil than those delhi rape culprits. This is pure brutal and gruesome act.

It was sensationalization by the media when they bring caste into it. Your first observation was correct.
The Ruler of Uttar Pradesh are not so called upper caste, The criminals of Uttar pradesh too are not upper caste.

Mulla-yam Yadav vote bank (yadav and Muslims) are major criminals in UP..
there were no different rules agreed. but do u think in our bz city lives we can afford to practice casteism at its fullest ??? hell no. but yeah, marriages etc are still very much looked though the glasses of casteism, rural or urban alike.

Marriages will be looked through the lens of casteism, because caste is so much more than just a label. It is history, it is community, it is culture, it is rituals, it is customs, it is identity. That they seek to preserve it by marrying within their own is no crime. It is no more different than a Dogra feeling his identity is threatened by the influx of immigrants from other states. If one identity is valid, so is other. It is not a matter of affording practice of casteism in urban area, it is just the realization that there is no inferior or superior people. Just people.
I was talking about the NGOs. There are many lower caste people beating up and killing upper caste too. So you need to set aside your paint brush and learn anew about our society.

There are many many intercaste love marriages happening all over the country and there are adequate laws to protect if they face hurdles. I do not see why marriage with a Brahmin girl is the only criteria for a Dalit boy to feel free from oppression. Does he find a Dalit girl beneath him and seeks to elevate his position in life by marrying a Brahmin girl? If so, then I think the problem is with the Dalit boy and the inferiority complex he nurtures. During the past 1000 years India went through its darkest period in its entire history. I hope you have heard about it. To think society in turbulence will not have any distortions is highly unreasonable. It was political then and it is political now.

Why does Ramesh Chandra Majumdar sound like a Marxist to me? Most probably because he is. Their only qualification being their ability to lie and embellish Indian history to paint Hinduism as the darkest of all religions.

It was sensationalization by the media when they bring caste into it. Your first observation was correct.
i can go another mile replying ur observations...but what the heck
so baby.....whatevaer u say.....lets agree to disagree
It was sensationalization by the media when they bring caste into it. Your first observation was correct.
But crime against women is needed to be brought forward, had the press not done this, this case could have also been sidelined like many other rape cases particularly in UP.
caste system is still very much in place there it seems

not that it affects Pakistan, but i am thankful we dont have such a thing in our country....feudal system - much left than to be desired

But that is a pure lie.

Caste system exist among Muslims. On Macro level, You have Ashraf, Azlaf, Arzal and on micro level, these three catergories are further divided in castes like Sayyid, Sheikh , Qureshi, ansari, mehtar, noorbasch, Dudhelka etc.

As per respected muslim scholars like Turkish Scholar Ziauddin Barani , who gave Fatwah-e-jahandri, and scholars as recent as Maulana Ashraf-al-Thanvi , who wrote Beshisthi Zewar , maintain that Caste system is ordinated in Koran.

Indian government also recognize caste system among Muslims and provide reservation to Azlaf and Arzal muslims.

Caste system among Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Muslim Other Backward Classes communities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caste and Caste-Based Discrimination among Indian Muslims - Part 1: The domination of ‘high’ caste Muslims that parallels the Hindu case, Books and Documents, Yoginder Sikand for NewAgeIslam.com], New Age Islam

Caste system among South Asian Muslims | Indian Dalit Muslims' Voice

Articles from Pakistan.

Caste in Pakistan: The Elephant in the Room | Red Diary

Pakistan’s caste system: The untouchable’s struggle – The Express Tribune

Or International sources

Pakistan Certainly Has a Caste System - New York Times

See Chapter 4 of Bahishti zewar

Bahishti Zewar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bahishti Zewar Urdu Complete (Deobandi) -- www.Momeen.blogspot.com : www.Momeen.blogspot.com : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

if you are a Deobandi muslim, your marriage with a lower caste muslims would be considered haram according to bashisti jewar which is regarded as authoritative text by deobandis.

Also you must be aware of the fact that one of the sociological reason for split between Barelvis and Deobandis was deobandi's categorization of Muslims of Afghan ( pakhtoon ) descent as Azlafs since they were late converts.

i hope they didnt make the grave mistake of eating from the same plate or drinking from the same cup as a brahmin

This is another example of gutter level scholarship. It is clearly mentioned in article that perpetrators were Yadavs, not Brahmins.

Wow! Excellent post!

Another retard.

the girls were dalits.got it.....
were the perpetrators dalits too ??? i dont think that was mentioned in the article ....

Madam @baajey ,

Every state and region has it's own social dynamics. In UP, Most of violence against dalits is perpetrated by OBC's. Yadavs as a caste with help from muslim vote bank control all levers of power in UP.

Reflexive ranting ( you have not indulged in that but the poster to whom the post to which you have replied was addressed ) against Brahmins is morally incorrect. ( even though no one would care )
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Marriages will be looked through the lens of casteism, because caste is so much more than just a label. It is history, it is community, it is culture, it is rituals, it is customs, it is identity. That they seek to preserve it by marrying within their own is no crime. It is no more different than a Dogra feeling his identity is threatened by the influx of immigrants from other states. If one identity is valid, so is other. It is not a matter of affording practice of casteism in urban area, it is just the realization that there is no inferior or superior people. Just people.
so answer me ...which faces more resitance......a dalit boy and a upper caste girl belonging to same place, same language, same customs or a punjabi general boy n a tamil general girl .....
i guess u are intellectually not too shabby either, so ponder about it n reply back.
But crime against women is needed to be brought forward, had the press not done this, this case could have also been sidelined like many other rape cases particularly in UP.

All crime against anyone, be it men or women needs to be dealt with in accordance with the law and what was happening until now was abdication of duty by our legal system. But that is not why the media is highlighting this issue. Their motive is entirely different from justice.

so answer me ...which faces more resitance......a dalit boy and a girl belonging to same place, same language, same customs or a punjabi general boy n a tamil general girl .....
i guess u are intellectually not too shabby either, so ponder about it n reply back.

Does not matter. If it is love marriage between 2 individuals of legal age, then there is enough law protection. If people do not mind Punjabi and Tamil getting married, then it wont be many more years before people from different castes but same language and customs marry too. It is just a matter of time.
I blame the ISI for the rape epidemic in "shining" India !
All crime against anyone, be it men or women needs to be dealt with in accordance with the law and what was happening until now was abdication of duty by our legal system. But that is not why the media is highlighting this issue. Their motive is entirely different from justice.
madam its good to be an idealist, but its better to keep our feet grounded
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