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2 dalit sisters gangraped, bodies found hanging from tree

Very sad incident.

There will come a day where such things will not happen in the sub-continent. I cherish that day.

As for the arguments on this thread. I'd say with confidence that it is only the Indian members that can do anything about this and Pakistanis shouldn't post such things up. The same is true for Indians, in particular one individual who has posted no less than five Pakistani "atrocity" type threads in the space of a week. o_O

Trolling over victims of such heinous crimes is disgusting.

My prayers with the sisters may Allah bless them.
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Just to aware if you haven't read some initial posts. It was your countrymen who himself dragged Pakistan into it. So please before blabbering just know what you are about to say is even the actual reality. Just because you do that doesn't mean everyone else does it.

There's a fine line between digesting and digressing.
Mate, i just posted a story due to it's cruel nature, but you and your country fellows are keen to drag in Pakistan.
Hell do that if that makes your problem go away. Adios.
Going on from both sides. But never seen you having the same quickness and call of duty to mention the other side :) seems this time you were venting frustration at Pakistani

My frustration is for both sides on this issue, and PDF too. This callous and manipulative exploitation of such deplorable tragedies must stop from all sides, but ever the pessimist, I know it will not, sadly.
we dint say Pakistan is safer. BUt you guys are hiding behind facepalm here. This wont work.

no one is defending anything here its a shameful act but kindly look at some of your fellow pakistani members post .they are trying portray Pakistan as some paradise where no such things take place which is false

My frustration is for both sides on this issue, and PDF too. This callous and manipulative exploitation of such deplorable tragedies must stop from all sides, but ever the pessimist, I know it will not, sadly.

I say let it be this way atleast crimes against women get some space and get wider outreach as far as highlighting the issue is concern
RIP. This is so sad. Those who perpetrated such a crime and those who are using the violent painful deaths of two teenage girls for making ''hypothetical'' troll posts are basically the same low class people. Please notice the institutional connection of the trolls with the systematic shocking scale of such crimes in 1971.
no one is defending anything here its a shameful act but kindly look at some of your fellow pakistani members post .they are trying portray Pakistan as some paradise where no such things take place which is false


we have a saying in urdu that you cant hide a moon behind your finger , no matter how much we portray our country like a paradise it not indeed. why you even feeling the heat when there are many such threads about Pakistan on same forum
Just to aware if you haven't read some initial posts. It was your countrymen who himself dragged Pakistan into it. So please before blabbering just know what you are about to say is even the actual reality. Just because you do that doesn't mean everyone else does it.
My country fellow eats Beef every day, are you willing to join him, .... by divulging in same manner with very dubious links, you are not exactly holding on to any morals..... are you. ??
I say let it be this way atleast crimes against women get some space and get wider outreach as far as highlighting the issue is concern

Such highlighting works only if there is no agenda, which is clearly not the case here, and generally in such threads on PDF.
RIP. This is so sad. Those who perpetrated such a crime and those who are using the violent painful deaths of two teenage girls for making ''hypothetical'' troll posts are basically the same low class people. Please notice the institutional connection of the trolls with the systematic shocking scale of such crimes in 1971.
what a pathetic poster you proved to be by bringing a stupid lie about 71 leveled no else than Indians

Such highlighting works only if there is no agenda, which is clearly not the case here, and generally in such threads on PDF.

when some NGOs started talking about hudood law in Pakistan for promoting own agenda we also said the above thing BUT with passage of time atleast i learned that it was good one way or the other even if they used it for own agenda it helped in highlighting the issue and erasing the law .

And you are also posting for own agenda on PDF :))) and you know what is that agenda so we must NOT point fingers at others
And what did you do Mr gentlemen when I was talking to one of my countrymen about those Pakistani trolls....yes you replied me with another incident happened in India without understanding or trying to understand what I even wrote and in which context. How ironic isn't it...

My country fellow eats Beef every day, are you willing to join him, .... by divulging in same manner with very dubious links, you are not exactly holding on to any morals..... are you. ??
when some NGOs started talking about hudood law in Pakistan for promoting own agenda we also said the above thing BUT with passage of time atleast i learned that it was good one way or the other even if they used it for own agenda it helped in highlighting the issue and erasing the law .
And you are also posting for own agenda on PDF )) and you know what is that agenda so we must NOT point fingers at others

The Hudood Laws are an abomination, as are the Blasphemy Laws. They must be repealed if Pakistan is to gain back any respect in the comity of nations. The longer they stay on the books, the more sullied is Pakistan's name.

And no matter how much others may accuse me of any agenda, I know I do not have one. I merely say things as honestly as possible, no matter what, so any such claims do not bother me at all.
what a pathetic poster you proved to be by bringing a stupid lie about 71 leveled no else than Indians

For a so called ''journalist'' you have certainly missed the videos of victims and testimony of non indian abortion doctors who carried out thousands of abortions! Internet is bigger than zaid hamid you see!
I anticipate for that day too mate. And about posting such incidents there's nothing bad about in letting people know such heinous crimes but what is saddening is some members try to score by trolling and mocking and making fun of such incidents. Without even knowing how those affected ones will be feeling like.

Very sad incident.

There will come a day where such things will not happen in the sub-continent. I cherish that day.

As for the arguments on this thread. I'd say with confidence that it is only the Indian members that can do anything about this and Pakistanis shouldn't post such things up. The same is true for Indians, in particular one individual who has posted no less than five Pakistani "atrocity" type threads in the space of a week. o_O

Trolling over victims of such heinous crimes is disgusting.

My prayers with the sisters may Allah bless them.
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