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2 Air Force personnel including a squadron leader killed, 2 others injured in road accident in Awant

بابرکت جگہ ہے اور بابرکت گھڑیہے​
Looks like Indian Gov is now covering up the crash of MKI ...
The deceased officer has been identified as an Administrative branch member.
He was from 126 Ground Duty course.

Note: Website has not updated ranks for some years.

Injured officer Wg Cdr HS Bagga was also from admin branch

His relative also confirmed he died in car accident yesterday:

:lol: proof chahiya? ayh lay tera proof, take it as a "kadhara" slap across your stupidass face! :lol:
View attachment 551274
your own soldiers complain that soldiers killed on the border and brushed aside saying they committed suicide or died in accidents or in a bar fight or went awol disappeared or body not found, blah blah blah, so the government doesn't have to pay their families!
Read what it says...Not just the head line:rofl:

We don't need to do anything. Modi will do everything for us.

And apparently you dont need a reason to kill people in your own country. You are already killing minorities since 1947.
Its our land and our rules, Go complain in the UN like India did in 1970 and did not got any support, Karma is a boomerang it comes back for you...

which shithole of india are you living in? pull your turd covered head outta your arse, look outside and realize that your so called "republic of india" can't even protect its own chef or army staff bipin rawat. Anyone who picks up a gun against india can hit india WHERE they want and WENT they want and all that your so called "republic of india" can do about it retaliation after wasting hundreds of billions on latest weaponary is only kill 3 trees and a black crow!!! :rofl: :lol:
Big deal?? your was about to get killed during kargil, i wish he was blown too by the mirage, situation would had been much better for you peeps...:lol:
Read what it says...Not just the head line:rofl:

Its our land and our rules, Go complain in the UN like India did in 1970 and did not got any support, Karma is a boomerang it comes back for you...

Big deal?? your was about to get killed during kargil, i wish he was blown too by the mirage, situation would had been much better for you peeps...:lol:
Typical response expected of a brain dead zombie.
A squadron leader and a corporal have died in the accident while two others are injured

Two officers of the Indian Air Force were killed and two others injured in a road accident in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district.

Officials said that among the dead was a squadron leader of the IAF.

Officials said the accident took place between 3 and 4 am on Thursday morning when the Scorpio, in which the air force personnel were travelling in, met with an accident at the Malangpora village. The police got to know of the accident when the air force personnel informed them. The injured personnel are being treated at Army’s base hospital.

A senior police officer confirmed the accident and said that two personnel had been killed and two others were injured. It’s not clear yet why the air force personnel were travelling in the wee hours. The place where the accident took place is located near the air force station.

“Very sorry to hear about the loss of lives in this accident. Condolences to the families of Sq Ldr Pandey & Corp Kumar, may their souls rest in peace. Prayers for the injured, hope they make a complete & speedy recovery,” tweeted former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah.
So is it cover up for SU30 MKI kill?
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