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2 Air Force personnel including a squadron leader killed, 2 others injured in road accident in Awant

^^ Shameless creatures, two people died in a road accident, and Pakistanis here are getting wet with conspiracy theories.

If you people are so desperate for proof, why don't ask your air-force to present proof, that they were able to shoot down a Su 30.

Shameless are those who try to cover up the pilots that died defending their country.

No, it could have been shot down by an F-16 or ground to air missile or it could have technical fault or or as you said it could have just landed .an aircraft on the ground is not a proof that it was shot down by jf17.

You don't have to be genius to understand that is common sense.
I hope jf 17 I'd advanced enough to carry a camera or something to show it shot down or at least locked on mig 21

2 Air Force personnel including a squadron leader killed, 2 others injured in road accident in Awantipora

Srinagar: Two air force officers have been killed while two others have suffered injuries in a road accident in south Kashmir’s Awantipora area of Pulwama district in the wee hours of Thursday. The slain include a squadron leader.

Confirming the accident, a senior police official said that the accident occurred al Malangpora outside air force station at around 3 am. The identity of the slain could not be ascertained immediately.

More details awaited.


@Maarkhoor @Reichsmarschall @Windjammer @Zarvan @Areesh

So finally they declare 27th incident kills
Shameless are those who try to cover up the pilots that died defending their country.

Is that why you announced that you captured 3 pilots and only one of them turned out to be Indian and two of them mysteriously disappeared?
Is that why you announced that you captured 3 pilots and later found only one of them is Indian and two of them mysteriously disappeared?

It seems Indian selective amnesia is contagious. The official claim was 2 pilots in custody.

custody:- (n.) "the protective care or guardianship of someone or something."

When the second one died he is no longer in "custody", hence change in statement. Later verified, by General Ghafoor himself, that the second pilot died. How come India does not know which pilots did not come back on Feb 27, 2019? Who is being credited with F-16 kill? Has Modi's arsehole whispered a pilot name who shot down 200 eff sola? Or anyone's arsehole for that matter? Second plane was 100% Indian, whether SU-30 or not is irrelevant, yet no acknowledgement.
Instead of going for conspiracy theories,Pakistanies should be asking their agencies for proof of shooting down an IAF su 30. Oh wait they are yet to show proof of mig 21 was shot down by jf 17.

RIP to the dead

Oh wait --- where's the proof for the F-16 shot down that every single Indian media outlet sexualized?

I'd say you should start worrying about your IAF officers. At least one was captured by us. A day or so before that, another "committed suicide" mysteriously. Now, two die in a car crash under shady circumstances.
Is that why you announced that you captured 3 pilots and only one of them turned out to be Indian and two of them mysteriously disappeared?
Probably the same reason you claim "surgical strikes" that either failed or never happened.
Is that why you announced that you captured 3 pilots and only one of them turned out to be Indian and two of them mysteriously disappeared?

We never announced to capture 3 pilots. The ISPR tweet is still there and it clearly says one arrested by ground troops while two others in the area. Now the DG ISPR later in the press briefing did say that 2nd pilot was in CMH, Weeks after the incident, The DG confirmed in a media interview that 2nd pilot is dead. Now where did the body of 2nd pilot go remains to be revealed - We might have to wait for some time. The third one is back with your air force.

The hilarious assumptions of Indians that ISPR first thought it was Indian pilots and later tuned out PAF pilots is just plain dumbness. ISPR did the press briefing around 2 PM, 4 hours after the Air clash. Had PAF lost any aircraft, they would know immediately.

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