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2 Air Force personnel including a squadron leader killed, 2 others injured in road accident in Awant

how much do you wanna bet the squadron leader is the same su30 pilot that was shot down...now they are covering it up by killing him in a "car accident" so that they won't have to pay benefits and retirement pension to his family...

So after taking credits for deaths due to disease, now you people are taking credits for road accidents too, lol.
quite the contrary...seems like your government trying to cover up the air combat defeats & deaths of your pilots by killing them off in accidents so that they don't have to pay the deceaseds' families pension and benefits...
quite the contrary...seems like your government trying to cover up the air combat defeats & deaths of your pilots by killing them off in accidents so that they don't have to pay the deceaseds' families pension and benefits...

No we dont have such expertise as yours.
There is no doubt about that. You guys will have an all hindu state with no minorities. Because Minorities will have their own countries.
Yup in pakistan...:-) Anyone that picks up gun against the republic of India will be eliminated, India>Religion!!!! Do whatever you can:agree:

quite the contrary...seems like your government trying to cover up the air combat defeats & deaths of your pilots by killing them off in accidents so that they don't have to pay the deceaseds' families pension and benefits...
They will be paid double the amount, who told you this? every single Permanent commissioned officer/soldier is entitled to pension and his family is paid 60% of his last salary, his children will get free education at best universities, get good jobs, they will be given double the amount of money he was supposed to get on retirement, the pilots family would get close to 1.5-2 crores as he died while on duty, soldier would get upto 30-40 lacs..
No we dont have such expertise as yours.
of course you don't...if you did, your flyboys wouldn't have gotten shot outta the skies! ;)

They will be paid double the amount, who told you this? every single Permanent commissioned officer/soldier is entitled to pension and his family is paid 60% of his last salary, his children will get free education at best universities, get good jobs, they will be given double the amount of money he was supposed to get on retirement, the pilots family would get close to 1.5-2 crores as he died while on duty, soldier would get upto 30-40 lacs..
that is what your government is aiming for...IF they died in the line of duty...kill him off in a car accident and it is no longer "dying in the line of duty" and therefore, his family is no longer entitled to anything! typical crooked banya mentality... :lol:
of course you don't...if you did, your flyboys wouldn't have gotten shot outta the skies! ;)

that is what your government is aiming for...IF they died in the line of duty...kill him off in a car accident and it is no longer "dying in the line of duty" and therefore, his family is no longer entitled to anything! typical crooked banya mentality... :lol:
You got any proof? Conspiracy theory? he is entitled to a pension even if he dies sleeping at home, is that good enough for you to understand that?
You got any proof? Conspiracy theory? he is entitled to a pension even if he dies sleeping at home, is that good enough for you to understand that?
:lol: proof chahiya? ayh lay tera proof, take it as a "kadhara" slap across your stupidass face! :lol:
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your own soldiers complain that soldiers killed on the border and brushed aside saying they committed suicide or died in accidents or in a bar fight or went awol disappeared or body not found, blah blah blah, so the government doesn't have to pay their families!
So after taking credits for deaths due to disease, now you people are taking credits for road accidents too, lol.
No. We know your pilot died because of "technical fault".

Yup in pakistan...:-) Anyone that picks up gun against the republic of India will be eliminated, India>Religion!!!! Do whatever you can:agree:

We don't need to do anything. Modi will do everything for us.

And apparently you dont need a reason to kill people in your own country. You are already killing minorities since 1947.

:lol: proof chahiya? ayh lay tera proof, take it as a "kadhara" slap across your stupidass face! :lol:
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your own soldiers complain that soldiers killed on the border and brushed aside saying they committed suicide or died in accidents or in a bar fight or went awol disappeared or body not found, blah blah blah, so the government doesn't have to pay their families!
No point giving proof to indian sheep. They are like a donkey following a carrot on the stick hung by Modi infront of them.
Yup in pakistan...:-) Anyone that picks up gun against the republic of India will be eliminated, India>Religion!!!! Do whatever you can:agree:
which shithole of india are you living in? pull your turd covered head outta your arse, look outside and realize that your so called "republic of india" can't even protect its own chef or army staff bipin rawat. Anyone who picks up a gun against india can hit india WHERE they want and WENT they want and all that your so called "republic of india" can do about it retaliation after wasting hundreds of billions on latest weaponary is only kill 3 trees and a black crow!!! :rofl: :lol:
We were expecting a downed Su 30 to turn up after the placement of wreckage of a Mig 27.
But guess what instead the Indians decided to present the pilots of the Su 30.
Remember there have to be two pilots for Su 30, thus two officers killed, one SQ leader makes perfect sense.
May be the Indians are too shy to disclose a Su 30 "Crash" (read kill on 27th Feb).
kiyon bay chutiyay...apna proof daikh liya "kadhayrr" kay? barra maynduk ki tarha phudak raha tha tu, ab kia saamp soongh giya tujhay?! 8-)
which shithole of india are you living in? pull your turd covered head outta your arse, look outside and realize that your so called "republic of india" can't even protect its own chef or army staff bipin rawat. Anyone who picks up a gun against india can hit india WHERE they want and WENT they want and all that your so called "republic of india" can do about it retaliation after wasting hundreds of billions on latest weaponary is only kill 3 trees and a black crow!!! :rofl: :lol:
Bruv... These Indians are so stupid that Israel gave them a smart bomb but they managed to turn that into a dumb bomb that missed its target.
Expecting a logical response from them is like asking a turd to flush itself in the toilet.

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